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... D DEATHS. 33irtD. On the 20th. instant, at Highfield, near Wigan, Mrs. John Woodcock, of a son. pantviagro. At Bowden, Mr. James Drew, of the Gas office, Town Hall, to Jane, second daughter of Mr. Thomas Luckman, attorney, of this town. On the 15th. instant, at St. John's Church, Mr. Francis Little, surgeon, of Hulme, to Miss Ann Hall, daughter of Mr. William Hall, dyer, Irwell Mills, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , , , jgarrtagg0.-: On Wednesday last, Mr. John'Swarbrick, to Miss Jane Speakman.. . On Monday last, ;Mr.. Thomas Mc Clennati, of Blacki burn, to Miss Mary Stocks, of this town. ' , On Tuesday laht, Mr. John Price, to Miss Mary Bolton. . On Monday last, Mr. John Robinson, to.Diss Mary Boyd. Same day, Mr. Rich. Miller, to Miss Margaret Jackson. Same day, Mr. Robert Suminer, to Miss Margery ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ¶arrlRe~. On Saturday last, Mr. Thomas Jackson, to Miss Ann Robinson. Same day, Mr. Richard Kilner, to Miss Margaret Thompson. Same day, Mr. Hugh Groggir,, to Miss Elizabeth Goodier. Same day, Mr. Thomas Mlarkland, to Miss Mary Pearson. On. Monday last, Mr. Christopheci.Toiilinson, to Miss Jane Gunnion. Same day, Mr. Thomas Jackson, to Miss Ann Gibson. On Thursday last, Mr. John Livesey, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Lately, at Leghorn, J. F. Close, Eaq., to Eliz3, eldest daugh. s ter of tle late i. trock Wood, Esq., of Huntington House, near Chester. At the same time, Captain J. Markham, R. N., grandson oi the late Archbishop of York, to Mariannte, young. t est daughter of' the same J. B. Wood, Esq. On the 3rd. instant, at Cleattr, Mr. Burns, sitreon, ot I Whitehaven, to Agnes, youngest datighter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... te Oate 2Dlh. ult., at Carrick . n Lodu yfountY ofexford, ield icihari Browije Ci ode eu tyonflaWe , i ly nl o aer son n .e toil, Esq., ol AdlingtOn Hall B.ID this collilly, ofa: sonI and he'll g , iO the o2it, ult.. at Everton Church, Mr. George Wakefield. h. Ltnioti.wit to Soarh, second dtaiutghter of the late Mr. Aaron i LrnoofLive, pool. Cs Oni Ille '18th. kit, tiC Itile Parislt rtwtie of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Tuesday last, Mr. Thomas Stephenson, to Miss Ann Heywood ; on Monday last, Mr. John Gardner, to Miss Mary ljogg, Mr. Joseph Wilding, to Miss Elien Barham ; Mr. William Spencer, to Miss Maria Neill ; Mr. Henry Walmsley, to Miss Elizabeth Hodgkinson; on Saturday last, Mr. Thomas Whiteside, to Miss Susannah Howard Mr. Joseph Wearden, to Miss Ann Duxbary all of this parish. On the 8th inst., at ...

?? &=:enld 3wtftd, *

... rrined, & Beat~td. MARRIFD, On the 22d of April last, at the British Consulate Church, Buenos Ayres, South America, Mr. Robert Mitchell, late of Canpbeltown, Argyleshire, North Briton, to Jane, fourth daughter of Mr. John Tweedie, forruerlyof Ayrshire, Scotland. I On Thursday, the 3d ult. at Cleator, Mr. Burns, surgeon, of I Wbitehaven, to Agnes. youngest daughter of Jonas Lindow, Y Esq. of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED, b Spencer. relict of JamoeXsf Sece~r.h hofhis town.vle ?? Oss us day-th~e4h1ni ?? M '.hs.atwoodl, eineof Pre e ston, ?? ara newhr fourth daughter | D.urxtont Elizea~d Ann, only daughlter o~f the Bates Mr. Ed.| On Sunday last, at Sr. Philip's Church, Mr. Joseph Laycoek, Of 'hi iddtleton, and late of this town, to Missy targarec Davies, On Monday last, at Christ's Church, by the Rev. J. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t .4+ 5!1B.*5'i( i 2 S h c = L ,ry Church,.Sb. ~~ FrIenkjto.Betty Fr1#4na,.~strje itpu &gea .a t c 1, house, at Gehr Cbarles as ` 5 ItasrickY~r ~ahite oriiand, Joseph Triis't Clay,. of i Will. oqftKondaL * ane, edest daughter of Aithe lat On Satssrdaj. the 1lhisat b peg ~cpe i h ~ ChaelR~ysj~~1~ Dblin ~'rde~l Wilise Esq.' Of the~t th ll4Th]anh, son .Of Rlsichard WillisaqofHseadn thi~ eooiity, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 4th inst. at Bank tHall, Wartington, ?? of J. Wilson Patten, Esq., M.P., of' a daugliter. ?? Sunday lst, at St. Wilfrid's Chapel, hy. the Rev Geo. pIlsgerson, a; d or the tfllewing day, at the Palrishj Church, bv tlle Itev. It. Carus Wilson. viear, NFr. Siirotel M-Nal)y. Jn Janc, eldest daughter ot Mr. Duckett. broker, all of this ln.M 'to Saturday Inst, at the Parish Cburch, Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ed hdt DEATH OF UR. RICHARD LANDER. 'ed The report of the death of this enterprising gentleman, Of which we gave in our last, has been unfortunately con. at gv norI ith firmed beyond the possibility of a doubt, as we stated in a ive second edition. The following statement of the sad event us has been politely furnished from the very best source:- - nts ' Mr. Richard Lander expired at Fernando ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... oil Monday last, Mr. William Jackson, of Woodpluray- ton, to M iss Mlary Copeland, of this town. On Saturday last, Mr. George Morris, to Miss Margaret Walmiley ; on Tuesday last, Mr. John Calvert, to Miss Ann Fisher; on Monday last, Mr. John BPinbridge, to Miss Margaret Lyon ; Mr. Benjamin Raby, to Miss I Ann Wilson; on Saturday last,. lr. Richard Yates,' to Miss Ann Pirker; Mr. Joseph Clare, ...