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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Onl TitUreSdIt, at Cfdaisti Li eecloitchire, by tile Revy. Sflantud il 'It'sinter, ?? ja (lse Ac IdiiIt, ?? Ecuj. to diarv, tide h dee gut or ol' thle ]Ins cciDILI ?? ri'tier, st.of the former piece. dt ii Stinic day', it Jlrotbts 11e. John Gladstonel i-loll, csith li nttijit!icslrt tree f 1tilitule is Jlao, dauhteltr of 1e. 2l'o I s ,ta Rala:lo, citL~ tan at act tnr~ ofti-eanutsi piece. ca ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED.' On Saturday. T. Hamilton, Esq; brother uf Sir IV. ilamilton, Oart. of Preston, to Lady Towns- cnd larquhar, widow of Sir Rlobt. T. rayqnuhar, Dlart. late GO- t vernor of the Maurithis.-Ou Tuesday, J. L. Lee, Esq. M.P. of I flillinigton, Somerset, to .essy, datghterof the ?? Vaughan, t eq. ~late M.l. for Wells.-At Woolivich, H. t3. Burnaby, ESq. Royal ilorse Artillery, to Eliza, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH- At Parkanitur,' coulnty Tyrone, oil the 31st ult. thc Lady Caroline ullr ges, of a sonl and heir. At loughbrickland, o0l the 3d inst. Mrs. Thompson, of two daughters and a sosl; the mother and clbiiithl-L are likely to do well. e . MARRIEli, Ctt ihen(ith hbit. il St. Anso's Wihurcli, by the lev, ''hos. Mililks Mr. Wet. Nwiiett, to Miss Mary Ann Savag, ellest daught r of Captain 'W ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. In Belfast, the Lady of Captain the Rlon. C. F. Norton, 52d Light Infantry, of a daughter. 1 At Spithead, the Lady of G overnor Sir James Stirling, R. ., of a son. At Holmes, lioxburglhshire, on the 226 ult., the Lady of Sir William Jardine, Bart., of Applegartb, of a son. On the 21st ult., at Sowton Rectory, the Lady of the Rev. Archdeacon Barnes, of a dauglitcr. On Monday last, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTHi Feb. .4, at Lisburn, county of Antrin, the Lady of George Stephenson, Esq. of a daughter. At Waterloo cottage, near Ballyshannon, the Lady of Thomas Eales, Esqof a daughter. lob. S, at Gowran Glebe, the Lady of the Rev. Dr. Staples, of a daugh- ter. In Deani-street, Park, lane, London, Lady Clanmoris, of a son. OMARRIED. On the fith hist. by the Rev. lr. Hanna, Mr. James Nicholl, to ...

On Sunday last, the

... lady of Joseph Feilden, Fsq., of WVitton-house, of a dauightcr. On Thursday, the 30th ult., the lady of William Moult, Esq., of Park-side, Knowsley, of a son and heir. On Wednecdry last, by toe Rev. R. C. Wilson, vicar, Mr. Thomas Charnley, iromnoger, to Miss Margaret Har- rison, second daugiter of Mr. Harrison, brush manufac- turer, of this town. On Thursday last, Mr. Wm. Whalley to Miss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS BIRTHS Ols the I7th in;t. the lady of the Rev. J. W.Trevor, Vieer of Lkiuiheblig, of ; daughter. ih O*in te rtth inst. at Bryn-Helen, near Carnarvon, Mrs. Preece, of it son anmd heir. MARRIAGES On the 14th inst. at Lianwvenilwyfo, Anglosev by the her. Evan Iltughes, Mr. Hugh Hughes, oflthos- di illyntlrch, to Charlotte, third datughter of Capt.Jones, cr of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 10th silt., the wife of James Lord, of Milkstone, near Rochdale 'was safely delivered of three fine girls, vho are all doing wvell. They are her first children. On the 29th ult., at Bellary-cottage, Brixton, the Lady of Major John Race Godfrey, of the Ist reg. Madras Infantry, of a daughter. On the 28th ult. at Chelsea College, the wile of Liemt.-Colonel John Morillyon Wil. son, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e MARRIED. At Carlisle, James Jardine, Esq. son of Sir II. Jardine, e to Ann, daughter of the late Col. Thomlinson, and relict of 1, the late Capt. AVyndows.-At Bransby, Yorkshire, William r Plowden, Esq. to Barbara, eldest daughter of' F. Cholmeley, c Esq.-John Clerveaux, second son of Sir lr. Chaytor, Bart. e al. P. of Wilton Castle, Durham, to Lydia Frances, eldest D daughter of Thomas ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Thursdaly, at the parish church, Leeds, by the Rev. John w Urquhart, AMr. ,iohn Basynes, to altry, eltiestc daughter of Ars. tliel Price, all of this tote. t1. Sonic dtiy, Air John11 Berry,, 'jun. grocer, of Gomeicrsal, to i Mi ry, youngest daughter ofMr. Win. Newosue, seed crusher, Dlewsbuiry. f Onl We1'dnesday last, at Blottrami, Air. `li'tn. Abbey'. of of iiLtckwood, voacd-ourrevor to Al ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e BIa'Rts.-On WVedncsday, at Woodcot, near Chi- o chester, the lady of John Fuller, Esq. ol a ?? Farehatin, otn Wednesday, the lady of r. F. Kelisall, Esq. of a daughter.- 'rhis morning, the Lady of John Coolie, Esq. of Newport, of )4 k- a ?? Portsea, on Thursday, the Lady of Lieut. Wmm. _ . Shallard, of H.M.S. Victory, of a daughter. 1D3 . larried, Mr. H. Roberts, Plumber, of Titchfield, 4 to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. In Upper Seynmour-street, the Lady of Lieut.-Colonel Lluellyn, of a son. MARRIED. On Thursday, by special license, at Stk George's, Hanover-square, by the Very Rev. -thel)ean of Carlisle, the Right Hon. the Earl of Glengali, to Margaret Lauretta, youngest daughter of the late William Mellish, Esq., of Woodford, Essex, and Dover. street, Piccadilly. I On the 18th inst., at St. George's. ...