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Derby Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... LITTLEOVER, ONE MILE AND HALF FROM DERBY. 1fo BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, And may be entered upon at Lady day next, Either in one or two Lots, WO Substantial DWELLING HOUSES, one T of them consisting of house and parlour, three bed rooms, cellars, back kitchen, pantry, coal-house, and pig. sties, a large new built cowhouse 12 yards by 7, with stable aod loft, and a large ?? other, consisting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e BALL AND SUPPER. P a 7PHERE will be a BALL and SUPPER, at the i T New Assembly Rooms, Derby, on Tuesday the 4th r d of February. T t - IRS. WILMOT, Lady Patroness. fi HUGO MEYNELIL, Esq. r _ EDWARD ANTHONY HOLDEN, Esq. twards. 5 d - TMIĀ¢.,DDER4Y AND )k:RBYSHIRE A 6 B1ANKING COMPANY. I HIS Establishment xvill be opened for business r'2 T jin TENANT STREET, 0n Thursday, the 30th of di Y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEESO MARKET. BOROUG11 OF DERBY. f TOTICE is hereby Givcn, that the MARKET N ~for the salt of CHiELSY, wilt be held in the Market 'lace of Ciia Borough, on Tuestlay tile 26oh day of August instant, and ?? it, future be hoeld on the last Tuesday in August. By order, D. T. BALGUV, Town Clerk. Police Office, Derby, Atug. 12, 1834. M~ONEY. S EVERAL Sumisof Mloneyfroin 5,000 toX t5,000, ready to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rt_ -_ A TIIURLSTON GRANGE. wi TO BB LET, i And entered upon on the 6th day of April next, fat AN E*CMLLMNT OP.ACIOUS iVIODERN BUfILT th, e lMANSiON I Called THURLSTON GRANGE, to eM/JOST pleasantly situated in the Parish of pr ELVASTON, in the county of Derby, 5 miles from al B the Town of Derby, immediately on the London Road, co a where the Manchester Mails, and other Coaches pass daily. of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BIRKITT AND LESTER, Wholesale and Retail Drugfgists and Chemists, g oAINSUOROUGH. AIRE in immediate want of an APPRENTICE. M Jj ptemium rot so much an object as a Youth of genteel adress, good education and obligin ?? Letters rmtt be post paid EMIGRATION 1 Ni van DIlemens Land & New South Wales. w rHE following SHIPS, now loading for these ant T Colonies, are fitted in a Stupetior manner ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. ROWLAND BIIEAREY. ST. MARY'S BRIDGE. To Machinists, Oil Men, Paint and Colour Manufacturers. THE VALUABLE STEAM ENGINE With Running Gear, Paint Mille, Mixng Machines, - Oil Cisterns, WV. i-c. PLUASURE1 ZOAT WITZH 0OAM8. a TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, C By Mr. ROWLAND BREAREY, 0 By order of the Assignees of Mlessrs, RATCLIFF & NUTT,8! (under a deed of assignment for the benefit of Creditors,) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GODBOL D's VEGETABLE BALSAMI, FOR THlE CURE OF COUGHIS, COLDS, ASTIUMVAS, AND CONSUM~PTIONS. mnt ~jHIS Medicine has stood pre-eminent for the last are eirricaiiy Years. as tle oily specific ever dsoee tar i~ekroo' ii to fail or success, when taken upirn tile fir't a t, tack -e nd is acknowledged try thie Faculty, the only medi ad Cole for subduings aItIsI . Many iii the first Nobility g9. have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Be| ftii, eb'J, 628th Novembter, 1834. t rous Meeting of FREEHOLDERS and At a ECTOmr of the SOUTHERN DIVISION of the Cou'6Y o Derby; *EOEGt CREW= , nARuT. In the Chair; NV RESOLVED UNAVItMOUSLV, by HAT it is the opinion of this Mfeeting, that the an T ( Cnservative and Independent Interest which embraces t ] Io larg a portion of the Agricultural and Commercial Pro i the Southern Division of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tit Languid and Debilitated Conetitutione. R1 1 ILIOUS Disorderg, Flatulence, Heartburn, and - IU3Indigestion, giving rise to Headache, Languor and Ci Debility, are the 'rommon precursors of formidable Disease, Ri and -Ahen they induce Anxiety, Irresolution, and Detspon. To liency, demand the promptest succour, lest both body and R: mind become irreparably enfeebled. Whether thnee corn plainta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 7THE INlEPENDENT EL1CTORS \ OF tHE SouTHERN DIVISION OF THE COUNTY OF DERBY. O nhaving arrived when the incompetency N tduison of the late Cabinet have compelled our AL atcis lset1 Patriotic Sovereign, in the just and salu- of lis prerogative, to call more experienced and tor:t s I advisers to his Councils, axed there being a prlbability of an early Dissolution of the presente p~ristrngt. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ted CHILBLAINS, FRESH WOUNDS. SPRAINS, ive BRUISES, &C. k Marshalaa incomparable Heal-All, or BgklenmO ,en 1Tincture and Styptic. Old 1HIS Preparation possesses sucho extraordinary virtue as )in .1 not to be equalled by any remedy yet discovered for 1. immediately Stopping Bleeding, and for tile speedy Cure of be- Cuts and Fresh Wounds of all descriptions. It may also be fty taken with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. BREAREY. OCK.BROOK. valuable Frfreehold& Tithe-free Estate. Pr TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Rnr DM. RsIZZrS t At the House of Mr. Harrison, the Malt Shovel Inn, F] Sponaon. on Thursday, {hee slt day of July, at six da o'clok in the Evening; LOT I. A. R. P. N Excellent CLOSE of very superior . Old Turf Land situated near the Village of Octbtook, called the Hill Side Close, in the posa Session ...