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At Aston, John Wclch

... man Whateley, Esq. of Bennett's Hill, Birmningham, to Lucy, eldest daughlter of I. Spooner, REsq. ?? [lall, Warwickshire.-At laeven, Beverley, Benjando Collett, Esq. to Charlotte Harriet, 2d daughter of tbe lev. George Sampson, Rector of Leven.Lt Mr. Thomas Hadley, of Biruringhamr, to IE mma, fourth dlaughter of Mr. John Cooper, of WVarwick.-Mr. Edw. Hickman, surgeon, of Stourbridge, to Martha ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lyAURIRID. The Rev. Chas. Holloway, Rector of Standford Dingley, Becrls, to Cathterine, daughter of( C. Tomnpson, Esq. of Great Witchinghain Hall, Noetolk.-At Calstock, the Rev. Henry Dlorshead, Il. A. Rector of Kelly, Devon, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of W. L. Salusbury Trelawtty, Esq. of Hare- wood, Cornwall, and M. P. for the Nerth-eastern Division of the SiCm ?? Pitninster, the Rev. ...

MARRIED. At the chur

... ch of St. Giles in the Fields, both by banns and licence, the Rev. Robert Taylor, B. A. to Harriet Robin- son, relict of the late Thomas Robinson, Esq.-At St. Mary le bone Church, the Rev. F. G. Rawlins, only son of J. Rawlins, Esq. of Clarence-terrace, Regent's-park, to Mary Elizabeth, second daughter of T. Chambre, Esq. of' Notting- ham-place, and widow of the late Charles Hesse, Esq.-At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARIt IED. Joseph WVells, Esq. of George-street, Plymouth, to Har- riet Elizabeth, eldest dauglhtcr of the Rev. J. Edsall, of W'oodbury, Devon.-J. R. Ware, Esq. surgeon, of South- anlipton, to Aliss S. Attwood, of B:isingstokc.-Mr. All. P. Drover, of the George Commercial Imn, Andover, to Mliss Sarah Cole, of Longstock.-Mr. Williatu Churchman, of Woldugham, to Mlary Ilatthews Reeves, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Norwood. the Rev. A. C. Bishop, to Lucy, the only daughter of Sir James and Lady Frances Weddcrburne.- At l~itilington, tne Rev. Edward Johnoon to Mary, only daughterof the Rev. T. Scott, of Claphulm Hlouse, Sussex,- The Rev. Mr. A. Weguelin, Reotor of South Stolc, Sussex, to Emma, dauighter of Thomson llankey, Esq. of Portland- ?? thc Cathedral, Salisbury. Thouas Talumn, Esq. to Louisa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... M1ARIMED. A~t Giliin-harnf, Dorset, by the Rter. Henry~ Deane, Archerl James Croft, Esq. of Greenhain Lodge, licrits, to Elizabeth, eldesit daughter of Honry Boyle Deanc, .sq.-At Tenhy, Capt. Puckford, R.N. to Mary,. youngist daughter of thle Rev,. J. F. Muckleston, D. D. Pebordaey of Lichfield and Wolverhampton-At 'St. eorge's, sanvernqufalr, Win. Archibald Campbell, Esq. of Withon-plae, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IWA1RRH3ED . At St. George's, Ilanover-square, Charles Pym, Esq. to Georgianta (3rtrude, relict of Edward Wallice, Esq. of Lcarnington.-A t Felbrigg, Colonel Sir Henry Fred. Cooke, C. B. to Catherine, daughter of the late Vice-Admirnal Wyndham, of ?? Hall, Norfolk.-At the Sardinian Chapel, Lincoln's Ina-tields, and efterwards at St. Pancras New Church, Antonio l~1aria Delachi, Esq. of Burton- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... X AnREIED. The Rev. WV. G. lBloore, Rector of Wcst lterkivith, and Vicar of Stixwold, Lincoln;shire, t Emily Ann, only daught. ter of T. A ndrews, Esq. of Upper llomerion, and wvidow of Major G. A. Ribtv.-At Eigbaston, the Rev. 11. Wreford, of Coventry, to Mary, ynungest daughter of J. Ridout, Esq. or Birmingham.-At Hyde, the Rev. Wm. Doarwin Fox, to IHarriet, second daughitcr of the late Sir ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At St. Dunnatarn's, Stepney, George, flurtli son of Lhel aie John Harkness, Esq. of Rateliff, to Agncs Jane, youngest daughter of the late George Buchanan, Esq. of Sherborne, Dorset.-At St. Leonard's, London, Francis Hudson, Esq. 61st Regiment, to Louisa, second daughter of the late Jas. Esdaile Hamtnet, Esq.-At Edgbaston, Owen Owen, Esq. of Colesbill, Warwickshire, to Mary Anne, only daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MA RRIED . At Sleet, the seat of his Grace the Duke of Northutmhbr- land, Viscount Ilohnesdala, only surviving son of Earl-Ani- herst, to Miss Gertrude Percy, fourth daughter of the Lord Bishop of Carlisle, and niece to the Earl of Beverley.-At Llaugharne, Carinarthenrhire, the Rev. Wm. ?? Ewbank, B. A. Vicar of Grindon, Durham, to Justina Elinor, eldeW daughter of the late Hon. Sir George ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At Patrixbourn, Sir Jolin Edward llonywood. Bart, of Evington, [(cut, to Blary, second daughter of the Rev. C. 11. Hallett, of Ifighnam, same ?? Ardcarne, Charles Leslie, Esq. son of the Bishop of ~phlin, to the Ion. Bliss Frances King, daughter of Viscount Lorton.-At Monks. town, near Dublin, Lord Viscount Nettervile to Eliza, third daughter of Joseph Kirwan, Esq.-Matthew Snoolie, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MIYARRIED. John Casley, Esq. of Guildford.street, Russell.square, to Maria, youngest daughter of the late John Braddick, Esq. of Boughton Mount, Kent.-William Thomas Christopher, Esq. of Great Coram.street, to Harriet, widow of Geo. James Taylor, Esq. of the Bengal Civil Service.-At Beckenham, Kent, J. B. .Monro, Esq. of the Middle Temple, to Emily, eldest daughter of the late Robert WVebber, ...