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Leeds Mercury

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i'l'hiliodv lat, it olil- piri.l cIttrch, by the lRce. It. Ai. i: Wi, Mr. SiLm ull l DickillSOt 31artill, of l SheLp: 1 I i, I'lizialil, NIigY I 'ialgh1ter (Iifthe latcL Ambllrose C I IC d. ,I Eillpi mali ;norge. t- ~:,l (I,c it II) pm lbe ll li'llorbch J-l1irax.L, lby iliC Re ...

C. __ _. IV: k, Yes

... terdaIy, die lady of Joshuta Inghana, Esq. of Blake-I-a]], Al inlaild, of a dhccghter. a- Onl Thursdlav, tile lady of GMo 'Armitage, Esq. of Buxton- it road, iiudderaiieid, of a daughter.' Onl tics 26th tilt, at Ledaston Hall, Lady Bouiverir, of a child ant 'in still horn. cii sit rk or Ifa eiWU Of il ~Oin Thursday, at Gigglesvwirk, bythe Rv. Thofmas Fncrh, e 1-lHaliffiro, to Sarah, seroiid ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... V'estctday, ait lirclintani, Thlis. Malsonl, E~cq. ?? I-Ilesick, licar 1Riponl, to '31 i s St tyth, oif' 'Iliorp Arch. Oin Thttirsdiy last, lit Bittley,tbhr the Riev. Win. Cooper, 31r. J )seP h Dixon, of M1orley, to Miss Sarah Hlirst, of the Sonlic doay, at lie parish church, lllfibyt Rv il Gilmoor, 3!LA., 31lr. lerij. I-larrol, of' Leeds, draller, to M~is 31 ary Auji Whi toley, of' Situts i ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e r At Linton Spring, Yorkshire, the I-In. Mrs. Henry R~ains to tden, of aI claughtLer. lco On Thur~sday last, at Iltuddersfieldb th Rev. .J. C. O Franks, victtr, Mr. Martin WVebb, of tile Inm of Sivain and 'U - X1ebbs, merchants, of Iludderfliehld to Mrs. Nowstead, miatron ofthe iuiuddersfield ?? Upper Agb~rigg Infirmary. d Same ilay, Mr. Joseph Sikes, to Miss Daslson, both of a l- Li dde LI ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ( ol a'ic t ta' Ia'; of Jo itt A to ast',lisq. of At'~ ''hey I 'gil't , of )tt itt' C ttii 1a ?? (ital I 'iai 'i ~ ~e tlelao' 0,, titoe 11 (Iii ?? li Ctathr, ?? Sillgtty. :1.I ' tn At'. A I t itl'' AlItI ji lld21 , L 218. Iltti't h I to.1 ~~~md '1R~ dity 1,elll~tWI IiOil'iV L Tn. ia IL-. Ni OLIO' ,, ?? 4h1ifI ~l Ha s ou ge 'l o ' ate All 1 t tol', 0is Onlyt 'da -ji~ ?? I'I tll ia p-ili A ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Yest On- tice I Pit lost ait Hociiby Graingo, Iin this county, thc lady .,,I of Sair JohnLuL. Kaye, Bart. oia son, We llcyss, alit eo.90 tott of On Soturda t' last, Charles Lowther, Esq. sctrand sol of Sir tar . ahn awtitr, Hat., of'~ S lii n gtoil to Isabeclla, c'ldest evi daughttcr of hie Rev. Robert Ailoreita,:id,'D.D., Rector of Eas- r o hgtLo, inl this Co1nty. Ale On Tiiorsdatr, at Norton ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 2d inst. at Dalkeith Palace, the Duchess of Buc- cleugh, of a son. On the 6th inst. the lady of Sir Sandford Graham, Bart of a son. On Sunday last, wife of Joseph Stables, of Morley, was safely delivered of three children, viz one, boy and two girls, they are all doing well and likely to live iOn'i~niis'l'ri t St. klntic's citi rcit Liverpool. by tlec EeVc. e, 'i. Bititni1elI, I. II. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tile I. (h firr.rrilti'ror'l br i . d r' I* t r oi ?? rp lr irSI I, ch i' LI lI . I rI c I , v '10111 rei' tufrtrnl Or OnyOII lig~l' oI Mv ..r 1wSh~iko, li 111r'iirl olo rM ' i ir Itr 10m011rlwo' h t 'rrri dput'rlol rtre 1c' i.lvr ior,1 clrr 0 * 'I 'lwe, oi' rj plrrih Itho, Sorter', or (orl rlfid 1 oarcr o yuge'6uh ?? lijrru Wino11 ?? I if ii ?? arid I 1, ~vr iav lilir S c 1 :sor oI Rrf i se. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? li'7y~llrLr, nearii~ct the( lad)' of' Thonics I'rrgusoan, (In. 'l'ltin'sdtrv, at : - 'eg's el!urdci, I' ?? ATr Joscnp 5 I ?? rrz lin ! itu ?? ' . to A s l at' INo'la z, n co le, )II. X',;unt, iraii-ibtindce aid LI c sal 77I ' 1a , V ?? 1 ' ''rl P w'i'r.''ser~jelient O(I h I (7 1 .tli)'iac'e~~; 't he law itichitod elarr'eoii, lEcq, o f w1'I, I i ior 1 fl' al, 7177d to Rouberti. Iaeison, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? T'>lrsacrt last, at A\lnondbttry, J!.lto egt I Nr'r l 1oth, Cot~olL-SptniLCe, to mi, 1ttt Etto. tr t e~th''c ,Esti. of' ir ileaier Hlotiderrfilelto C~lj ti~tv lit attr ?? C11ITtirct, M1r. \i'illiontj Btrook, liair- t zl voreor, La oril,,t, eltic- daug lO ti hr of'31 r. Belejiounin Scot, hr 1ra11i tiostttoot trer, ail of' Itravnle;. II &1:11' IlL oltipley. M11. TholOa~ts Berr, ?? am d CLI ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (1On Sat-rd:as last, Ithc ladly of T. 11. ,1lamisliall, Esq. barristcr, of thi tIowl!, of a d(atlghtcr. On the lilt lnst, at Barrow, Derbyshire, tie BIon. Mrs. Beaun,.ont, of a son. a,. ti r i Vt Onl Tihnrsdi Ilst, 'lr. Ja'mwes llcL-l- o, of tiliS town, ?? :ninautti:rct -, ti Ami 0, yo'iuliest ilantgl itcr of J. ILaclke, Esq. of Roh;.' ell 1aigla. Samc dl1 fr. Spffjd Col'si, c lici, tO ?? 15 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Oil Vv''dnesdav;, at lanewel, IV ars'iekshhc, lhc C'ountess of' Datitmthtal, of'a Oott.., 1L0cvil, ii lltti;nni',oqiittt, Londolnt, tile hlay of dile [kIon. II. ILa' ci'] te, of a douasigter. ?? t ld'tt'i, ait St,. 3larciii's, Conev-vti-ect, V'rtk, L1v c 1 £ ak!, l iA .~ \Yalknr. of,11~V, 4~r I thin town, :11)jvr, ?? (ill Li ' W il. Ci ipnr, qn1 of the (Imcic ,;te Di 'ivi~'ll, y,:ttitninl ...