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March 1834
4 5




Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... . Z[S GL~ND SOCIETY OF SOAT ANaD IN 1*34. 1jiyg itctd 8ociety ?? 'Edinlrorrqh, Feb. 10, 1834'. ~'HtHW~IHIID' SOCIETY of SCOTLAND dloes hereby L~alveitie,.TI'hat ihe larsde'-trnentioned PREMIUMS are to be ~l~:giveis by the Sbciety in the ycar 1834, &c. ESSAYS AND REPORTS. 1. Aocounn of tike Quarries ins Scollatod. A Piece of Plate, of Twenty-five Sovereigns vmlne, will be given for the best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UDERTh IM DISTINGUISHIED PATILOXAGE Or MRs. HADDEN, of Union Grove.; SIR MICHAEL BRUCE, Bart. ; the Honourable the LORD PROVOST; the CITY 'MEMBER; COLONEL BIOZON. and the OFFICERS C of the 9J3d, or Suthialand Highlanders.C.1 Elit. PATON'S Trin G- RA ND EXHIBITION or PRNMAN'SHT1' will talce place twdit 9Win the H nll itt tha NEW IN N, onl Thlursday next, 6ith curirent, The betweeni the, hones ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aiEr. J. PAXT ON, LVcctslioe of the R~ozpol Cothlege of ctrywonsc of AI~dnbntrTh EC to intimat ?? of STO-ttl1AVrN, Mill tile adijareit coun try, that hke has comimencedl YE NTI' AIA and j1IDWIFERY'PRACTICE iln S-rONntVN and hopus, by di- lincutt littetition to his proiessionlal ditties, to moritt the confidenc~e of his employers. siencha en, 5thsFeb. 1834. e- HE above hlndsonite, cot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? rnELIGILE OPENING FOR A - the SUIP-CARPENTER AND BOATnBUILDERp Ar- AT FRASERBUIGI!. or- HRFl S ttllSCIlc3sER, iintei~tli ug to give ti) the 1insi ness of SHIP- A.T BUILDING, and having oa the Stocks a Vessel partly built, Ti nn- aud a considerahle qplantity of Timber on hnliid, is desirous of treat- at ing, for- the sale of tlhe soule, with a lerson wishing to commence ain ini the above ...