Advertisements & Notices

... ,in BJLIOUS' AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. her, A S sluid and effectual ientedy for showe dis.-rderp which who orighiate in a morbid action, ot the Liver und Hiliiry and Organs, namely, lindigestion, Loss of Appetite, Head ache. Ives Heartburn, Flaitulencies, Spasmus, Costiventats, Affectiunis of two the Livtr, &c. &c. The ' ' DIX(N's ANT'IBILIOUS Pll IS n of ( Which do not cordain Mercury in any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'as ,ctlido2/lic 4t/l ?? tuiy, CLWK it ill del ret, iti ?? se-Iloomi, Marisclual Col- fit at LEC~t) lIE of a PoplIrI Course oil tile it Scioitce 01 III. X 'to 1;. ?? to tdies a elas to Gentlemen, P) and o b coninud 'i th sam iiiv very' Satutsiiby, till thle enid of I ?? ub~-iace' thle .eSlpliciitiotn of that Science to tlic lit; t; ?? ~ppeirittii'S o iii1it aint its ~Iklafloli to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pBY-SHIIRE COAL MINE. TO E, LET, r , TER-t OF YEARS TO BE AGREED ON; by' well known Colliery called DENBY OLD It 1T~6lIWERY, situate in the Parish of DENBY, in ty0f Derby, now in working. The Coal, consisting tqecntY Soft and Hard Coal. is of acknowledged superior 00tli and in abundant quantity, and under the levels now q50risg an extensive bed of very valuable Coal peculiarly adapted to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GAMITE. NOTICE TO POACIIERS. WiTHERFAS, several Poachie's have lately been seen Shootillg aind Killill' (;:llle oil thle EARiL of ?? Estaltes, ill be tis' igcinh boi 'hoosi otf I-i stol'e an Inseitiruty, during his ahisellce,- rs Notice iS tqreby given, that the Ground Oflisers, Foruster, and As. t s. sistants, ?? been instructed to look ont totc andi appiellend all t ve offenders; antI that a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAST INDJIA ROUSE, hri. Sib 104. iE Court of Directors of the Visited 100ilny Qf -MereAsmitsof Englaned it adiVo to tflEas*.efIssue, do kareby Athe paeor etcent. Carnatle Stick areglaiered Inl loauson -will ei, * h Ouse 0te tsoJuynext, bron which day theIners It~ cgeaaeiv Pincpe and Ifiteteat of euch Stock, th at-wilt become lbs salItUP tof July will be discounted at the rate of three per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3!10 13, St. rary's Gate, Derby jS S R. A N C I S respeLtlully in.'orms her F Sietdg tha her School will re-commence onT Thurs. ;dsr The 23d joary, 18134. ~ijt Deembi 133. ACADLY lY, WAIWW K. WILLIAM Y. WILSON, VSIUES to announce to his friends and the I unerally, his intention of re-uing his School J ublic g 1 me,,S ,on Monday, Jniuary 20th, 1834, in a commo. xniplOy . mfrtable Room which is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... es ' DERBY FAIR. es >11 '1l1I E Public are desired to take 'Notice, that a he IFA Rlt for HORNED CATTLE. SHEEP, PIGS, &C. he will be held in the usual places in Derby, on Friday the ey TENTH day of January next, 1834, the day after Duffidl ey Fair. he DOUGLAS FOX, Is' Derby, Dec. 24, 1833. MAYOR. if to MIDLAND COUNTIES RAILWAY. he UNDER THE FATRONAGE OF 'lit TheRight Honorable the ViSCOUNT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ==- Poe lope, their rll ~tiful Lhemoe Un iing- alw t EOROUGHzOF DERBY. haN the EPIPHANY. QUARTER SESSION'S, 1834. ifls L.D., ind large F]PHE Next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace mei ,cca. -AL fior the Borough of Derby, will he held at the vac per. TOWN II ALL, in DERBY, on Thursday, the 9th con r de- day of Januari, net, at l o clock in the Borenoone the ser- ofwhich all Jurors, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE1AVITREE FAMILY BREWERY. THOMAS B. WOLLAND begs to inform TFArMILIES resident it) Exeter, tbat their orders for his GENUIN E MALT LIQUORiS. (which are warranted ou oath to be the pure extract of MALT and HoPs only,) will be regularllyexecut.d, ifsent to Mr. T. R. BAKER'S, IrOniIonger, 4Y, Higb.Street, Exeter; or forwarded by Post to tbe Brewery. T. B. W. returns his best thanks to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ! ',4BWA;RD reaeatk~y inkmghs mam~w deoli olbils, tsirieso in Favor of.Mr. E WAIR D'GlR EEN, and eavriastl ikolltile for bliml aeontslilualc. of thesearns liberal Patro Dage that'he hau for so many'years been favoured withb G. .S. avails himself of this opportulity to ofter his most grateful thanka frr the distingulihed support hebhlai been bonored with. l DWARD GREEN, late pinclpal Assistant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR A SHORT TINIE LONGER. IIE inclemency of the weather hiving pre_ veate(d many Families in the Country frorm visit. I the Eslildthti. it will. by their-particular desire, ?? Open fur a short time longer, At 70, Pai-,eCn's STxwcET, Where will he s-en The CelebrateilAMICROSCOPE. and The Astonishing AU'OMATA. HERR VON JOEL will also give his surprising- of the Feathered Songstera and Farm Yard, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S INIWti HOUSE, Line. 30. iSM3. 5 -; 'or~~~~~~~ ,fthe United Compan~y oJ cha. ,r to the East Indies, do /serebyj if ~ ~ ~~ ~~fr.-,Stack registered In London will be dfe- OntoL july next, fromn which day the Interett 'ltd c~~~~~~~,) Y',,ereat of auch Stock that wtillbecome :s e :i1-vntmtd st-the rate of thbre per Cent, per to !, u~ their making application for that Pur-. If ~~~ this Mo.;~~-e, ...