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Advertisements & Notices

... O.a/frc'd~zh ni' As~odrtfon ,for7 posee~ldiftl/ 7elos0 ns sq. 1a Guineas W w rr4L- be X;7 HEREAS on Sunday night last, 9r early on By W l' Monday iuorping, some person or perspns did f£1- r njouosly ?? 1lAY CART FI4.IY, the pkopeyty of r. rs- B3. J. Church ill, of Tackley, ae lemlrsf tbe said AssoClatioP. 3rd The filly was without any white, Fas light boned, had a .cr long tail, iltd on no ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0Yfjs-ds7tire Lent Assizes, 183-. 1/bi'l('l ic lrcllrz givell, '7'all /,is -Jfnicsty'JS V f Assi-c wi opern the CG iso.,ioanfur holding tle .ssiee am1 G.enlral Gool Dlivery foP this County, in thde 'zn Jlall, inl O s6rd, oln the afternoom of Saturlay the I.I h} ct' Mlarch neat, andl Wil? tliei ?? adjourn anhi I 'cIrJc 0i MONDAY itlorning. l justices ol tie liPeace, Mayors, Pcrsons sunmmonedoic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 111 h0 ?? CO'IAG . containing a parlotr, f kitchen, and threc bed rooms together with a sinalui D gard!n. RentimoderLte.-Apply at ?? Office, Oxford; if by letter, post paid. TO !fMOEIM'¶A E.S. El ?? b,-I DI 1SI;'I ) OF, with imnmediatc! polsrwssion, I T Th- G0OD-WIIL of the 1USIN1SS of a ShiOE- pi MAKER, together with the Stock ilr Tradl-, Tools, an(3 td Fixttures.-Application may be made, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jj/1ISS WILLIS respectfully informs her friends rand the public that her SCHOOL will re-open on Monday the 28th instant. East l/stey, July 23, 1834. 1t. ED-WARDS, Ironmonger, &e. begs to in- form his friends and the public that, having taken SIr. JOHN HlJWETT, his late apprentice, into Partner- ship, the Business will in future be carried on under the firm of EDWARDS and HEWETT. fligh-streel, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FARM TO LrT. ; M) be LET, andr entered upon at 11lichaehlas I. next,_A small FARM, with Three Cottages, Barn, iStable, and Yard, and about 50 Acres of very useful Meadoiv and Arable Land, at Stonesfield, now in the occupation of Mr. Georte Austin, who quits at M'tichaelmas next. Bpply (if by letter, to be post paid) to Air. Raine, Hen- r 'sington Uffice, W'ood'tock. II10 USEHIOLD FsUR NI T UIE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For STEAVKS, GAME~, FI~tI, e1sriclhiagt ?? RA S, &c.5 PRtEPARED BY W. SIIIfiONS, Chenist i4 t`Dtwpgist, Thame. HIS truly elegant Sauce ?? obtained a decided T preference to any other with all k -ds of Fish; and is esteemed peculiarly delicious with Game, ; 'ild Fowl, flashes, Steaks, Chops, and cold Mest. OBSe ?? are genuine but those bearing the name of the inventor on the sal. Sold wholesale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... kq.nho Division of Burfordf9hipping-Norton, Bans- bhuy, Stow, Deddington, Aystho Twmnpike Roads. OTICE is hereby glen, That a Meeting of the N Trustees for the A~ ho Division of the above Turn. pike Roads will be heldat the Cartwright Arms Inn, in Aynho, in the county of Northampton, on Monday the 23d day of June instant, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon ; at which M~leeting, between the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W. JONIES, TAILOR, GOWN AND CAP MAZtER, (LATE OF BRtOAD-STRlEET), E) EGS most respectfully to rcturn his sincere thanks Bto the Mlembers of the Uiiiversity and his friends in general for past favours, and informs them that he has taken a house in ST. A 1,DATIL's, opposite Christ Church, where he hopes, by strict attention to those orders with which he may be honoUred, to merit a continualcc of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAaUSI1ONAS BLE ,!rLIERY, 111GH-STREET, CHPIG-NOR 'ON Mrs. WvMX :'TURNS thanks to her tritnds and the public for the support shc has received for 20 years past, and ~0~risolctheir atteufl'n to an assortment of MILLINERtY, )RESSENS ILKS. MIUSLINS, and FANCY ARTI- 1.'s ?? slle sjll oder on Saturday the Third of Mlay, at tie very lowest ?? Silk Bonnets and Caps, f rost l Os. upvwards. Dlrs Newlan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rl O BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT,- a11 All that verydesirable CLOSE of PASTURE LAND, situate at Launton, in the county of Oxford, in the occupation of Robert ,Jackson, and containing 2A. OR. IfiP. Copyhold of the Manor of Launton. For further particulars, and to treat for the same, apply at the Office of Mr. J. Aplin, solicitor, Bicester. Valuable AIDllGWSON, Beltween CHI1CIIESTER and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... White Lionl Inn1r & Posting Hollse, D B&NBaa. cr. JOHN DRINKWATER ai (Late of thre Flyinaq horse) S 3 EGS leave to infornm the Nobility, Gentry, and o Br his Commercial Friends, that he has purchascd and si entered on the above old-established Inn, which lie is fitting fo up and furnishing in a manner calculated to contribute to the comfort and convenience of those wvho may honour him - with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C -f or oxroRD. To the Honno?'AlO the Co0on'no`7 o ,0hi Uriitee1 It'inqdom?, of Gl-eot B)'trtirn tand in92ld, ? Pt!JIiamnenit assembled. 'lE humnble Petition of the Mlayor, Bialiffs, and J. Coommonalty of thle City of Oxford, in the County of Oxforil, in (Commonl Council assembled, S 1:E IV FT lH, That a Bill has lately been brought into Parliament to r move certain disaibilitin: which prevent ...