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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i ?? . v'~qlE :- - ' P On Tarorsliay lait, at Gadl, a near Beawtnari, n OTheuLady o Owen Owens, E.,q Solicitor, ofri a l son the Lady Ch~ar lotte Nhviilt Granvilla, fof a sort.ill.el On the 19tb inst. at Raydran H~all nc~ar Oriord, .i Suffojlk, Mirs. lKeer, of'a daughter . -. 1MAUSTAGZ 0 On tie 14tli inst. at St. Bridget's church, lTes-. terMr. Eddisbnry, if lolyswell, t(imiss llRatclflc, f. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... gl3bivUt0. .}Urr iagr0, &Z i~EatfW')30, On the 2d inst. Mrs. Williams, of the Crown and Anchor tavern, Carintrvot, oft daughter. Litelv, Mllary Burinan, of Cottage Court, Bristol, of two boys and a girl, all doing well. 1uAfr.UAGZS. Im On the 24th tilt. by the Rev. Divid 6ryffydh, at LlanfiirpwIlgwyngytl, Auglesey, Mr. John Jones, of Penitebo, to Elhlinor, eldest daughter of Mr. William Jones, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 15tat0l, aslarrianco, & iDratto., In the East Indies, the lady of F.l B. Doaseton, Esq. of a daughter. On the 26th ult. at Aberyatwith, the lady bf Join I Hughes, Esq. of Alltlwyd, of a duillghter. MARRIAGES. On the lst inst. at St. Dnvid's church, Liverwool, by the Rev. R. .)avies, Mr. Edward Lot-is, of 'Lhla- twst, to Missc Howard, of slinbgton, Liverpool. I In tbo East Indies, Jolin Wilton, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B3trtb0, ;It rria~gt0P & Dveatsi. On the 28th ult tat loenllan, Denlbighshire, Leonard Richard Willan, Esq. M23.M.L. of St Peter's Coil lege, Cambridge, to Alicia, third daughter of the late, Joseph Ptel; Esq. of Staponltill, in the county of Derby. On the 2nd inst. at Gresford by the Rev. C. Par- kins, Mr. William Palin, of Stapletbfld Hall, Cheshire, to Mary Eleanor, only daughter of John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... = U}ivi~tJ0, gttaral: gst, .& D~taltiM0. r On Thursday, the d inst. at Pint IHlowellI, Angle- I soy, the laidy of' H. A. Welsh, Fsq. of a soil. I On, the stY inst. Mrs. George E vans, of thle Sports- ,oast H-fotel, C.rnaarvon, of a son. r, MAURRAGES. 1 On the ist inst. at Satton-on-the-iTill, by the 11ev. i . T. T leynln, A.IVI. Ricliard Jones, of Mordoil Lodge, it, tile conoty of Surrey, Esq ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS BIRTHS Ols the I7th in;t. the lady of the Rev. J. W.Trevor, Vieer of Lkiuiheblig, of ; daughter. ih O*in te rtth inst. at Bryn-Helen, near Carnarvon, Mrs. Preece, of it son anmd heir. MARRIAGES On the 14th inst. at Lianwvenilwyfo, Anglosev by the her. Evan Iltughes, Mr. Hugh Hughes, oflthos- di illyntlrch, to Charlotte, third datughter of Capt.Jones, cr of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... sitpejj slwant litr iS a~ls l siltti itth l'dtihiy. , _ '1iV1%J0t~ f lnrsxiagt0, &g DiwaIIv, On Th'ursday, the 6th inst. the lady ofJ. Williarms Ellis, Esq. of a daughter. Onl the 1.4th ult, at GOrwcyn-foo-r, the lady of'Col. Sit Robert Cunlifte, Bart. of Acton Par]k, Denbigh- shire, of a son. On the 31st tilt. at Col. Kriyvett Leightoll's, ill Shrowosbry, the la(dy of Tlowi-as fletiry lsope, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ti'irt110i, Ataxrrtagf , & flralim. ?? ' ~~B~ilRlS. On the VSd inst. at Conway, the lady of the Rev. John Owen of it son. At Tanrnlilt, on the 2.51h inst. the lady of Edward Carreg, Esq. of a son aid heir. ' On the 12th inst. at Tetiby, the lady of Di. Paget, M.D. ofa daughter. Onu. the 17tlh inst. at the Rectory, Cound, Salop, the lady ofthe Rev.. E. H. Owen, of ason. . . , - llMARRI.AGEwiSi. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... :DPl.k'II 01: DONNA lltANCISCA OF SPAlN. (Frills tieC .410iriiy Post.) I) i IThursilty mttornilng, at :15 mintites past 11, di I, a( her lrIesiovite, Albert' Smike, G,(Iprot, Doliina ilaria ?? (le Brizanita,, Queen of Spabl .Sthe was horn April 12, lSh, was us'r- riedl ti the Iofainte Don Carlos Ile Iloirbtioll, tile 29thl of Septemllber, Ilslt, and leaves three sons, all wvith tier at thu ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fift§, rtiageo, s; mrawt. On tbe TOth inst. Mrs. Wmn. Oriffith, druggist, of this city, af t son, - = t1MRRAGES, ; On the 24th inst. at Llanddausant, Anglesey,.by the Rev. John Evans, Robert Bulkeley, Esq. Gro- nant, to Barbara, youngest dnughter of MIr. John Prichard, Bull's Head, LlanddausnAt. On the 22nd inst. at Llanwnda church, Mr. W. WVilliarms, of .ount Pleasant Inn, Llanwada, to Miss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... p t1he 7th Julne lusts ;It Agra, Eusi Indies Lieuto Francis Burton' l~oilesu, ot- tII 1111 Thie Liut Horse Artillery, second son Of' S o lipo lly .o± *Carnarvon, to Sardi, duughter of' the hate ~\1ijo Durie, of his Alak-eatSu a4th ?? l jer c OI huda 4tv-Ith just altL(IhI) \ton irwick- ld odire, by the Rev. Clit5. Pixell, AM,, 'Onn wes, Esq. surgeonsof Colesh iil, to Ajar Ant' o1n dgllI- ter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... a 'Eivto ,Julrriagoro, A; Dira J0., BIRTH. Onl Ilie 5thl utt. at lanhbdr, ?ierionethshire, the e lady of the Rev. ?? F. linker, of adaughter. WIARRIAGMS. I On the '24th alt.;at C. taollog, Mr. Robort Roberts, t bin keepeO, of thlilt place, to Aiics Lloyd, late of Bryn- , rsolde, A::gLes-y. e Co 11liariiiey, the'02101 tlt. at North Moels Rector, d by the Rev. Mir. Vanibergli, James hiltoll, ...