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London Evening Standard


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London Evening Standard

EAST INDIA HOUSE, 18th February, 18»4. THE COURT of DIRECTORS of the East India Company do hereby give notice- That

... advances..! money will ♦Rom time to t ime be made by :pany at each of their. Presidencies of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay, and also at Canton, to sush extent as shall be deemed proper by the Bangnl government, in exchange for bills upon England in the Company's favour, at rates to be nxed at the respective places at which tbe advances may be made, such advances to be secured Upon consignments of ...

On Mondnv, March 10, in One Vol. 4to. with a Portrait, en- graved hv C.Turner, ?? after a Drawing by

... 11. Corbould, from ft bust by Burlowe, HISTORY OF THE REVOLUTION IN ENGLAND in UIRB. By the late Right Hon. Sir JAMES MACKINTOSH. Comprising a View of the Reign of James 11. , from his Acces- sion, ti-> the Enterprise of the Prince of Orange; completed to the Settlement of the Crown, by the Editor. To which is pre- fix. .1, a Notice of tbe Life, Writings, and Speeches of Sir James Mackintosh, ...


... will be held at the YORK HOTEL, Waterloo Hrid-;c Road, in the County of Surrey, on THURSDAY, the 13th day of March next, at Twelve for One o'clock in the Afternoon, to examine, audit, and settle the accounts of the Treasurer, pursuant, to the directions of the act For regulating Turnpike Roads ; also to elect Trustees in the room of those Mho are dead, removed, or refuse t«* act ; and nn ...

npHE GENRKAJL STEAM NAVIGATION -*• COMPANY'S first-rate and superior packets leave the CUSTOM-HOUSE for ..

... DAY ry SATUR D\Y — N.B. The Wednesday's Packet .cc running on the 12th inst. il ?? 1 i *T jnr ry WEDNES- DAY andSATURI 'Clock precisely, re- turning evety WEDNESDAY mid SATURDAY Morning. bSTtWD, every SATURDAY Morning, returning every TlT:sl)av Night.' CALMS, every SUNDAY' Morning, returning every WED- NESDAY night. ets from ST. X \THARINE STE \M PACKET WHARF to RAMSGATE every SATURDAY ...

BREAD AND FLOUR-ST. GILES, CAMBERWELL, SURREY.— The Pari-h Officers of Cam- berwell will attend a' the YE TRY ..

... the said Parish, on TUESDAY the 18th of March instant, at Half-past Six o'clock inthe Evening precisely, to receive iprnpasals in writ- ing, sealed up and addressed to the Parish Officers, from such Persons as may be willing to Contract for supplying the Work- house of the said Parish, for the ii«e of the Poor therein, with , Bread and Flour, from the 20th day of March instant to the 19th day ...

[>OVAL NATIONAL INSTITUTION for M> the Preservation of Lives from Shipwreck. Patron— the KING. The ANVIVK''S\UY ..

... will be held at the CITY of LONDON TAVERN on WEDNKSDAY Tl^Kiaht Hom'blr JAMES ARAHAM. Bart., M.P., First Lord of the Aili.iiriiltj', in the Chair. BTBWARD*. -•Volverley Attwood, Esq. .lohn Nixon, «M. George Barnes, Esq. ...

cz^ zl/£-W» TPHE GENETV^L STEAM NAVIGATION JL COMPANY'S first-rate and superior packets leave the CUS* 1 ' ..

... 1 IRGH, carrying his Majesty's Mails, every SATLR- DA . .iy in the morning, returning every SATURDAY. N.B. . AVednesday's Packet will commence running on the ROTTERDAM, carry in ghls Majesty 'sMails, every WEDNES- DAY and SATURDAY Morning, at Seven ?? precisely, re- turning every WEDNESDAY aud SATURDAY Morning. OSTEND, every SATURDAY Morning, returning every TUESDAY Night. _ : CALAIS, every ...

Antwerp;— o ne of the general STRAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S Fast and First-rate Packet,, * w jn leave tbe CUSTOM ..

... ANTWERP on TIM' ftSDAY, March 18th, i t ten a. in. precisely. *•' or fre ; ght apply to Messrs. De Bie and Rhan, Crescent, Mi- l'lries from whom every Information maybe ot.tamtd; aso f Vom 'Messrs, Hall, V. hartingers, Custom-house Quay; at 06, ilavmarkett and at the Office e.f the General Steam Navigati >n Company, 09, Lombard-Btreet, where only berths can be BeCured - CHAS. BESSELL. Sec. ...

LONDON and WESTMINSTER. BANK. -^ DIRKITORS. Samuel \nder.-on, Esq. James Holford, Esq. Henry Boaanquet, Esq. ..

... Hurmesrcr, Esq. Matthew U.mltou Rennie, Esq. W. Robert Keith Douglas, Esq. Patrick M. Steward, Esq., M.P. Joseph Esdaile. Eeq. John Stewart, Esq., M.P. sir T. Fremantle, Hart., M.P. David Salomons, i'sq. Charles Gibbes, Esq. . Pearson Thompson, Esq. Henry Harvey, Esq. The DIRECTORS GIVE NOTICE that the LONDON and WESTMINSTER HANK has commenced business at 90, Throg- morton-street, and at S), ...

TO THK finVF.RNOKS OV THK WK^TMTNSTFR HOSPITAL. Mv I.oiids, Lath..-. Attn GWfTtKMBtT, A VACANCY having occurred ..

... ot ASSISTANT SURGEON to the WESTMINSTER HOS- PITAL, 1 again ?? oti'er ii.ysell us a CANDIDATE for that situation. In the event of my being honoured with Hie appointment, I be- to assure yon that my best energies shall be devoted to -. ct the benevo lent intentions e.f the Uovernorsof the Cli . I have the honour to be, My Lords, Laelies. and Gentlemen, \ our obedient bumble servant, FREDK. HALE ...

THE GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION | (irst- rate aud superior packets leave the ?? „ •vii-p his Majesty's Mails, every

... WED- M-> AY. it'i'i , ?? ?? D v\ and S \ ornlng, at Seveno'Clock precisely, re- VV aneis .ATURDAY Morning. every SATURDAY Morning, returning every TUESDAY Night. . ?? VIS, .very SUNDAY Morning, returning every WLD- Packers from ST.X VTHARINE STEAM PACKET WHARFto RAMSGATE every SATURDAY Morning at Nine o'clock. Applications for freight to he mude to Mr. Norman, Agent, er-luiic, Tower-street, ...