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... WOOLLEN.DRAPER, Northallerton, IS in immediate want of an APPRENTICE, ,11 | .etter. to be Post-paid. FARM WANTED. AS eligible Tenant is desirous of TAKING a FARM of sound Turnip and Barley Land, ol from 200 to 40i» Acres, with suitable House and Outbuilding., in any good Sitaaiion within twelve mile, of York, Pocklingtoii, or XVeitrhtori- Application to be made to tlie Printer of this Paper. ...

Published: Saturday 15 March 1834
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 22380 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

A N T D, \i , tlvf in Ro-4 . , 'nt‘ Vaults. One has been in a similar preferred

... aPl-U ‘«' l IUVr, ,U xeldwaterworks. , i HKRI'.HV CIVEN. that the FOURTH F orl' ’l, , , \\Ni;VI, MKK.TINt; of the Com- I rs'of the Sheffield Wat. ran.ks will o'” f r, ,t N 11A1.1.. Sheffield, Moximy, [ \pril next, at E'even o'Clork in the ■ ' [ ' J ‘j „ ‘Report of the proeeedinss the omrpnson. ' ' an ...

Just Published, puce ds. boards. Trrri TO Fiti KN D who »M r«it his Duty to Secede from the CHCMCH

... and who imagines that the Miraculous Gills the Ghost vie revived among the the Rev. HUGH Ale. NEILL, M.A., Hector of Albury, Surrey. that attacks received opinions with any thing but fair argument, may justly suspected not mean well, nor to led by tire love of truth : the same may said of him who ».»defends theur.— Lode. T. Ilatcbard and Son, Piccadilly; sold also .lames Nisbt-i, Burner's ...

Published: Saturday 15 March 1834
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1008 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Navy, one of the Proprietors.) WfILL leave the NEW LANDING ▼▼ PtF:R, SOUTHAMPTON, for HAVRE-DE- GRACE, on Tuesday, March 25th. and every succeed- ing luesday, returning from HAVRE to Southampton every Friday as follows :— FROM SOUTHAMPTON. TROM HAVRE. Tuesday March 25th, 7 morn. Friday March 38th, 10 morn. April Ist, IS noon. April 4th, 6.1 room. April Bth, 6 morn. April llth, 9J morn. April ...

Published: Saturday 15 March 1834
Newspaper: Hampshire Advertiser
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14175 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 


... S every Sa- turday, from the Jetty, West India Docks, Blackwall the only wharf where passengers can walk on board at any time of the day tbe vessel starts. The MONARCH, THLS EVENING, March 15 -The SOHO, Saiurday Evening, March 22. OSces, SjMead Eagle, Regent's Circus, Piccadilly; an d 3S, Leadenhall-street. A# MITCHELL on the RHINE, as ?? well- known Steam-ship BATAVIER, Cant. DAVID DUN zJ ' X ...

Published: Saturday 15 March 1834
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10945 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Essex t% Colchester Hospital. T Board R^n, 13th March, 1834. HE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of tbe GOVERNORS ?? beld at

... the Board Room, on Thursday, the 3h.d/of April, at One o'Clock, to inspect the Accounts^elect Officers for tbe ensuing year, and transact the regular Business of the Insti- tution. At this Meeting it is intended to propose an altera- tion in Rule 36 ; for which purpose the attendance of Twenty Governors is requisite. Colchester Tract Society. DEPOSITORY*, 5, CROUCH STREET. JOHN ftuDaUV, AGENT. ...

Published: Saturday 15 March 1834
Newspaper: Essex Standard
County: Essex, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4257 | Page: Page 1, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 


... his Friends for the encouragement they have civln Hi™ =• v M l^ th* » bOV£ bu6ineM «-. ««> respectfully inform them , a ?? Sat T ° °- m ' B ?? from London every Monday, with _£, weekly and other SUamt^ t^Sm? \ LMC HE PARTICULARLY CALLS THF.IR ATTENTION TO HIS CIRCULATING LIBRARY tsinioP ■ lh ° Tl^f t **f* NOVe ' 8 ' Mt - ,noir8 ' Voyages, and Travels, ami a variety of ?? general interest, ...

Published: Saturday 15 March 1834
Newspaper: Lancaster Gazette
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6198 | Page: Page 1, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

To Carpenters and Masons. TO BE LET BY TENDER, the BUILD- ING OF A WOBSS HOUSE, For the POOR of

... CAMHORNE. Application to he made fo Robert Crout, at Tchidy Park, for the Plan, Specification, and Particulars, on which the Building is to be compleated; Sealed Tenders to be addressed to the Work House Committee, Burgess's Hotel, Camborne, on the 20th Instant, at Ten ?? in the Forenoon. Dale* March Ik 1834. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the PARTNERSHIP lately subsisting be- ?? undersigned,, ...

Published: Saturday 15 March 1834
Newspaper: Royal Cornwall Gazette
County: Cornwall, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5154 | Page: Page 1, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

THE GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S ftrst-rate and superior packets leave the CUSTOM-HOUSE for HAMBURGH, ..

... NESDAY and SATURDAY. ROTTER DAM, carrying his Majesty's Mai Is, every WEDN ES- DAY and SATURDAY Morning, at Seven ..'Clock precisely, re- turning every WEDNESDAY atld SATURDAY ■doming. OSTEND, every SATURDAY Morning, returning every Tl ESDAY Night. CALAIS, every SUNDAY Morning, returning every WED- NESDAY night. Packets from ST. KATHARINE STE AM PACKET WHARF to RAM-GATEevery SATURDAY Morningat ...

BANK of ENGLAND, March 11, 1834- -. &* Cou RT of DI RKCTO RS of the GOV Fii\n d «i

... pOMPANY of the BANK of ENGLANII R, that a GENERAL COURT will bY l£u .A'P Bank « THURSDAY the 2oth instantT. E?evt 'Clock* »» the forenoon, to consider of a D I V I D EN D- and „£ « TtjSsS a Y N t£lft L r C ? U RT ** it ?? on TUESDAY the Bth of April next, from Ten o'clock in the Fonaoou Ull Four hi the Afternoon for the F LPrTinv £n^^ (wh |?L W,U • he dedared th »t evening U and ...

Published: Monday 17 March 1834
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 53921 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 


... been fixed for the _, departure from I.CBKCK of rhe fine, large, Briti-.h-l.nilt steam .MHIA, Capt. J.C. Diets, and the NICHOI.AY ellL VVEMUNDE, the port of I.UBECK, at Two • S Dii Ais to sail— The NICHOI.AY I. is to sail— I I uesday, the 111 th May, _ay, the2oih May, .5 , the JDOt, Thursday, the Sth June, • I7'ii June, Tuesday, the 34th, Thursday, the. id July, Thursday, the loth July, ...

H £ &f K& ' S THE ATRE.-Mademoiselle, •JL . TAGLIONI respectfully begs leave to inform the NpHtity, Subscribers to

... the Opera, and the Public, that her BENEFIT, previous to her return to Paris at the conclusion of her first engagement, will take place on THURSDAY next, the 20th inst., when will be performed Rossini's Opera BufFa' in Two Acts, entitled IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA. The principal Characters by Madame Caradnri (her first ap- pearance this season), Madame Castelli, Signor Curioni, Signor Giubilei, ...

Published: Tuesday 18 March 1834
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3850 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds