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Advertisements & Notices

... UIIUIUclI ENSTONE. rVO be LET, anti entered upon at Lady Day,-A j -i good and commodious HOUSE, fit for the rcsidence of A a sportsman, or any genteel family, with an excellent garden AU', coach house, stablc, saddle room, &c. and a larcl Close of Pasture Lantd, of about Three Acres, in front, situated in the centre and best part of the Duke of Beaufort's hunt, Brillih and about ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DMano-jrr'tf Sesswells Barton. ' T is particularly requested that all qualified persons A.. will refrain from sporting on the above Manor, as the or Game is strictly preserved. All trespassers will be prose- l cuted. dENRY HALL, Lord of the said Manor. FHE under-mentioned Owners anti Occupiers of rI Lands on the East side of the Banbury Road, in the parish of SAsINT GILEs, O(xford, give ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Married Gentleonan, a Member of the Royal Col- A lege of Surgeons, London, and Licentiate of the Apo- thecaries' Hall, who is in general practice in a market town OJ in Oxfordshire, is desirous of receiving a well-educated Youth into his hotse as a PUPIL. Mr Mist respectable references will be given, and further par- ticulars may be had on application to Messrs. Haldon and r Lowndes, Journal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ladies' Semlutarry, -lTeadinf ton, near O.sforrd. ISS HANWiELI. respectfully inforitis her ML frieods her SCHOOL will re-open on Alonday the 21st instant. Oxforod City Reading Society 7IHE 'third Anniversary Dinner of this Society T will take place at the WEres INN, o0; TIHURSDAY NEXT, July 10, 1834. AIr. JOSEPII PLOWMAN in the Chair. Mr. BRUNNER Mr. IATIMUR, Stewards. Air. WARNE, t Tickets ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A Medical Gentleman, wvho has for upwards of 20 . years been successfully engaged in the treatment of thl Insane and Imbecile in Mtind', and wilo takes Four Patients only, will shortly have a vacancy for onC Patient, of either sex. The Estalblisihment is pleasantly situated in a thealthy viliasre, near Leaneington Spa, and is replete with every requisice comftort tend convenience. Mfedical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNIP SREED WfAG:1REHOUSE, iMARKET PLACE, STOW.ON-THE.WOLD. we AALFRED TANNER,I Tf 1PRESSED with sentiments of gratitude to his 1, Lagricultural friends for the very liberal support he has ,, experienced for the last ten years, informs them he has j3st1 I. received a fresh supply of genuine TURNIP SEEDS 'of :C every sort, from the growers, the whole of which he can wiithl h confidence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... h, r0 be LET, and entered upon immediatel y,-A to I. FARAI, consisting of a Honmestall, and about 183 lie Acres of excellent Grass and Arabie Land.-To treat for the re same apply (post paid) to Mr. Dorrington, solicitor, Thame. g, P.URSUANT'1 to the Statutes now in force for or I. enabling Spiritual Persons to exchange their Parsonage th Houses or Glebe Lands,_NAroice is hereby given, That ...

Advertisements & Notices

... h 'aTW ANTED,-An APPRENTICE by a MIL- WWtLINER and DRESSBIAKER.-Enquire of Aliss 0 Masters, Cirencester. , ANTl'ED,-A respectable well-educateclYouth), aW % as an APPRENTICE to a PRINTER, BOOK- a SELLER, STATIONER, and BOOKBINDER, where i fhc will have an excellent opportunity of obtaining a practical n knowledge of his business. and be treated as one of the family. _ Apply at ?? Office, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FfO be LET, wvith immediate possession, a HOUSE, and large garden, with three-stalled stable and coa:h- house, situated on the Mill llill, Iffley.-For particulars apply to Mrs. Nowell, Iffley. T1¶ be LE'T,-One inclosed and compact FARM L of Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land, vith a good Farm House and Buildings in its centre, containing 150 Acres; and another DAIRY FAR:Ci of 1f60 Acres of Pas- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HI NTI.'sVT ADPO!fTMlEFArTS' l .~111t. DltAr;ES HIOUNDS. Tuesday, Mtarch 11 ?? at Priors Alarston. Thur sdayy, ?? at Waterperry Wood. Satuday a . ?? at Bourton Village. 1tn. LOWNDES STONE'S. WVednesday ' . .t Elofielld. l U11rcla Alz lmiouslay Soclety. A SERMON, on behalf of this Society, will be 1 preached at the Church of St. Pcter's-in-the-East, TO-MORROW, Sunday morning, March 16, by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JI &RKER BOTT, of Nottingham, DMNTIrST, begs i:_ lcave to inform his friends and the public in general that he has disposed of the entire Property in the fbllowing well-known and valuable Articles to Messrs. BARCLAY asd SONS, Farringdon-street, London, whose names will in future be afliged to each bottle or box of thegenuine Preparations: BOTT's TOOTH POWDER, price ls. I d. and 2s. Vd. BOTT's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fiwast ¶ wveisl 2nd 11¢Ctel, ARUNDEL STREET, near Temple Bar, London. Mc THOMAS SNELUS ESPECTFULLY begs leave to acquaint his Nl 'friends, and the inhabitants of Oxford generally, that I he has taken and entered on the above old established House, and l iolos, by unremitting attention, and by supplying Wines r and Spirits, of th lirst qu ality, at the most moderate charges, to merit the ...