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Liverpool Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... Zh/ ;tfiPLY, sAXD 02'HRR ~thi eatctai hiaving Bought and / Ztifdtfty at ext ensive a iypfepar~a which /14 D°(fe f~tof. 8a ther comne .fra ?? Loows iD a t} Ig~ 5t7d1e or Patterns ?? be aiafpasea, h ' ea Jts uler w-hlch nzaoneanil In ?? to hb O5ftl t. IlSI IMPERIl.L T lLE. CARIETS. tl~li I SsTER CAIIPETS jilUGS, FT1ENT YEL. . reemin t Y btlel'of %1S; ?? d eclonomy. . I r^, THOMAS URI ARt ' wa;el ...

Advertisements & Notices

... z Qg1'1tx~re)¢Tt6. INhlteni- -In tlti ?? of MrI. ilTos. WILSbN, Silk Ier cr. &c. which aippeared il the P/earq-y ot Friday the Will illit. ?? that he is ilow disip.,j, of his Stock under prinie cost, the address is Iog, Dale-stret, ini stend of 1fl8, Drls,;-SorFET.. ] .F.I NIII;Ii 'tl ?? our corre-poiidleist ,t Dleky .Sjin ha,, accerss to t rile of the .1eiculy, and Ns-ili turn to Our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I R l.SCCEDA'NEUM, b V1 ar EGAYND TESET WITHOQUT PAIN, HEAT, oR a PRtCSsURZr, AND ii sAODIBLF MINERAL TEETH, I C FI 'MhouLWiLsNSpragj, or any othr ancigau ter. ivrS ALLAN and SONS, No '6 BoD.o s >e . ierpoo1, and 3¢. Alozley -street, Bianchster I| \ l' (~iistii at No-32, Great Russell-street, Blooms- ! .,9, Iglf rnoonostreet, Plcadilly, London. ardently a 5llr ?? and the Public forthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fa. NE .O LliEW YORK L O PACKET&. saling- on the 811 f WIer3/ monthh, viz. VIRGINIAN, . HARRIS .1---380 tons, 8th Oct. SHEFFIELD. W- 0G. ACaiSTAIV .. ?? 560 tons th NoV. o mqTOSTATES, N. Hi. HoLDa~ore *.65~0 eons: Stal D'C N TJOHN JAY. C. G. G LOVXaR ?? 0 tros, sti *an C These shlp are all of the first cf. recently ?? In te E city of Newv York; and, for Woenrhl beauty of aso, C p=ctua~lt . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANC*Yp-TF POOL~ he Capital paidup atql St Deembtr ?? 11 Average amounlt or Now~S 101 atloh' III j i-i001 ?? weeks endifl - ?? h 9 3,31 lyn .SH .. . lb AranWillial. 1,f aychetert HIetbn 'tlAbrairJlehn.~M liachae crg o~ \~.Sap dge N Anderson Robert,- L'te~ I Cifto H.~ Xt Anderson Herni, ULIie 5BI,,u Chare~. r~ lot AtkiniotnHMi'emple Soeby Cebsn ~H ?? Marlieret. C ?? Ati 4nFaiB 73d Regiment C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... piated by fributt ity. N SALE, a large Cast 0eta|jh1LEni of 1200 Jrnelrns-Inquire at the Of fice of r. DONALOSOI. Spit Merchafnt, Gradwell-street. Er T0 he SOLD. a FREEHOLD an TITHERREE TAESTATE of 170 Statute Acres.1 or Map d Parti- cru1515 apply to Mr. S. BEITHLSCY, ?? Pooi*lafe Dr Liverpool. TO PA.NBROKgRRS AND O~flg, T0 be DISPOSED OF, the STOC ITnlDEoT e1rn hsA- been long estrailish lr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ing thoe TO Ar R. THOMPSONv. Lsed EAVING come from Preston for the sole pur10 the Lireceiving your LESSONS }n tUlTING Pos Ot~ and MAKING. I willinglY assert that Y°o~baee il rnttrrd myN 1is hand. motre inL one wreek, arnd coin rsua~catced to ilie iuved is; iportant points regalrding the nse~tlie l~il theve ofeould have anticipated; and am Fbeased *0 o fd tha ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AINERAL SUCCEDANEUN, NOB FILLINO DECAYED TEK1TH WITHOUT PAlN, HISAT, on J P AISBURN, ANDI INCORRODIBLE MINERAL TEETH, I Praced witclhut W~ires, Springs, or any ether Liatures. M ONS. MALLAN and SONS. No. 46, BOLD Y asrResT, Liverpool, and 36,1 Mazley-street. hlanchester, Surgeon Dentists, (at N'o. 32, Greast flussail-street,'Blooms- bury, and 9, Half mnoon-street, Pl.cadilly, Londou,) ardently ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L_~ ~ ZVCFM7, =U&87TRNj~.p att X LCE, B ?? OPFMN tL. ,d. .dos.. fferinga ?? S to WON1tTH OF- -TqE MkCq4)SopiWORLD! t~d5n or elbetvhere, Wtill be abeam phe ?? 1:estlng ?? of the *oerspe, nd thenltbod ?? the ed-t=iadeiirY l its powediql 'ecM 1- tpon the metaig, by their apid combenfien Thq whole W udT1e112 'Ixs Houf~rs .f Xil~t10 l:-Twvelve, Thael ee, alit LIV 6nLvrO RO 'exhilfbtiou in1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,I&L PHILADELPHIA LINE of PACKETS. To Sait OL tl~e Sthr ofeverr mouth. SUtSQUEIHIANNA, T.B3 ?? 600 t/ns, 8th July. ALGONQUIN, J. H. Cr ooyNav. ?? on8 , 8th Aug. MONONGAHELA, 0. P. BovN ?? S tons, 8th Sept. POCAHONTAS, JAM5ES WFST . S. t.i. , 8th Oct. These Ships will be found nmost ?? conveyances for goods. beingall of the first'~t theiscabnii also are fitted up with every convenience for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6SENCK of' CAPIVI and SARSAPARILLA- .kII The most safe. speedy, and certain remedy ever dis- *covered for the cure of Gonotrrhcea, Gleets~strictures, Weal- ness4, Pains In thle Loins, Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Gravel. and other Diseases of the Urinary Passages. frequently performing a perfect cure in the short space of three or four days, It is agreeable to the taste, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOCTODS' DEGRsEES.- e really cannot pretend to answer the query of A Voice frees lre Shades as to the claims of a certain learned Theban to the honourof a degree. All we-can say on the subject is that if the most egregious self con. ceit, he ghtened by impudence of the first water, gives a title to that honour. there 's not a man on earth better qrualificd than the individual alluded to. What ...