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Aberdeenshire, Scotland


Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Purdisheed Otis Day, Price 7s. 6dI. z.ECESSITFcOF P'OPULAIR EDUCATION AS A NA4'PIONAL OBtJECT. Wi1th Hint3 on the Tieatniept of Crimials:0, and Observatloos on 1ho1icidabl In1sanity. liv JAMSi SIMPSON. ltSZ. Advocate. A. and C. BLACNc, Edinlburlgh; liuowx & Co. Aberdeen. THEI FRENCH LANGUAGEr ACQUIRED AVITHOUT A TRACHB11. lin 8vo. price l~s. time Fifth Edlitionm, timorotilly-ll revised and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i42W P10I2iliCAT'I0XS, - 6Sd by JOHN MAratssoN, 38, Eroad Street, Aberdeefl. r COUNSEL FOR EMIGRANTS, with interesting information L from numerous sources, and Original Letters frota Canada and T the United States. Price 2s. T FERGUSON'S TOURS IN CANADA, in the years 1831 aoud 1833. Price 7s. (id. 1 Do. SECOND TOUR, with the Map. Iriee 2s. (Cdt. STUART'S THRE11 YEAIRS IN Ai\IEhICA, 2 vls. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ErE Co.t5IN fEITT 01 .L.\J)iF.s offtile AI3EU,1DHEN SoCIEFTY ~Tfur CLOTlHE\G tlhe 1NDUSTRIOUS lPO(R alainl Sl~ubit t. tilt,riih'an tic P'ttblic the result of their Is bout'sI n' tibe too last si''Otis. In iO toicv so, they admirnletilge wih rte fl nathet colit ioleil pri~ tnae they havo. iecoivedi, andl bi-z lent'L to ?? the helie tia t, w hi ii tiny, youth tit tot employ the( funds, In 10Ith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in that LAST vrIlhT BUT TWO Or MR AtND MaSS VANDENHOFF'S PI whose EN~GAGEMENTI. handed For the DHNEFIT of 19Ir. VANDENROT'F. Onl Friday Evenictg, 14th March, 18834, vvill be pi'sexitedl~ ,w hayi- SlInckepeare's Tiageuly of- nit the .HADIL E T. lie sue- HAM LET, - iy Mu VA7VDENHOFF. Girdle- OrnytLIA. by I-Miss VANDENHOFF. health After wvhich a Comic Interlutde inl otie Act, u The Day after the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUlE.P SALE OF LADIES' MOOTS AND rsIo~ss, &C. FOR 'ITWO ltVEXX8': ON!A', so, Unttan street. bI P DLER Sl CO. in orider to i:01ce rooM fin' their Wi tir L. T~ Stink, liavt', this day, coin iiience d a Snle of' tih'enll'ntf Anle Aril ides. at zroatilv RedIo red Price-S LADIFS' SU M RilIII's, -5i~. in wi. fEl. very liest. GU I)itESP ElI Ols, inl ?? varotel . WALKING Do. Do).S IPARASOLES, 3S 01. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GTNERAL WOOLLEN A1AD COTTON WAREHOUSE, 29, UNION STREET, (UP STAIRS.) HARVEY HALL & Co., fWAVE to anmolice tie ?? of an extensive Stock of GOODS, fiselected by their J. HAiLr, unlder every advantage, in the principal Malmancturing Towvns in England. HATIVEY HALL aid JOIIN JHALLT., individual Partners of the above firm, beg leave to intimate, that the business will now' be con- d octed under ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON1 SALE, AT TME SUBSCRBEER'S, T URNIP SEEDS, of Vl'rious Sorts, ?? Wile Globe, Green I Globe, ?? Top, Yellow Bi.llock, Rled or Greeb Tops, Fit id Yellow, lled, W4brite, aid Yellow Tankard, anut Swedisli. These Sieds are carefully selected, and will be obund good in qua- lity, and true to their kinds. Patent SCYTHES, SNEADS, STRICKLES, TulrNIP HoEs, SCYTHIE STONES, of ten different sorts. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Juzst Pubelishrdl, B e cO .ColrA & Oo. ll, Walerloo Place, London. Mestrs A. BiOlVN & CO. 71, Union Street, Aberdeen, Ann' to be had oJ all Booksellers and Newsmen, price 2d. No. I. of TEE AGRICULTURAL AND INDVUTRIAS MAGAZINE OF THS Sociesyfor the Eacouiragemenlt ?? Industry antdfor Pro. ,aoting Ejctua l Relieffrom the General Distress. CO?01ITTEE. ('lUirman-E. 5. CAYLEY, Esq. M.P. Yorkshire, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIURCUI OF SCOTLAND VINDICATED. just Published, by P. -GRA, Biond Street, and to be had of the Boolisellers, Price 3d. ACCOUNT OF THlE PROCEEDINGS CCl To FRSCT5'i AhImRTINt Ot TIIF A-BERDE15-N CZAUItCri OF SCOTLAND SOCIETY, INet' in Trliuitil C/ha'pel so Thlrsla'tnthe 151th of Mapl last. A full Repo)rt of Lthe S P EECH ES ilelivere'l at ?? Svcondt or Adi-i jtturned Meetillig will lii speiel Iy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WESTPhIALIAN RAWS. VHE SUflCsit5llar has jilst received a supply of particularly iill . T flavouted WlESTPHALIAN HAMS, small sized, amn SL ected J by a Friend upoll the spot. Hle has also got a large lot of the celebrated SCOTCH STILTON 5 CHEESg. The nildernloled articles he can, with the greatest confidence, re- C commend :- t Strail Coloured BRANDY, 10 years olhl. Pale Do. Do. C vears old. d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -- FRSGORDONSitLK MEarCE, isnonw.sellinsr his extensive J SIOck rfEDINBURGi. PAISLEY, and FRENCH SHAWLS, ?? with the -em;1;11;nr I)art oF his SUMMER STOCK, at a qa.Erther RehlrrCtion Of Prices: the ?? are particularly worthy of notice:- rDINBITJ.G IFILLtED SIAwVLS, 3s. t0os3. INDIA P RINTEID CHAPE do. 7s. Cl. to itl. PRtNTFD CHAI.t dO. Is. Wd. to 3t. 4. a REAL FRENCH CHAI.Y DRESSES, at London ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MOST EEXTENSIVr AND ELEGANT STOCE OF CHINA, GLASS, AND STONEWARE, FOR SALE, Ever offered in the North of Scotland. i EOROGE MFARNS, finding himself unable, ftom his state of '3_w health, to Oive that attention to his Business which it requires, has resolved to retir,;e an1d, with al view to theilitate which, he has comtnenced selling off his extensive Stock of CHINA, DINNER, DESSERT, and TITlA ...