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THE ROYAL GRAND MUSICAL FES- TIVAL— Their MAJESTIES having been gra- ciously pleased to command that a GRAND ..

... shall beheld in Westminster Abbey, towards tbe end of June 01 the beginning of July next, upon a plan as nearly similar as circumstances will admit to that adopted at the Commemoration of Handel in 1784, the particulars of the arrangements will lie published as soon as the same shall be finally settled. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint the following Noblemen and Gentlemen Directors of ...

Published: Monday 03 March 1834
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 42743 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 


... will be held at the YORK HOTEL, Waterloo Hrid-;c Road, in the County of Surrey, on THURSDAY, the 13th day of March next, at Twelve for One o'clock in the Afternoon, to examine, audit, and settle the accounts of the Treasurer, pursuant, to the directions of the act For regulating Turnpike Roads ; also to elect Trustees in the room of those Mho are dead, removed, or refuse t«* act ; and nn ...

npHE GENRKAJL STEAM NAVIGATION -*• COMPANY'S first-rate and superior packets leave the CUSTOM-HOUSE for ..

... DAY ry SATUR D\Y — N.B. The Wednesday's Packet .cc running on the 12th inst. il ?? 1 i *T jnr ry WEDNES- DAY andSATURI 'Clock precisely, re- turning evety WEDNESDAY mid SATURDAY Morning. bSTtWD, every SATURDAY Morning, returning every TlT:sl)av Night.' CALMS, every SUNDAY' Morning, returning every WED- NESDAY night. ets from ST. X \THARINE STE \M PACKET WHARF to RAMSGATE every SATURDAY ...

EAST INDIA HOUSE, March 5, 1834— Whereas, in pursuance of the 6th Section of the 7th Chapter of tbe By-Laws

... of the East India Company, it is i ordained — i That a List shall be published thirty days before the I •• Annual Election of Directors, containing the name* of such | • Proprietors qualified agreeable to law as shall signify in • • writing to the Secretary their desire of becoming Candidates for the Direction thirty-two days before such Annual i Election. I The Court of Directors of ...

Published: Thursday 06 March 1834
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9643 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

EAST INDIA HOUSE, 18th February, 18»4. THE COURT of DIRECTORS of the East India Company do hereby give notice- That

... advances..! money will ♦Rom time to t ime be made by :pany at each of their. Presidencies of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay, and also at Canton, to sush extent as shall be deemed proper by the Bangnl government, in exchange for bills upon England in the Company's favour, at rates to be nxed at the respective places at which tbe advances may be made, such advances to be secured Upon consignments of ...

-^SSIEUR DELABARRES VISIT TO • * BRADFORD. MINERAL ATLANTIC CEMENT, r fauns ®ct*V& C«tt), tottyerut $*at at ..

... TEETH FIXED WITHOUT WIRE, >D iFKING, OR SHOWING ANY FASTENING WHATEVER. MONSIEUR DELABARRE, burgeon Bentfet, FROM PARIS AND LONDON. 2f o . 5, LORD STREET, HALIFAX, RFSPECTFIILLY announces to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Bradford and its vicinity, that at tbe request of several families fli -tinction he has lieen induced to visit Bradford. He may ?? be consulted in all the hunches of DENTAL ...

Published: Thursday 06 March 1834
Newspaper: Bradford Observer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3999 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 


... MARRIED PHYSICIAN, resident in the most aire Quarter of a large Maritime City, receiving IW into House, whose Case a Nature benefited constant« are; or would not object take as inmate l.ady requiring the Advantage select Society, and a permanent or temporary Home. Communications addressed D. M. Office of this I'uper. References will given and required. Just Published, price3s. boards. Tetters ...

Published: Saturday 01 March 1834
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1386 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 


... The following report of the proceeding in the French Chamber of Deputies, Feb. 22, relative the deceased Emperor, will show how strongly the people of France yet feel towards h ...

Published: Saturday 01 March 1834
Newspaper: Leicester Chronicle
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 934 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Classifieds 


... LONDON, TUESDAY, MARCH 4. DESPATCHES have been received from Lisbon. the 18th ult. an action took place at Almoster, between the and Miguel's troops. Though the advantage was on the side of the forces of the Queen, it is equally clear that the contest was conducted with great courage and animation on the part of the Miguelites until fortune showed itself decidedly against them. The loss on ...

Published: Thursday 06 March 1834
Newspaper: Worcester Journal
County: Worcestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1436 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Classifieds