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Advertisements & Notices

... FOR NEW YORK, The f'tne fast-sailing Barque *;, ,,; CHILTON, T JotlN WsrnaEnc-,F. Master; 280 Teos Re' siter: Suecceds the SAMUEL. CUINar,). and will sail (wind and weather permiltilig,) onl the 29th January, 1834. ;las excellent height between Decks fir Passengerv. Apply to JOIIN flOLLINLSOWIO,1 Hutll. Dec. 23, 1833. Bluwlalley-Larie FORP LIVERPOOL, The file Snw l MlULGRAVE CASTI,E, Tllun3m, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pINBIRGH ~hAMPACKErS, from the Jetty, l~et ada pck, ti~itai th olyWharf whera ?aRangftrS can 'taurdy Eenig. 1thJanary an evryalternate Saturday. Eage. eget'sCirus.Picadilltand35.Legideaaball-stieet. I ~~~~~~~~A. M ITCHELL. ljy'S HOSP T L.--The Spritig Course of Lectures will commence on Monday, Jansuary10,l -Dr. ADDIDO . ADS foatland(P~FRATjONS of URGERY-Mr.BaAN62VCor. IT.98,Will *11'1. the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AD3M111AL'TY, ?? JANUtARY. 1834. litt Mlt,)TICE is hereby ?? a SEMS VON : TVie bI LII Y for i he Trial of' Olipccs root ii IeAd ol thle ay High S 10s5 Wihill [Ile Juristtictjon Of I he Admiralty - fEnlan31d, WMij be 1Ltddat J ust iee Ii all, ?? is Biley, London. Oil TIIMd ny lie11thIL of, February Arid next, at eight o'clock in the morn1ittg; andl all Sheriffi, given Gaolr-rs, tutd Keepers of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW YORK LINE OF PACKETS. Sailing on the 8th of every month, viz. VIRGINIAN. I. HARRIS ?? tons, 8th Feb. SHEFFIELD. W. G. HACICSTAF . ?? 560 tons, 8th March. UNITED STATES, N. 1. HO7DRZGZE S.650 tons, 8th April. JOHN JAY, C. G. GLOVER ?? toas, 8th May. These ships nre all of the first class, recently built lii th edty of New York; and, for strength, beauty ofhodeI punctualitr, and swiftoess of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL-The Spring Course will com- mence on Monday, January 20, 1834. Medicine-Dr. Williams. Materia Medica-Dr. Burton. Anatomy and Physiology-Mr. Mackimurdo and Mr. Solly. Chemistry-Mr. Phillips. Midwifery-Dr. Ashburner and Dr. Rigby. Surgery-Mllr. Tyrrell. Medical Jurisprudence-Dr. Lister and Mr. Phillips. Boaany-Mr. Hayes. Demonstrations-Mr. B. Travers, jun. and Mr. Clark. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALB1OO SOTEL. RANEL.AGH-STREET, LIVERPOOL. 4- THOMAS RILEY, (From Preston,) TAKES the earliest opportunity of informing his 1 Friends and the Public in general, that he has entered upon the above Establishment, (lately in the occupation of' Mr. Matson,) which is fitted up with every accommodation for the convenience of Familiess and Commercial Gentlemen. Having laid in his STOCK of WINES, &c., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Gkocerq, Tea, and ?? WEarehouse, iWARKET HEAD, DERBY. IIARRIET BAKEWELL & SON, FTUTRN their sincere thanks to their friminds t, jatd the public for the support thev have hitherto eve, and beg to inform them that they have taken the proies at the ?? EA T hElS, formerly occupied by tchitt and Bakewell, which they re-opened on Friday, the id instant. 1o requesting a continuance of their favours, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BCIA, MR. R r ,I{. Ir.R. BIrSHrOP. ORI & iIBOCHSA rFG t1het ?? lly to acquaint the Nobility ,l(I Gelltrv of P(sion anil its Vicinity, that they wvill wive a grinjl EVENING CONCERT F rOfL-jL NV, D ISTItS T UM.EVTA L MUSIC, ON SATUR1DAY, JANUARY 18, 1834, ,tf ?? 7 0'cloclepccisedY, AT till: ASSEMBLY Itn055j, PRRSTON. m it. I 0CifS A T'ill introaliuce jids celebrated New 1 Harp Efl'ects, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OiN SALEM, IP. PETEl RSBUR%3 Y. U TALLOW. tRIG, IUINIE IIEMP. 1)o. PASS HENMP. FRLNCH BURIRS'TONES. DJ2NZI(I BLACK dlElt. KEN'T HOPS. RYE GRASS SEED. A CARGO OF OAK BARK. CHRISTIAN ALLHUSEN, Quayside, Newatstht; arnd Exchatge liuildings, Su nderladil. ON SALE A CARGO of TIM I1EII, 9IEALS, &v., noW oi At Bord lle Colmb us, Captalin Rusiell, in Shiells Har- bour, ?? Qouehi, for I)elivery ini ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BE.LFAST ACADIl1Y. THE GENERAL VElETING of the PATRONS ' of the BELFAX ACDEMY will be held on 'TUESDAY next, t 10thjti nt, at ONE o'clock, in the LIBRARY, a whic ness of great importance will be broughtfrad ?? above ting i OURNED till TUES- DAY next, th 7th instan at same hour. / / ~~~12th December, 1833.|| The above Meetingh/nS been again ADJOURNED,: owing to the very thin tendance on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IADVERTISEMIENT.1 Manchester, Oct. 14,1832. GmeTLEMEXN,-I am about to communicate a case wherein you are interested, of very singular occurrence:- My youngest daughter, aged tburteen, is very tend of reading, and tales of diablerie, as I think they are styled, attract particularly her mort intense attention A Look of such description, The Invisible World Discovered, having fallen into her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ?? AKEFIE'LD &- AUSTERLANi)S TURNPIKE I W ROAD. NOTICE is hereby given, that the 1OLLS arising at the several Toll Gates, Hars aiod Chains, erected upon the Turnpike Rload F fromlU WValkefield to Anstrerlanlds, in the West Iidingoof tile County 3 of York, will be LET ny AUCTION. to the bcst Bidder, in Two 3 Lots. (Ile Lot Cnosisihiig of the Tolls arising, alid to be collected II o0t tihe ...