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London Evening Standard




London, England


London, London, England

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London Evening Standard

THE GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION | (irst- rate aud superior packets leave the ?? „ •vii-p his Majesty's Mails, every

... WED- M-> AY. it'i'i , ?? ?? D v\ and S \ ornlng, at Seveno'Clock precisely, re- VV aneis .ATURDAY Morning. every SATURDAY Morning, returning every TUESDAY Night. . ?? VIS, .very SUNDAY Morning, returning every WLD- Packers from ST.X VTHARINE STEAM PACKET WHARFto RAMSGATE every SATURDAY Morning at Nine o'clock. Applications for freight to he mude to Mr. Norman, Agent, er-luiic, Tower-street, ...

Jr ?? ms a 2. 4 H tens,* 1 • t rs i ' f ?? e ?? ' Mis-

... direct for Hobart Town. Van Diemen's Lvnd This ship will be ■fitted up under the direction of tic Emigration Committee, who 1 ist year sent out the Bussorah Merchant and the Lay: on : they act under the sanction of Government, to f-cilitate the conveyance of Single Female* 1 go d health and character, from 15 to3o years of age, to these Colonies; and as (lovern- ment rend nee, little or no ...

THF.CrRNEU-^L STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S first-rate and superior packets leave the CUSTOM-HOUSE for _. , ?? ?? ..

... every WED- NESDAY and SATURDAY. . „.„_„„, ROTTt* ROMV1,. tarrying hita Majesty *■ Mails, every W EDNK.s- DAY and SATURDAY Mornlnit, nt Seven ?? pre.isely, re- tiuiiiu tevety WEDNESDAY and S ITURDAY Morning. O.-sTFNI), fi'ery SATURDAY Morning, returning every TUESDAY Night. , „..,„ CALAIS, every SUNDAY Morning, returning every WED- NW.-kMsrom'sT.K \TIIARI\E STF. \M PACKET WIIARFto RAMhg ATE ...

THE GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S ftrst-rate and superior packets leave the CUSTOM-HOUSE for HAMBURGH, ..

... NESDAY and SATURDAY. ROTTER DAM, carrying his Majesty's Mai Is, every WEDN ES- DAY and SATURDAY Morning, at Seven ..'Clock precisely, re- turning every WEDNESDAY atld SATURDAY ■doming. OSTEND, every SATURDAY Morning, returning every Tl ESDAY Night. CALAIS, every SUNDAY Morning, returning every WED- NESDAY night. Packets from ST. KATHARINE STE AM PACKET WHARF to RAM-GATEevery SATURDAY Morningat ...

TO THK finVF.RNOKS OV THK WK^TMTNSTFR HOSPITAL. Mv I.oiids, Lath..-. Attn GWfTtKMBtT, A VACANCY having occurred ..

... ot ASSISTANT SURGEON to the WESTMINSTER HOS- PITAL, 1 again ?? oti'er ii.ysell us a CANDIDATE for that situation. In the event of my being honoured with Hie appointment, I be- to assure yon that my best energies shall be devoted to -. ct the benevo lent intentions e.f the Uovernorsof the Cli . I have the honour to be, My Lords, Laelies. and Gentlemen, \ our obedient bumble servant, FREDK. HALE ...

THK GENERAL^EAM NAVIGATION' COMPANY- lirst rate and superior packets leave the rr « ?? for HAMBURGH, p-invtntf ..

... every WED- NESDAY and S VTURDAY. it'iI'TKHDNM ?? arrying his Majesty's Mails.every v EDNES- Dvv mdSATURDAY Morning, at Seven ?? preebely, re- turning every WEDNESDAY and S VTURDAY Morning. OSTEND, .every SATL'itDAV Morning, returning every CALAIS, every SUNDAY Morning, returning every WED- N pT L^-V.rom'sT. KATHARINE STEAM PACKET WHARFto RAMSGATE every WEDNESDAY an* SATURDAY Morning at ' iI ...

c 5 ?? c E/ST INDIA HOUSE, February 2flth, 1834. •TPIIE COUIIT OF DIRECTORS of the ■• Ei«st India Company,

... do hereby give notice- That it is their intention to keep open their Treasury in Lon- don for the ree. ipt of cash In Exchange for Bill supon the go- vernment of Henna: payable at sixty days'siKht, and at such rate ot exchange as shall from time to time be notiiied by- public advertisement i snd that the rate at which such hills may be obtained until further notice is is. lid. the sicca rupee. ...

LONDON and WESTMINSTER. BANK. -^ DIRKITORS. Samuel \nder.-on, Esq. James Holford, Esq. Henry Boaanquet, Esq. ..

... Hurmesrcr, Esq. Matthew U.mltou Rennie, Esq. W. Robert Keith Douglas, Esq. Patrick M. Steward, Esq., M.P. Joseph Esdaile. Eeq. John Stewart, Esq., M.P. sir T. Fremantle, Hart., M.P. David Salomons, i'sq. Charles Gibbes, Esq. . Pearson Thompson, Esq. Henry Harvey, Esq. The DIRECTORS GIVE NOTICE that the LONDON and WESTMINSTER HANK has commenced business at 90, Throg- morton-street, and at S), ...

Antwerp;— o ne of the general STRAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S Fast and First-rate Packet,, * w jn leave tbe CUSTOM ..

... ANTWERP on TIM' ftSDAY, March 18th, i t ten a. in. precisely. *•' or fre ; ght apply to Messrs. De Bie and Rhan, Crescent, Mi- l'lries from whom every Information maybe ot.tamtd; aso f Vom 'Messrs, Hall, V. hartingers, Custom-house Quay; at 06, ilavmarkett and at the Office e.f the General Steam Navigati >n Company, 09, Lombard-Btreet, where only berths can be BeCured - CHAS. BESSELL. Sec. ...


... been fixed for the _, departure from I.CBKCK of rhe fine, large, Briti-.h-l.nilt steam .MHIA, Capt. J.C. Diets, and the NICHOI.AY ellL VVEMUNDE, the port of I.UBECK, at Two • S Dii Ais to sail— The NICHOI.AY I. is to sail— I I uesday, the 111 th May, _ay, the2oih May, .5 , the JDOt, Thursday, the Sth June, • I7'ii June, Tuesday, the 34th, Thursday, the. id July, Thursday, the loth July, ...

TII! RAMKAVIG rate and superior packets leave the p's Mails, every WKD- DAYan >- lc ' U OST&ND, IS

... returning every Ight. .Ih, every SUNDAY Morning, returning every WED- NFSD\Y nlftht. Upon .* nd after th( irll an addi- tional packet will run every WEDNESDAY, returning every SUNDAY N . , . ?? . n 'hc General Steam Navigation ( ompany s packets leave also BRIGHTON for DIEPPE every SATURDAY, returning every W ?? Vet's' from ST.Tv VTHARINE STE 'M P M'KET WHARFtO RAMSGATE every A EDNESDAY and ...