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Advertisements & Notices

... T~lEli GR.N- ORATORIO ef i nL r c nmence 'tO-DAY in the CATHO- til CtIerot., Dt One O'clock Pr.. M. Tile rot' 0 to 1, ;, i n~t- Twel 'le o'clock. n SII-sg ro.r, to lie had at nfl the 'Music Ss ;. al ;t Mr 0 )rsttnio ELI. 0, opposite the Chapel. LA4ST WE57' BUT ONE. r ORD'S ARENA, MOUND.. On qAT7RDAY 1st March 1814, Avhlae' Mr ORD 0i11 appear in Three Different Acts Fir partitalars see Bills of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE IN PEPTHSHIRE TO L13T.-E£XCELLENT t1HOTING4 To be-LET, Furnished or Usfurnished, for such iterr' ? ,of years ae may be agree(l 0n, :ENY HOUSE, the ?? of the late Dr Hamilton Buchanan. It is beautifullir situated on the banks of the River Teith, and is considered one of the mast desirable places in Pcrthshire. It is woithirn a mile of the village of Callander, abltat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... spOSPECTUS OF K RraflY H8ARBOUR AND DOCK, ral- TKItt OTrITTt ,CCO3 fl10DATIO 0OF STAMVSSELS AND OTHERS, F.,.0_%c50 tO THlE OF ORI. *-ATtO0' OF THE FIRTH OF FORTH. ~L, L.25;0,O0, s Q5000 SHARES OF L.50 EACH. IL be Incorporated by Act of Parliarent. E ailt of a Hlarb)ur accessible to Ship- tal itnof title, has long been severely liil Tit ail tielst i/ufacturingr interests eof Edin- , 11?lith. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? rnELIGILE OPENING FOR A - the SUIP-CARPENTER AND BOATnBUILDERp Ar- AT FRASERBUIGI!. or- HRFl S ttllSCIlc3sER, iintei~tli ug to give ti) the 1insi ness of SHIP- A.T BUILDING, and having oa the Stocks a Vessel partly built, Ti nn- aud a considerahle qplantity of Timber on hnliid, is desirous of treat- at ing, for- the sale of tlhe soule, with a lerson wishing to commence ain ini the above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UDERTh IM DISTINGUISHIED PATILOXAGE Or MRs. HADDEN, of Union Grove.; SIR MICHAEL BRUCE, Bart. ; the Honourable the LORD PROVOST; the CITY 'MEMBER; COLONEL BIOZON. and the OFFICERS C of the 9J3d, or Suthialand Highlanders.C.1 Elit. PATON'S Trin G- RA ND EXHIBITION or PRNMAN'SHT1' will talce place twdit 9Win the H nll itt tha NEW IN N, onl Thlursday next, 6ith curirent, The betweeni the, hones ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aiEr. J. PAXT ON, LVcctslioe of the R~ozpol Cothlege of ctrywonsc of AI~dnbntrTh EC to intimat ?? of STO-ttl1AVrN, Mill tile adijareit coun try, that hke has comimencedl YE NTI' AIA and j1IDWIFERY'PRACTICE iln S-rONntVN and hopus, by di- lincutt littetition to his proiessionlal ditties, to moritt the confidenc~e of his employers. siencha en, 5thsFeb. 1834. e- HE above hlndsonite, cot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . Z[S GL~ND SOCIETY OF SOAT ANaD IN 1*34. 1jiyg itctd 8ociety ?? 'Edinlrorrqh, Feb. 10, 1834'. ~'HtHW~IHIID' SOCIETY of SCOTLAND dloes hereby L~alveitie,.TI'hat ihe larsde'-trnentioned PREMIUMS are to be ~l~:giveis by the Sbciety in the ycar 1834, &c. ESSAYS AND REPORTS. 1. Aocounn of tike Quarries ins Scollatod. A Piece of Plate, of Twenty-five Sovereigns vmlne, will be given for the best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L4ST NIGHT BUT ThrREE. ORD'S ARENA, NMOt1ND. 'For tle Benefit of 7ecssr MKACKRELL ansI CAgRILLIS, Albn llire bsrought forward a tarietv of Entertainments,; When asl re eniprensedi in the Bills of the day. Boxes, 22.-Pit, Is..Gallerr 6sd. )n Frislry Evening, a greet varietv Iif Novel Enter- emmaentsr for the Benefit of Mr COLIAER. Tr ORB'S Benefit is arranged as follows: on SA- T farenesta, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTU011 F ANk~D- AICHI;ftbTURE. .IGIVTl ANNTUAL EXHIBI- f ION t f thP ACADFNIYY the WORKS of Tl 4RTISTS, IS N OW OPEN, at the Rooms, >o. 24, OiTERO from) Nine till Dusk. - _IS. Season Tickets, 5s-; Cetalogues, 6d. By order of the Council, L . D. 0. HILL, Skyt.: Filnlorgh, 13th Febrienry 1S34. lo~TlELJ rTggE AST PERFORMANCBS p0s OF THE SEASON., ARENA, dOUIND. FORl THlE ]BENEFIT OF MIR.' ORI) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p0,qI7',jrELY TER LJST NIGHT OF TEE1l? SEASON. ARENA, IOUVND. FoR TIIE BENEFIT OF MIR.O1D, III wiii li he will inttdotuce Equestrian Performances ,lnvenac(!(lVTIished by inyr other person, for Xee 1000 GUINEAS. 'fji present Evening, MONDAY, 10th Mlarch 164 izir 0111) el alipparin Sevpn diffe-rent acts in the Circle, areeig0 *lr irhis celebralted Act vvithout Saddle Or a!1( ?? eats oi Strengtb, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in that LAST vrIlhT BUT TWO Or MR AtND MaSS VANDENHOFF'S PI whose EN~GAGEMENTI. handed For the DHNEFIT of 19Ir. VANDENROT'F. Onl Friday Evenictg, 14th March, 18834, vvill be pi'sexitedl~ ,w hayi- SlInckepeare's Tiageuly of- nit the .HADIL E T. lie sue- HAM LET, - iy Mu VA7VDENHOFF. Girdle- OrnytLIA. by I-Miss VANDENHOFF. health After wvhich a Comic Interlutde inl otie Act, u The Day after the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This Day is Published, Pi-ice Is. PLAN OF A FUND FOR THE AGED, As an Antidote to Pauperism and Substitute for Poor Rates. BY WILLIAM JACK, D.D. Principal of the University and Kinfs College, Abeideen. S Solve senescentem.-t-lon. London: Ridgway & Sons, Piccadilly. Sold by all Booksellers. TO ROAD CONTRACTORS AND DITCIIERS. E STIMATES Wanted for FORMING, METALING, and FINISHING, a Newv Line ...