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Belfast News-Letter

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH- At Parkanitur,' coulnty Tyrone, oil the 31st ult. thc Lady Caroline ullr ges, of a sonl and heir. At loughbrickland, o0l the 3d inst. Mrs. Thompson, of two daughters and a sosl; the mother and clbiiithl-L are likely to do well. e . MARRIEli, Ctt ihen(ith hbit. il St. Anso's Wihurcli, by the lev, ''hos. Mililks Mr. Wet. Nwiiett, to Miss Mary Ann Savag, ellest daught r of Captain 'W ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RBIRTH[ At Ballymena, on the 23d ult. the Lady of Mr. Samuel Kelly of a daughter. On the 26th ult. at Ormeau-place, Belfast, the Lady of Captain H. Kean, of a daughter. MARRIED- At Omagh, on the 20th tilt.. John Waters, of Par- sons Towtn, King's County, Esq. to Helena, second daugh- ter of James Robinson, of Ontario House, in Upper Cana- da, Esq. . On-the 25th itlt. in St. Peter's Church, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHff On the 17th inst. at Ballymacarrett, the Lady of Fortescue Gregg, Eiq of a son. OGi the 20th inst. at No. 19, High-street, Belfast, Mr.. John Ruddell, of a son. August 13, ot Stonev-ald, county Donegal,-the Lady of the Rev. George Read, of a daughter. August 12, at Waterford, county Donegal, the Lady of Colossel Barton, of a son. At Willibro' on the 22d inst. 'the Lady of Thomas Scott, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTH May 16, in Mount.street, Duhijo, the Lady of Licutenant-Colonel Vernor, ni.e. of a daughter. May 11, at Herring Court, Richmond, the Right H1j. Iody Louth, of a daughter. Last week, at Sitliney, near Helston, the wife of tihcarl Dunn, alias Uncle Dick, ofa son The father is in his 729d year,and the present is his fourth wrife : by the three former he had 3D children, and he was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BilRTI-I.- At Tife-h, ('°lilt 1't l iIlMIgh, O11 tile ILh iloot. the tlidy of XYiltiaTt. -Im ilston, 1'1s n21a.Fit'2 eIIM-l~l~t.~ . (lii tile 1it il;t the ile ly (t';If ' tlce. J. ill. Graydoo, NewIVtowblv tler, .,,-1 Sol. -it Htisiel, jiety Fernitliagh, the 141ly of William Gore Brettl Esq. II.Cr. ofa: Sonl. ; .1.5.0. (It I Not. (Oil i tl'LIiay, 'It St. G'1 rge's Ch teli, liaLrovrrsqo:oe e, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTHF On the l7th inst. the Lady of Mr. John Duncan, of Comber, of a daughter. Oil the 15th inst. the Lady of James D'Arcy Fox, Easq. of Foxford, county WMeath, efa soln. At Darrynanic Abbey, the Lady of ?,laurice O'Connell, &aq. n.r. of a dlaighter. At ClontebretlGlebe, coulity Monaghlan, the Lady of the Venerable the Archdeacon of Clogher, ofa dauighter. On Ise 29tIl tilt. at St. Bluryan, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... nb MARRIED On.the 24th ult. by the Rev. John Stuart, Ballycarry, Mr. Hugh Camp- bell, Carrickfergus, to Mrs, Baxter, of Greenock On the 27th ult. at -St. George's, Hanover-square, London, Viscoun Corey, eldest son of the Earl of Belmore, to Emily Louise, youngest daughter of the late W. Shepherd, Esq. of Bradbourne, Kent. DIED On the 31st ult. in the 56th year of her age, Mrs. Margaret Leslie, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARPRIED- Cu1 the 21th ilt. in Lndedi, John, eldest so), of Samuel .Jahn Pittar, Esrq. to lFony Maria, daughter of tie late Richard Waring Esq. of oBe- fast. (n thoe lflth silt. by the Rev. Johnt Browno, iMr. William liunter, of liligainnoa, to Mary, secood daughter of Capt. Godfrey, Leitrim, near Castledawson, conItty Derry, Cn the °Ith ilf. Air. flTeory Sassoderson, of Porltdovn, in the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I~~~~RTH_ At Cookstown, ol the 17th inst. the Lady of the rev. Iv. J3 rvine of a son. Onl the )6th inst. at Greenihills, the Lady Of St. George Smith, Esq. of a son. At Caw House, on Wednesday last, the Lady of Pitt Skipton, Esq. of a daughter. -MARRIED oil titb hist. at Warton Parish Chuich, l)av cid Davison, E q. ilelisil, to, Alce Jane, eldest daughter ofJohn Bolden, cfC yniig, near ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTHi Feb. .4, at Lisburn, county of Antrin, the Lady of George Stephenson, Esq. of a daughter. At Waterloo cottage, near Ballyshannon, the Lady of Thomas Eales, Esqof a daughter. lob. S, at Gowran Glebe, the Lady of the Rev. Dr. Staples, of a daugh- ter. In Deani-street, Park, lane, London, Lady Clanmoris, of a son. OMARRIED. On the fith hist. by the Rev. lr. Hanna, Mr. James Nicholl, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the l()th of May a Oh Ay the Lady of Professor Bamilton, F A m of Ireland, of a soq. Onihq>1tib i iet. by his hrotboc the Rev. Robert Case- ment, in Ahoghii Church; F1artjs Casipeiit, TEsq. of Ball ed.Ballniens, to hli sttin Iurth dalighter of thie late Thonnas Diclev, Esq. of 1. echinmore. On the 14th inst. by li- Rlev. 3lfoses 11ack, of Kilnore, Mr. Janes Ligh hndy'of Pruruecilhsb, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -MARRIED- Onl the 11th inst. by the Rev. J. S. Porter, James Grimshaw, jun. of 'Whitehuoos, Esq. to Mary, third daughter of the late John Templeton, of Cranlmore, Esq. z Onl the 13th inst. by the Rev. N. Alexander Cruomlin, i Mr. Franklin -Manderson. near Langtord Lodge, to Deborah, second daughter of MIr. Thomas Huntcr, Hill-head, near Crumlin. On the 4th hist. Henry Ilut, Esq. late for ...