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Advertisements & Notices

... EXiTER FREE GillAMMA111 S.Ch1OOL ; H A ylavor and Chatmber willat their next IL Mouithly .ileetiag. in September, proceed tio Elect an Exhibitioer, onil Dr. Stephens' rotnalatioit, Ihe Caudidate must ben Native et tilo County of Devon, and a Scholar in the Exeter Free GrammWro School l,,r the last three years. They vi il a~do Elect another Exhibitioner, pursuant to the ?? of tile late Joliti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,1THITNEY'S ROYAL COUGH ,LOZENGE9, *V r. .So superemihentij dfflcacious are these delicious BxAci CURRANT Losszats i reiehing'Coughi, Cdldsf Horseness, and Sore Throau;.t,4aS they have,seci~red ,the'condgsending.favour of iher xajRqty, wQhphshen: paioqsly plea5N4to ezqn er Royal Patronage to the'mnak~qrs or ,thben., So frparkatle are theirpo Reqtiej qfjtrding itpi~ediate reljeF in , cases, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ?? .CUg4CtY W:ANT~t.Dt.: ?? BENEFICEI) D LERGYMN of Somerset, A WANTS n CURACY', with or r~thqut a House, In i'evon, or eleovlhere. The advertiser could,; under certain aircutmatanceep, give .a Title tor Orders-Aldroess, Rev. ?? care of'Messrs. Rivington, St. Paui's Churelihard, London, postage paid. TITLE FOR HOLY ORDERS. 4GENTLEMAN married, or about to be married, Xkgoi ig sootn Into the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOPLIE HOMILETIC;, 21 Vols. 8vo. p. B XANAWO&aD, BOOh'SELLER and, .Sr'A4AONER, mroad Gstev Cathoberal Sardl tetor, ESPEjCTFULLY offers the f6llowi9g brief SELECTION FROMI IIIS STOCK:'5 Bible, 6 vols. 4to., elegantly tiouna in cal5 £9. 10, Henry's (itto, 6 vols. 4to., ditto ditto, ?? O.% D'Oyley and Mant's ditto, S vols. 4to., plates; calE- extra, gilt edges, £4. 1Os. A a C5 vols. Svo., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOVERNMENT (GENERAL. EMIGRATION OFFICE, Oi the GROVE, Brijtol. LERSONS about to Emigrate, on personal application p at this Office, or by letter post paid, will receive every infor- mation and advice gratis, respecting the periods of Vessels, Sailing, AccommodationtCiargeofPassage, nature and quantity of neces- sary Food lor the Voyage, and Useful Directions for their Future Guidance. JOHN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now Loading. in ST. KATHEBINE'S DOcCs,. LoNnoN, and will be promptly dispatched For SYDNEY, NE ' SourH WAKES, .The remarkably fine fast-sailing Bristol- built Ship, WARRIQU, A 1, Burthen 800 tons, -JOHN STONE, Commander. This Ship hasa handsome poop, Isupwards of 7 feetin height be. tween decks, and has very supdrior accommodations for both Cabin and Steerage Passengers, to whose comfort and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EV'S BRISTOL BAZAAR1, 7,;: UNION-STREET5- 'OPPOSITE THE MARKET. W!iHOLESALE, RETAIL, AND FORi'EXPORTATION CHRISTMAS PRESENTS & NEW fYEAR'S;:GETS TIE Proprietors of this Establishment have the hollit of aun~ptcing ta, the Inhabitonts of Bristol, Clittohl '.lL theit Environs and the Public-generally, Mr. LEVY'S periodical feturn from the various 3rptlish and Contipental Msarkets, haring effected ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE STOCK OF LINEN DRAPERY, SIbK MERICERY,7 &c. SHAPLAND and WR9FORD, being aboit todecline the Retail Part of their Btisiness, beg to inform their Friends and the Pablic that they havecoimsn ced bElL1 NG ilarn thewholeof their very valuai) le STOCKatconsiderably RE DUE D.- PRUCES. It consistaor-a Superior make of Undressed IR Sz1 LINENS, SHEETINGS, and TABLE. LINEN of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ThEATRE&ROYAL, BRISTOL. LOwD .BYRONS TRAGEDY OF SARDANAPALUS, been received on Friday night with the mo-t enthusiastic tlavi'1s tiolyfroln alt parts of the House, it will. be repeated on CONDdama N !) ONLY TIME THIS SEASON SE ece of the close of Mr. MNacready's engagement. CO5SSON DAY Next, September 8th, 1834 vill be J presented l~ord Byron's Play of SARDANAPALUS; or, tlhe Fall of YNinehelw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRISTOL ANDi CADIfDFI. The New. and Swift-gain STE M PACKEI;T 60 Haonle ' Power, J- ious 4 -Ommat1;, Is intri.ded to Ply, during the Month of pri, with F'ssengers anl Goods, as folio From 19zigtol. ro Card'ff Saturday, April 19 12 noon |anl.; April21 3 after ruesday, April 22 8 after WednesdayApril341 after Vhursday, Aprl 2 5 morn Friday, April 25 5morn Saturday, April 26 6 morn IMoidy. aApril ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r - T6 CfEMISTS and DRUGClS'i'S. c ANTED, immediately, a SINGLE MAN, from 25 to SO years of Age, to Superintend a small Drug Business. a None need apply who' cannot give tle most unexceptionable references as to character asid ability. For further Particulars enquire, If by letter, post paid, at the Baiao_'lEracuavy Orvics. e TO BE PEREMPTORILY SOLD,o iURSUANT to a Decree of the )High Cotrt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRISTOL AND SOUTH WALES. - The COUNTY OF PEMBROKE, of 100 Horse - Power, B. MATHIEWS, Commander, Is intended to perform Voyages at the follow- ilg times, between BRIST1OL. PATER, MILFORD, & HAVERFORDWEST. Goods forwarded to NARBETH, FISHG UARD, - CAR D7GAN. and Places adjacent. Pembroke Goods landed a PA T.ER. FROU CUMIZrOLAND BASIN. FR OIt ISAVaiFORU5WE5T. Tuesday, Dec 23, i ll mornrI Pater2, ...