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February 1834
5 15 4 17



South East, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... D ~~1 MUSIC RO OH, OXFORD. X1Ro WAR~SEALL ESPECTFULLY announces to the Nobility and Rl. Gentry of the University and City, and his Friends, that (by permission of the Rev. the Vice-Chancellor and the Stewards of the Music Room) his ANNUAL CONCERT will take place on MONDAY the 24th inst.; for which he has engaged Mrs. BjISIHOP, MISS CLARA NOVELLO, Ati1a Kr, ACHI., Of thelfing'sC ?? opf Atcien)t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALL persons avhinrg any claimn or demand upon01 tei A the Estate or Effec'ts of Mirs. PATIENCE NEW- s DERRY, late of Southrop, in tile Parish of Iloole.No~tof, Stot iin the county of Oxford, widolo, deceased, are requecsted tow send t!t esame eirtler to Air. James NTwberry, of Southrop are aforesaid, or to Mr. Peter Bugnel1, solicitot, BtanburyOv or ?? ?? ebe 4, 10,24. jwifi --OHUB 6'I-I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. AYoung Lady, who has been accustomed to TUI. A TION, wishes to engage herselfas GOVERNESS . IL Family, In addition to the essential branches of Education and mental acquirement, she undertakes to Lteach M usic, Singing French, Drawing, and Painting; .in a11 itS different hrairohes, with all kind of Fancy Work, to which ireferenoces will prove her ru so fully competent.-Addrest, post ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I i, Per: 0:r havitig anoy ( imin or DCrr111cnn LI ! O A ?? tire o l r Air. :A Ai ES b6 A RE-4, otlweris i JAM EI LS Si l Le; US ElI, late or Little A. Ib- shott, in tll Paldsit ot' Tiriilieldi, 'comait (1ccemsed t I are ?? to ihonuldiately setc tlte ptjrtictla1rs thercot t to 1llr. ?? Iolivtitr, latrchan), in order that Ite t tfsanle miay bot cxaminclned it dischargi ed ; arnd ll Peor- I soos ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRE-WOOD, &c. FOR SALE. F 7jHESE are togive Notice,- Thaton Zrednft. day nert, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, ,W EXPOSED to SALE, atthe Payoffice in hj . jesty's Yard, nearPortsmoulh,- 0 About 64 Lots of OLD FIRE WOOD, &c And I Lot of Inferior Timber and Chocks. Where any Persons wishing7 to become Purch, f maocoy have the liberty of viewing thwem, in the t hours, till the day of sale. All ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WOOL VERCo2'. pO be i T, for three, five, or sven'years)-A .. Piece of afllcieft MElADOW GROUND, of i Acres (more or less), called the Poor's Plot. It will be let free from il charges or liabilities whatever, except parish rates. Enquire of Mr. Cox, schoolmaster, of Woolvercot. LEDWELL FARMI, flrOTTOAT, near WOODSTOCK Oxon. rO BE SOLD BY AUCTIONS JB J. HARRISON, Tle superior FLOCK of SHEEP, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flus Re~sident G;overness. A Young Lady is desirous of taking charge of Atwo or three little Girls. She is fully competent to instruct her Pupils in every branch of a thorough English education understands French perfectly, with the rudiments of Italian. She would instruct beginners in Music, for the first two years. A comfortable home of greater consideration than a large ?? most respectable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?ORTSMIOUTH A$SE1WDLIES. n) r11HE Nobility and (entry are respectfully intormned the niext AtSE3J BLY will takeplacc on ?? 24th of Febiuarv. 1834. at the Green Kow Rooms, in honiour of the Qzieerlsa Birth-Day. Adnit; Sir Ttbji. Wilitams, ?? lIon, Captain Byng R.N Ccoloeil Vorst r, .A. c Captain 5)acers, It.N. 'aptain1 Willi ?? n, TL.. n i-I. 9. (2tl~mpbetl, Eaq. J. E. Atk~ins, Esq. - Ticket6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iive 11iMldd pericnt, or lnfitblious Pills. ac- rj-IESE Pills are strongly recommendledl as one of aci TL the best medicines for bilious complaints, viscid con- cretions, disorders of the stomach and bowels, giddiness, sick head aches, &c. Prepared by Edward Thurland, chymist, Oxford. Sold ,yal in boxes at Is. Ild. 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6dIL. duty included. Ing eg. TURNPIKE TOLLS TO LET. F. l~sT ...