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Advertisements & Notices

... pINBIRGH ~hAMPACKErS, from the Jetty, l~et ada pck, ti~itai th olyWharf whera ?aRangftrS can 'taurdy Eenig. 1thJanary an evryalternate Saturday. Eage. eget'sCirus.Picadilltand35.Legideaaball-stieet. I ~~~~~~~~A. M ITCHELL. ljy'S HOSP T L.--The Spritig Course of Lectures will commence on Monday, Jansuary10,l -Dr. ADDIDO . ADS foatland(P~FRATjONS of URGERY-Mr.BaAN62VCor. IT.98,Will *11'1. the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Gkocerq, Tea, and ?? WEarehouse, iWARKET HEAD, DERBY. IIARRIET BAKEWELL & SON, FTUTRN their sincere thanks to their friminds t, jatd the public for the support thev have hitherto eve, and beg to inform them that they have taken the proies at the ?? EA T hElS, formerly occupied by tchitt and Bakewell, which they re-opened on Friday, the id instant. 1o requesting a continuance of their favours, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and SUPkER. ' RE will be a BALL and SUPPER, at the T New Assemblly Rooms, Derby, on Tuesday the 4th offebruq AIRS, W'ILM:OT Lady Patroness. flU0 g N'IIOq-LDE , Ecu. Stewards. l -RISSCHURCH, in consequence of several MK. ?? to ?? ct. begs to announce that it is intntontoreeie ?? PUPILs, as well, as AAY BOARDERS. t BOT~l~terlltgnfor ttlin in Englishd Grammar and Composi. I Atithflttic, Writring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUFF'S FARMIER'S FRIENi). k, 7~lROUSANDS of respectable Farmers acknow- T. ledge it is tiw a Farmer's own fault if he loses either ee Lambs, Calves, Cows, or oilier Catile, by the Scour of Looseners; or Horses by stie Fret, Cholie, or Gripes, as a somall dose of Cuff's Farmer's Friend is a certain cure for those diseases_ Cuf'st Lame Horse's Friend, is an invaluable remedy for Ilie Grease, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Macclesfield & Euxton Turnpike Road. ITO CE is hereby Given, that the Trustees of the ''urnpike Road- for carrying into execution an Act of Parliament made and passed in the second year of the reign ot his late Al jesty King George the fourth, entituled, An Act for more ?? repairing the Road, from IBroken'Cross, in *lacclehfield, in the county of Chester, to the Turnpike Rtoad, at Buxtor, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C? e EXTEXSIVE ANI) DrSI1:A111.1i If ESTATES a IN TIMI COUNTIES IP AillIPnrDI:tN AND 11ANFF, ,S UGTIG SES IN ABERDEEN, S ,IAND WHIAILE FISHING SHARES IN' ETEmIlT:i.lD, For Sala. s There will e vxposed tar salr, bV allj(1litlled public lollp, with ill e tihe! lo Iv 11 Hotel in AberdeIn, upojn Frvilav the 7tIh of MIt ti ilt lext, it ?? the Itt i's of tvo Will tii cccafterlioonll (unless ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11a o. xt !AtiEMI3LY INill take place in thle I't:att C In ?? Fill oni T~,nsntifly the il-1 of .ianuttia-. Drincinu to coukoiittrtcO tt i '1-oa ?? 10 Cards nIlI Itf~sbets 114tonal. B1O. (J i vngers, introdi ned by Siibscribers, to paN i- 1. (Id, (,eah. LAT I''Stcn-vards a i-s reclnested to in-est, in) thre Cardi P ioolia of Pt;I ?? 5 (in the( li h o Jointrtt'i t Iti pstto o'clock .a, - to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADDRESS From the Clergy to the Primate. It Flalr following ADDIRESS to the PRIMATE, is. T l'rom thle (blcry ol ?? and W1'ales, is now in the ed course of. Slibmeription in every part of the Country. In s some instance it has slready receivejA tile sanction of the llitops. antd will be presented by them). The ansious wish ny of ihuse whlo originated it was if possiblie lo avoil tdll party - ...