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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the liith of Febraryat Masulipatain, the IadY0il t' J John Aiolabie, chaplain iii the &ervice of the Holl. till pony, of a son. t 1 Ott the Zthti ult., at Sausethorpe lall, Linuoil-IlBIl Thomaoos C. Brackenhbury, Esq., of a son. e.t On the Ist inst., Mirt. Uarpeliter, of King w\ ilalidil rn a daughter. On the 31st Ilit., tie 1laly of P. B. Brodie, Esq., aI, SiO,, Onl the Ist inst. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. In Belgrave street, London, the Right ieon. the Cocnotess of Munnter, of a daughter. On the 29th ult. at St Buryan, MUrs John Boase, of twin sons. This prolific matroll, at her two previous confinements, gave birth to liv e children-three on one occasion, and two on the other. Thursday se'nuight a young womnan, the wife of a plastrer and tiler nained Pearse, of Oak street,' Lower ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. In Belfast, the Lady of Captain the Rlon. C. F. Norton, 52d Light Infantry, of a daughter. 1 At Spithead, the Lady of G overnor Sir James Stirling, R. ., of a son. At Holmes, lioxburglhshire, on the 226 ult., the Lady of Sir William Jardine, Bart., of Applegartb, of a son. On the 21st ult., at Sowton Rectory, the Lady of the Rev. Archdeacon Barnes, of a dauglitcr. On Monday last, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. ,Fer' On the Idth inst., alt DoWer, the lady of W. P. Wiil ' Esq,, of Farley Court, Bucks, of a son and heir duughi - On the 18th inst., the Lady Louisa Vhitmore. of a ! felton On the 15th Inst., the lady of A. F. Reynold% Fq-. Grange, Yorkshire, of a daughter. the 13dy of On the 15th inst., at Romney-terace, W teni: Ir t W. H. Elliot, E*q., burgeon, of a son. . It od f tilC On the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 11th inst., at Herring Court, Richmond, Surrey, the Right Hon. Lady Louth, of a daughter. On the .11th inst., in Gloucester place, of twins still-born, the lady of Don Manuel Delatorr6. The loss of these innocents was caused by the sudden demise of ?? Manuel. - On the 9th inst., the Countess of Galloway, of a daughter. Last week, at Sithney, near Helston, the wife of Richard ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THOMAS PARK. ESQ., F.S.A. This amiable and excellent person died on the 26th ultimo, at his house in Church-row, Hamptead, aged seventy-lie years. Lie was originally all engraver in mezzotinto, but having a small patrimony, he soon relin- quisbol that laborious life for the cultivation of biblio- graphy and the Muses. He married a lady of great mu- sical talents, who taught the Duchess of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. Onl the 14th inst. at Long Ditton, James, eldest son of James Campbell, Esq. of Hampton Court, to Caroline, youngest daughter of Lewis Corkean, Esq. of Lotng Ditton. On the l0th inst. at St Mark's, Kenhington, the Rev. Charles Herbert, A.M. vicar of Grondon, Northamptonshire, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Henry Grace, of Stockwell Commen, Surrey, Esq. Oin the 8th hist. at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On Thursday, at Elm Tree road, St John's Wood, Mrs Alexander Fraser, of Onl the 2d ult. at Florence, the lady of G. P. R. James, Esq. of a daughter, At Novogeorgievst, district of Alexandria, Russia, a woman was lately deli- vered of four children, three boys and a girl, all of them likely to live. MARRIED. In Paris, Heenry de Triqueti, soa of the Baronne de Salis de Triqueti, to Julia ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IRELAND. DrATH OF GENERAL Sult A. FITZGERALD, BAHT.- This gentleman died at his house, Lower Mount-street, in this, city on Wednesday, of a sudden attack of erysipelas. -Dublin Frcenan's Journal. TITHE AFFRAY AT FREEMOUNT.-On Monday an in- quest rvas held on the body of a man named Richard Gregg, who died from wounds received in a conflict be- tween tithe-proctors and persons against whom they ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH-S. On the 8th inst. at the King's terrace, Portsmenbthe ayo ao rdrc Hope , of a daughter.tela OMjoFrdic On the i2th inst. at Swanbouxne, Bucks, Lady Fremantle, of a son. MARRIED. On the 7th inst. at Witton, Norfolk, John David Chamber, REsq. Of the Inner Temple, barrister-at-law, to the Hon. Henrietta Laura, third daughter of Lord Wedehouse, Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk. DIED, A few days ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, AODthe -ith iTsSt. in Old'Palace yard, the lady of J. Jeris, Esq., M.P., of a son. ^ At'- onts' i on: the 19th lt., the wife of Alexander Paton, fishermis.O ssafely delvered of three boys, whho, with the mother, are all Wdoer 4inst 3tg6wssafely wll. At ansgat, n te 9h ist, te ldy,9fSir, James Lake, Bart., of a son. On the ' thMins., sit Blackbrook House, Rants, the lady of Lieut.-Col. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 10th silt., the wife of James Lord, of Milkstone, near Rochdale 'was safely delivered of three fine girls, vho are all doing wvell. They are her first children. On the 29th ult., at Bellary-cottage, Brixton, the Lady of Major John Race Godfrey, of the Ist reg. Madras Infantry, of a daughter. On the 28th ult. at Chelsea College, the wile of Liemt.-Colonel John Morillyon Wil. son, ...