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Advertisements & Notices

... - lNN~SS AND CO.'S PORTER. I / 1 AbocCve most SItPF'ElRIOR PORTEPl i., loiered - ,*C per ilogji~L-sle; Is.jie B rs-el and I' ', e Kijlda/s An31ay' h aadd cit so ill ( asks Sr' h lis. (511 splication to I-. J. WHITE, 77, | ,-ON5TAIN-STRiET, ?I MANCiEssruii1. re \t'ES P'AY'NCE begs to rettulil her grateful ht ,etwMlledgmieisII to her Frienids and thi l'ublic si tI~c liberbtI ssspji+°t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATREE-ROYAL, MINCHESTER. JUVENILE NIGHT. For the I.tcopnelation of several of theyoungecrbrianches ot fa Jflesfapd by particular desire, the comic pcnto- miInV' performed in the early part of'the even- ine.-Last riight of Mr. UsHtnit previousic the Easter' hoidays; andA last night of the pai tomiiie.-Hlr MICHAEL BOAI, the snusic lwonder, eeetraordi nary perf'ormance oin the chin df ...

Advertisements & Notices

... unmtetr Atuftrj.. *k NEW YORK l.INE OF PACKET&. Sailing on the 8th of ever month, W4. UNITED STATES. N. H. HoTaDREGIC * .650 tons, 8th April. JOHN JAY, C. G. GLOVRR m ?? 6o( ?? 8th Mlay. VIRGINIAN, J. HARS ?? ?? 580 ton- 8th June SHEFFIELD, W. G. HACeSTAcr ?? *560 tonrs 8thJuly. Theme ships are all of the first cblas, recently iu1lt In the oity of New York; and, fir stentgth, beayty of model, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3. b AS§'iGNX1ENT., W IIEREAS, JANIES CHADWICK, of Pres- : TW ton, In the County Qf Lancaster, Fruiter, hath by deed o' As'sigi'n'tint, beiiring d'dae this 14th day of Mfarch,' 1834, conveyeil and transferred all his personal Estate and Effec'ts 'trustees therein named, in trust, for the eq benefit of his Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY WiVEN, That the said Deed of Assignmenti lodged at the Office ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MitsexrasredNTATtoN -Our correapondent Atiex. iI we are not g restly mistaken, is 11 yprtisan, although he may not be himself fuii ay ware of the fact. His letter a bounds with mlsrcpresenta'i'in; snd he has deviated from his owls rule;- Be ye charitable to one asloether. He assumes m~otiveS os hielb have nso existencee, and he misatates facts,. #S *we sha~ll choo' by one inlstance. He salys ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1,ONDON & DUBLIN PORTER VAULTS, / 23, Church.ttreet, Prestont. UTTHBERT ALMOND & CO., FG to inform their Friends and the Public, that they are appointed by Messrs. D'ARCY Co, of DUDLIN, Agents for the Sale of their superior PORTER, and as they will be regu- Suupplied from Dublin during the .easnn, they Itbe able to furnish any orders they may be fa- etd .ih, at the shortest notice. . A. ani Co ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / ?? SjlAM,4POiTING. MIRS. HUDDART, TFIn WIDOW OF THE LATE DlIt. HUDDAnT, (Bcle? knrown by the appellution of the Blind Doctor,) No. 12, GRIMSHAIV-STREET,' PRESTON, JEGS leave to inifoirm the Public that she ies .) removed her residence to No. iI, Grinishawr eet, wiere she intedllS to continue the practice of ier lite husband. The foll-vilig advertisement, publishetl mer inic aga, is the best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e NTJRB NEW STOCK of STRAW GOODS, .L4* personnhi7 selected from the First HouSes in London, ? WAREHOUSE, NO 3 at ROBINSON'S STRAW HAT CONWAY sod ?. CISuBOU sTRRRT, near Lord-street, late e Mrs. Itoarrosore has Just receive ?from London several Si sean, and every des?J'pt1OD of STRAW HATS e? ? ?5?BONNETS, of the most fajilonable shapes and finest p1 qualities, either for Expart&tiOYi or Home ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED. ,Si'ER for the GRAM MAR SCHOOL at ,1,7LANTD. Candidates are requested to at- . T-aiwnation, anl to protduce their testimo- rrd for , School, on Friday the 4th of April, at It ?? ijjldlendt rouethi esi a3n 0'clock, and information respecting it may be ,ve °pplying to Wil. FAIrINGTON, Esq-, of ?? I; to Mr. POLLARD, of Leyland; or to lCiLA)TON, of Woodcock Hall. nlr. ~PERANGE ANNIVERSARY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M*it.MBRCER and MORT&N bex to inform ' ctbit Frends anud the public in general that, with the SAnction Of mrm Whitson, they' have succetded to the est4- a01 blishment of her Wet husband, and e.lcoen the ACA- tril DEMYs Nelson-aglste~. for the Edue, WpI' ofong G let- OR whohashi I gth sed xprience under the i his 5lland.Ur. s r . wh nag just finighed cei in StsfiasSt tois t C'lee.'trust that, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTAdNT TO RVR ly ONE. Ft- R. WRIGHT'S cclebrated PEARL OINTMENT. UUnder the sanction andlreconmmefldatfizi ofeminent Surgeon-, and Patronized by the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry. &c. For the Cure of Cenccrous, Scrofulousa, and Indolent TMTmoSfland Inveterate Ulcers; Oiand~ilar-AffeetionlO of the Neck, Eayalpello, Scurvy,, EviRr5°g WormnSalA Head, Whie Sellngs Ples.Ulcratd 1*oar Legs. (illof 20 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL SAL1?, LIVERPOOL ROO3ES. t BY MR. D. JoNES,I OnMonday rest, the 10th instant, nnd two following days,- t9at Elevenl o'iock each daty, at the Liverpzool Rooms, Wil SON, IM DERN. genteel, and useful HOUSEHOLD - FlJRNITURE. teveral 9quare Pianofortes, by Btood- wod, clemet', and others, Eigt-dtray Clock3, Paintings and v~~s o~ks, Plalte and Platedt Articles, Gold and Silver Walhs ...