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Advertisements & Notices

... in that LAST vrIlhT BUT TWO Or MR AtND MaSS VANDENHOFF'S PI whose EN~GAGEMENTI. handed For the DHNEFIT of 19Ir. VANDENROT'F. Onl Friday Evenictg, 14th March, 18834, vvill be pi'sexitedl~ ,w hayi- SlInckepeare's Tiageuly of- nit the .HADIL E T. lie sue- HAM LET, - iy Mu VA7VDENHOFF. Girdle- OrnytLIA. by I-Miss VANDENHOFF. health After wvhich a Comic Interlutde inl otie Act, u The Day after the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ',eMR FIULTON'S GIRAND ORRERY, _, EXIBITING, At 1°, PriSCE' SrTsEET, First Door up Stairs- tay if tbs Elxhibitian is linited to few a days, Ires bl~ r winvited to p fantearly vi,it 1 t Open ?? 11 . to 4 P. a.; and from 7 to 9 even- the im** n ?? Gentlemen, Is.; Children, 6d. teeb at * ?? cl,; a (ritliti atlrtos uf the Orrery, may be bad at o 1~r F'nrbiri Ir] Riort' 6d. each.' , CmF = L 0 U ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r LEITH. E, the undersigsned Heritors of-Propevty, within the Bounds of Police, request a MEETING of HERITORS witbin the said Bounds, to be held within the Exchange Saleroom, Leith, oir ?? the 31st Merch current, at lialf-past two ?? a clock afternonn, for the purpose of considering the effect . upon the Value of Property in Leitbh by two rneima sures which have been brought before Parliament, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? - ubin for a short Seasopeltn9 Dublin. siLTUNDA, IMOJUNDA -t O~f ra ecil' Viewfs of - t TE FALEUS OF NIAGARA, it UPPER OA'aADA. a T lE CITY OF QllEBEC a 1pplyiegthe ippred Lower ToIn5, the River St Die-La -e, Enmigraots lauding &c.e r tehrtation of the recent 1Aod tilet e~a a A intU erenting atlitioal Vi er (f A ?? ~INSTER BOMB .3 MORTAR I TriNO 0 IlPa7 jij10/ into the I Is.. Gallery, Is. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,IL1USETPPE PARISS, LI ar Rr.CItT ST:EET, LONDON, 'L\T FUr iLLY informs the Nobility, auu1 Irrllalritas, *if Edinburgh andits . a tai e-ill Ire very liuited. His Erhili. rlier btte grrlteot curirsity now traivellinrg i2cer iki alir>.l G pralllpes to receive tiat encou- I at ei oiich l1ii1 s been favourid in otlier ?? gle 5.t (lurinstit'l and Bi .traordinaryt t 7ill. (iS PIUSCE'S STREFT. I~ n, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p0,qI7',jrELY TER LJST NIGHT OF TEE1l? SEASON. ARENA, IOUVND. FoR TIIE BENEFIT OF MIR.O1D, III wiii li he will inttdotuce Equestrian Performances ,lnvenac(!(lVTIished by inyr other person, for Xee 1000 GUINEAS. 'fji present Evening, MONDAY, 10th Mlarch 164 izir 0111) el alipparin Sevpn diffe-rent acts in the Circle, areeig0 *lr irhis celebralted Act vvithout Saddle Or a!1( ?? eats oi Strengtb, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Iin tcrestS, a111 ?? g Ill 105f(51cI II) IIIS n (lay licit Thle Pulblic is reepectfiully infvormed thant inst ?? CALVEhT thle is Engafgeod for FIVE NIGHTS Only, fanl Will FI)ppe:l' thlis Even1ing, ice, WvCLneSilay, ] 1thi MNairrl, in thle olmni rctr of PIC ItIE, ill eld 5111ev M 1FstEDrICltS. I Belidel'a, Mrts RYDER. ?? With, bly dt'sire, She JONATNAN BRADFOR~D.-- Tlo-mlorrowtt, ?? 011TH:LLO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This Day is Published, Pi-ice Is. PLAN OF A FUND FOR THE AGED, As an Antidote to Pauperism and Substitute for Poor Rates. BY WILLIAM JACK, D.D. Principal of the University and Kinfs College, Abeideen. S Solve senescentem.-t-lon. London: Ridgway & Sons, Piccadilly. Sold by all Booksellers. TO ROAD CONTRACTORS AND DITCIIERS. E STIMATES Wanted for FORMING, METALING, and FINISHING, a Newv Line ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? rnELIGILE OPENING FOR A - the SUIP-CARPENTER AND BOATnBUILDERp Ar- AT FRASERBUIGI!. or- HRFl S ttllSCIlc3sER, iintei~tli ug to give ti) the 1insi ness of SHIP- A.T BUILDING, and having oa the Stocks a Vessel partly built, Ti nn- aud a considerahle qplantity of Timber on hnliid, is desirous of treat- at ing, for- the sale of tlhe soule, with a lerson wishing to commence ain ini the above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t- cSIGNOR EMILIANI AStehoviotur announing, that he wvill gsithe a EvENING CONCERT in the p,5a. TOEJN ROOMS, on WEDNESDAY, Apral tL1 AMME OF THE ~~~~~accer puoGRA-ME OF THE CONCERT. Geni PR PART I. fort Grand Overture-Roasint A gloomnY cves-111r MACLAOAN.- d'ocon variatiooi-SaXONOi Stji and Adagio C Oteris 5oen-3Miss BvYF'rL1-ROrsinir. flateraI` D A Sol ll ar- fr anso ibdin. r .\tOf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? A tlA, LOTIIIAN ROAD. ii -I LL AGI oF f UNT ERSEEN, and to sI115 er55 ?? to be exhibited daila, frone mt emir-. thrii e~n One Slrilling, Children, half price. adnt, M rFIJR FULTON'S tress GRAND ORRERY, NVOWi EAHIIBITT1G, At 1° pzcsr.Nck SyriEET, First Door up Stoirs. _ ?? . ef the Exhilition is limited to one week, ,eriY tec ended. ER ll M nto 4 r.M* andt from 7 to 9 eveen- late' (tlcr f, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN TORRY, INNEBEnE, B EGS to retuin his best thianks to the Guntlerren of the Dis- LPtrict, and to the public in gensi1a I, foll the veTI' Ii ?? s11 ?? Port which he, buls receiteil s'inre lhe soitled iii this place, anii triuts- thnt lie ?? meet withl a con tinuilice of their favours now' that lie lius got superiorla Ocrumniodati on by a hai'ge atd elegant adititoti to Ii is Inn. He begs ...