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London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... PAPZ&P E TOfl AND BASifwSr Or, a shortJ History of Banking in the United States of Amlerica, with an account of its ruinous effects on Landowniers, Faraiers, Traders, andon all the industrious classes oi tbe community. BV W. M. Gouns, of Philadelphia, inl 833. To bhich is preficed an Introduction by WMs. CoPe.nT, M.P., for Oldhamn. Price 4s 11, Bult-court, Fleet-street, and all Book- sellers. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~j;iRGH STEAM SHIPS, Every Saturday, felw tebJtty, West Ivedia Deecksi. Blackwall h nyWhr hT 9ca twalk nul board atAny time of the day* Lie vessel starts. yWeselma The 50110, Saturday Evenelin, Soti February. UONARCH. Captain BmNrowillt make her first voyage this IAlaon on oi Opp ~~~~~~~~A. MIThSELL, OVNT-GARDN THEATRICAL FUN D.-Pa. trilp,TRICEKING. President, his Royal Higbness the Duke of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO READERS AND CORRESPONDENtS. We have received several communications respecting tbe views entertained by Vindex of the cause of the distress and his pro. posed remedy for it. Their number aed length excludes them from our pages. We again impress upon our correspondents the im- portance of brevity. Short letters stored with usefal facts are. always acceptable. I have received many kind ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOCAL TESTAMENTARY COURTS. It is understood that an extraordinary measure is nowv in propacotiobn which, if carlied into a law, will produce the most alarming -slterations in the existing mode of preserving wills, and of taaking out probhtes snd letters of administraiion in every part of this king-dom, not comprised witbin the precincts of the metropolis. This Bill is said to contemplate, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y- ILLIAN'r, K ENT. ESSEX and PRARL.-The Public N1,Informned, that the above fast In spciie at fid Poes-will, Lon an of the 22d ritn until further noi ouari.ii tFrom th tiNew Stea Pacet Warf, Daily, at Nine and o.FrtthNe ~at0~aes~ti Dily a Eihtand Three. No Packet leaves Gravesend or 00 ona~ao odnonSna fernoons.-Thelt new and conomte- l~t~krttir Emeald.nowbuilding at Gravesend, wIll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (mfrm the Jetty, B'I'est lydia Dockis, tlscksvaii, the only Wharf where ..gan .510 atn hoard at RUT time I the .laY the vessel starts. YAW*RI The- SOHO, Sartu,day Evening, 22d Febrilary.ii esno o Thle AIONARCH, taln BAINJ. will make her first voyage hIs esno a lEagle.. Regent's Circus, Piccadiliyi and 35. Leadenhall-alreel. ,,See,: spred Eagle. ItA. MITCHELL. i~NBUTRY CIRCUS and NOWFTH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aN) nd NMILTON STEAMI PACKE'i bri, -BILIANT RENT. RiOSEFX and PE.ARL.-The Publir jlrdthat the abov, fast and splendid PaCket! Will, onl an, h ii 224 Instanlt. inn until further notice as fellows :-Firiom Lon- 1104~~ steami Packet Wharf, Daily, at Nine arid Four. From the New 11i p~'~d Dil.y, at Eight anod Three. No Packet e~sGaerdo ~ ,or Loodon on Sunday Afteriscone.-.Thite new and commas- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUICTto14. corsberwell, Sarrey.-lousebold Funture, Plate, Books, A~anth sto~r at Lady docemoled, remosed fo ovn~m of tale *s filtr c thie footofDerimasrkltRiitBY Mr. S3UxRELL,on ThndarstiFnt le p,e Twelve, il e pit, -po~~~~e, ~tent and % aeada, and fdnitittorea, goose feather beds and bedidn' panned chents of deawer, and bed chamber aricles. dr..m,' a? room certain', chairs and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COBBETT.LI BRARY. Newi Edition. COlBBETTI SpellifGnv (Pi-ice 2s.) Containing, besides all the .u31 lii such a hook, a clear and concise INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH OlR This I have written by way A Stepping-Stone to iIIY 0 ur Grawmar;v such a thing having been freq05 63,5 ' gested to me by Teachers as ?? 1. ENGLISH GRAMMAR.-Of this work sixty thousand copies have now been published. This is a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE EXHIBITION of PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS, and SKETCHES by tire late R. P. ItNINGTON, is now Open to the Public, at 209, REGENT STlElT. This Interesting Collection contains trie greater part of hlis Finest Productiarns, and altogether comprehends Thrde Hundred and Fifty different Subjects, many of vhich are entirely Neiv to thc Public. Open from Ten til Six. Admission, Is. Catalogue, 6d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On Saturday, February 15, was published, price Fourpence, to be continued Monthly, T-H E PRINTLN-G MACHINE; A REVIEW FOR THE MANY. No. I. Contents -I, The Market of Literature.-2. Diffusion of the Results of Scientific Investigations.-3. The Literary Newspapers.-4. Popular Statistics of Great Britain, France, and America.-5. Illustrated Editions of Rogers' Poems.-6. The British Mnseum: Elgin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~NEALSTArd NAVIGATION COMPANY.- st ls ed y Act of Pa~isiament.-69, Lonbard-strestL V rteroi Stem N vgtion Comanyry's first-rAte and auporlor PACKETS se fryfustoearoyerntoee ptb,01f;C' it.ay cnaeryl ngit majeety's Malls, every Satueday. al I h AIfe returning evary Baltards~ vr elelyadStra jfol0 ''~VAId coervie his m:- I'sty's Masils' every Wednesday an Satturday i10 ,' en;j o'clock precisely. ...