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... Lovesey, wheelwright, Mrs. Taylor, the Norfolk Arms, both ot this city. On the 20th nit. at Cbiircham, in IMsconnty. Mr. John Moss, to Miss Mansell, both ot this city. At Chosen, In this county, Mr. John Wilks, of this city, pinner, to Miss C. Valieuder ...

Published: Saturday 01 March 1834
Newspaper: Gloucestershire Chronicle
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: | Words: 2090 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... Col. Leith Hay, Mr. Hope Johnstone, Major Cumming Bruce, Mr. Frederick Shaw, Mr. Cutlar Fergusson, Mr. James Grattan, Mr. Robert Wallace, Mr. John Maxwell, Admiral Adam, Mr. Bannerman, Captain Dunlop, Sir Andrew Agnew, Sir George Grey, Mr. Plumptre, Sir ...


... Horace St. Paul, and Sir John Campbell (then Solicitor-General). electors polled; of which number Sir John Campbell had majority 90. believe the gross number of registered electors is now about 710. Of these polled on Thursday—Sir John Campbell Mr. Thos. Hawkes ...