... (From the Alew Mronilly.) I sAw her as I fancied fair, Yes, fairest of earth's creatures- I saw the purest red and white O'ersipread her lovely fe atures- F he fainted and I spri:k1-led her, ller malady relie ving I wiashl' bjthi rose anrd lily off Oh ! seeing's nort believing 1 I look'd gaint, again I lonn'd To breathe love's food confession; I saw her eyebrows forin'd to give ller fNeu its ...


... VottrIL. THE WRECE.-A FRAGMENT. t SC FREDERICK J. KRUGOER. LATE MIARINER, AUTHOR OF THSE PIRATP, OSTWAslD.EOUND,` HOA I RIwARD-1DOuND, &e. Not a single star o'er the deep is beaming, Yet once methought a glance of light O'er the ocean trembled in distance gleaming. Like a meteor star through the haze of night; Whilst loud and hoarse the breakers roar, Sweeping rude and wild on the Cheshire ...


... - i ,- j, I all . : I I ? THE KING OFWMERY. ENGLAND. TUNIC, La Petit Tambobur' B? A051ST GILVIL.LAN' Suata at te great ?? ?? Acts to Eart Gae, at Eldln- 0 the King of merry England- What Kting so loved as he, A Sallant band he may command In all his kiogdofins three; And there the -mile of beauty Still falls upon the free: o the King of merry England, What Kinle so loved as he. Choral-O the ...


... VPOETY. (Poma Murray's, Edition of the Life ant! Poems of the Rev. Ge.mrqe Crabbe, now Publishin.q-) LINES WRITTEN AT WARWICK. You that In warlike stories take delight, Ac. HAIL! centre-county of our land, and known For matchless worth and valour all thine own; Warwick I renown'd for him who best could write, Shakspeare the Bard, and him so fierce In fight, Guy, thy brave Earl, who made ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... 7ire E~ncyclopoedia of (eograjsiy. By HuonI MURISSAV, F~lt.S.E. Part It. London: Longman & Co. 1834. Tirs firot Partof this useful publication we have already brought under the asotice of oure readers. Tisesworis, as we formerly staled, is intended to com-. prise a complete description of the earth, physical, statistical, civil, and poli. tical, end tbeeditor is assisted bysceveral ...


... Z ,AVAL INTE'LLENGSE. l's PaetoTTo. Suptemiber4.-Atrlve(l his ai:jesty's ship Thalia, Captain ill li LIi 'he is to be sr ?? 11fa of ?? ('tinptbelI, fir thie Care. t Cir tllies Aleositihor llartbloo, I.CJItt thle superiliteleitut iif Chathato (ilcIC-yjiri,( :j1i\,(d (11 a Ve loiliay, to L'iitLtnvL0 itot Li ne0 Frenichi ?? Illeth lind o ?? which had beell i 1trotlaced into practice at this ...


... If the r ward 'of merit was always proportionate t0 ii bdegree, ours would be the pleasant task to congratulate es our w.orthy Manager on the profitable results of his hlae !h indefatigable exertions in catering so assidtiously for th,! e public amusement. In sober earnest, we know no indi- i- vidual who labours more arduoisly in his vocation than at does 'Mr Murray. 'Within these last ten ...


... Ll~h6 BI AvXs,,_ (From the Metrepolitatn.) It's very hard. and so it is, To be obliged to be. For all the best days of one's life, . A ward in Chanoery. To he dry-nursed by greit law Lords- Old Baro, or Broegham so fifous: And Alen ons wannts' a men, to be put off *with a man-damu5. The land of liberty, indeed ! I'm sure it's versa vice If rtbat's what they Burn's justice cal,; Why, burn sue h ...


... - The Last Days of Pom'peii. By the Author of Pelham, Eugene Aram, &c. In 3 vols. Bentley. ' In the tale of human passion, in past ages, there is something of 'interest even in the remoteness of the time. We love to feel within tl$ the bond which unites the most distant eras-men, nations, f sVtffi0 perish; THE AFFECTIONS ARE IMMORTAL !-tthev are the #*syrnpathies which unite the ...


... Visits and Sketches at Home and Abroad, taith Tales and Miscel. lanies, now first Collected; and a New Edition of 'The Diary of an Ennuyeie. By Mrs JAM5ESON. 4 vols. Saunders and Otley. This is a collection of agreeable and interesting papers, by one of our most accomplished female writers. The Diary of an Ennunayce is, probably, the best known and the least welcome of the re- published ...


... The old song of ABRAnAM NtWLANDc is in the me- mory of most people ; therefore I do not see why Mr. =eTsOV HAGE should not have equal share ln our kindliest sympathies, for, as t facetlons writer In the London Maga- zine observes, 1 If ever there were love it first sight, it is on beholding a 2QX. Blink of England note, nt*ly issued in Its virgin purity. Arise, oh muse! attune thy lays, ...


... ENTERt'TAINifEN'IL' at the MANSION HOUSE. Tihe Lord Mayor gave an entertainment on Tuesday at tire Mansion House, London, which was attended by his Majesty's Ministers, and by a large number of persons most emintent for their rank, talent, and influence in the various branches of the State. Ma1tiny of the principal in- dividuals connected with the Muinricipal and Commercial Departments of the ...