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London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... pINBIRGH ~hAMPACKErS, from the Jetty, l~et ada pck, ti~itai th olyWharf whera ?aRangftrS can 'taurdy Eenig. 1thJanary an evryalternate Saturday. Eage. eget'sCirus.Picadilltand35.Legideaaball-stieet. I ~~~~~~~~A. M ITCHELL. ljy'S HOSP T L.--The Spritig Course of Lectures will commence on Monday, Jansuary10,l -Dr. ADDIDO . ADS foatland(P~FRATjONS of URGERY-Mr.BaAN62VCor. IT.98,Will *11'1. the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL-The Spring Course will com- mence on Monday, January 20, 1834. Medicine-Dr. Williams. Materia Medica-Dr. Burton. Anatomy and Physiology-Mr. Mackimurdo and Mr. Solly. Chemistry-Mr. Phillips. Midwifery-Dr. Ashburner and Dr. Rigby. Surgery-Mllr. Tyrrell. Medical Jurisprudence-Dr. Lister and Mr. Phillips. Boaany-Mr. Hayes. Demonstrations-Mr. B. Travers, jun. and Mr. Clark. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MRS. AUSHIN'S TRANSLATIONS $ROM THE GERMAN, Unique Present for Youth.- Aptropriately Embellished and Boutnd, with 17 Wood Engrasings in the first style of the art, from the pencil of Harvey, price is. THE STORY WTfl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iIGS CoLLE ,LONDON.--Mvb- WAL SCHOOL.-The APRIN cott I f LEICTUBRES Ill commence, al Sueyr have thtO option eIther of attending one .! ,ye~~oo estfl as Oceaen azippls ro e0ternig urod1a complele insrucionas ins, Cliege Medical . adnts. The ~pr~feO~l8lof ItstOtrligt Cae KsKS 8ed1c Stuidents will enjoy, and 0,ee ahih red oftbem.: Twy C learned fromn a printed stateme~nt, '~0ro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LL the CAPITALS, except SIX, in th A last Glasgow Lottery, were Shared and Sold by liSH, at his Offices, 13, Cr. iill, 27, Poultry, and 138, Regent-street, and paid for ins money on demand ; and le ha, nolw on sa'e a great variety of Tickets and Shares for the SECOND GLASGOW LOT. TERY, which will be all decided in ONE DAY, TWENTY.SECOND OF THIS MONTH (JANUARY). PRESENT PRICE:- Ticket ?? £13 13 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yL IN S1i 'iJON of 6KitT BRiIAIN.- UpfrepotesY BRANISE and FARADAY Will COMMERNCE their SE. P OREof CHEMICAL L9COTUHLES sand DEMiONSTrRATION3 in ,s35rtory of thre Royeal Instlintlen for Medical and G4eneraL Stutdents, On tite sib of February. at Nine In the Morning -Vor a Prospectus and D~;~A~slsal aplVatin may be made Ito the Lecturers; or to M1r. atts tyl Intclttlock. JOSEPH FINCHER, Assist. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v XIJ, and LONDON STEAM PACKETS.-It ,,,Ing been laduoetrionsily circulated by Interested persons, thatthe Bull 1,0d~f SeamPacet, Prince Frederick and Yarksblreman, will not keep mcunuication twice a week dtoring the Wne otsbtenBl til t_ owesse hmevsof thus Opportunity of thus pub- boo .mingthe ShIppers and the Public In general, that NI7F, FED RiICK. Capt. Gosoan WILKINESONe and YORKSHIRE- 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AI TRE of ANATOM Y and MEDICINE, W~ebb.- etMaze~pond, Blorough.-The SPRING COURSE of LECTURES b, yetsedat this Theatre will connmenceofl Montday.Jatt. 20. 1834. ikTONY and PHYSIOLOGY-Ey.1ir. GRAINORR a0d Mr. PILCHER. t ,,JIoSR riN and DISSECTIONS-By, the LaCTuasasL and Mar. Ai' k., PkT MobEDICINE-By Dr. WHITING. .4 Ppi e.CER. &c-B tD. oviR Lea. F.R.S. THRAPEUIICS, ad PHARUACY-By Dr. WHIT- L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1jPN BRGHSTEAM PACKErS, from the Jetty, West Judin Docks, Blf,'kwait the only Wharf where Passenger: can me f the day thaeVess~let sarts. ,Wo or t97I 2of l1th January, and every alternaeStudy I~es spread Eagle, Regetttes Circusl, Picesdillyi an S35, Leadenhall-street. go ~~~~~~~~~A. MITCHELL. YOIDER of the GRESHAM COMMITTEE.- Ji Natice io hereby given, that the LECTURE~S founded by Sir THOMAS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LMVARBLE WORKS.-The Public are invited to view the exteni > sive ?? ROOMT fitted up by the London Marble and Stone Working Comn- pany, tontainhig the greatest variety of Chimney Pieces, Tables, Wash-hand Stadas, and Shop Counters; Monoments, Tablets, BATHS, and all otiser articles of Marble Work, fnished in a superior manner by the Patent Machinery.-Country agents sup- ?? Street, Holywvelt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHAWL and LINEN ESTABLISHMENT, 104, Fleet Street, corner of Bridge Strbee.-J. WAITHMAN and CO. having made very extensive purchases for cash, at an immense reduction in price, are nov selling SHAWLS of the most novel and fashionable description at prices quite unprecedented Messrs. W. and Co. beg6yarticularly to recommend to families their UNDRESSED FABRIC of IRISH ID EN, warranted for ...