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Advertisements & Notices

... E NEW CHRIESTIAN ST SIMONIAN SCHOOLS TR N ~~~under '12 years of age, of both sexes,d an f all Persona sions, will be OPENED at No. 16, Castle street east, Oxfodmext, WED eat NESDAY, ad of April next, at 9 o'clock inieda the foeoo.AbovI LCU e, i of the l and objects of the School, will be delivered at the above rooms on' EDNESDAY, the 26th of March, at a o'clock in the afterno0m St Simoian ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Floya} N~aval Annouitanrt Soci'ety. v TabpecaGcincratl Aleeting of this irattc ' t~od~ly asrit was rsoslver! mtost uai;r Tlhalt the ?? of tij Bslranchl are entirsent due to thle Deputationt, Captain Josep~h Hlarrison1 ijjJ and l~ieut. and Adjutant Winm. I)avia, R.:1l. for ti' udgdtent, abilirt , and tirntness they have displayrd A the exeetiuton of thec duties attendant on their jxt'n anff ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITURNPIKE p- ola Little Yarmouth to Blythburgh. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, r ranHAT' the Trustees of tile above Turnpike will (in djoirsuance of the 3 and i W. 4, cap. So,) hold their GeoeI'Ol Annual Meetinig at tile King's Head Inn, lea. cle o Il]londay, the 24th day of this instant, March, at io' tC k at noon. Beceles, ' E. C. SHARPIN, farh I1, 18. f4- Clerk to the Trustees. Cla'ydol, Blakenham ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N E W'C AS TL E CROWN~ G~LASSi, c 4W. THE SunscatIBzns are Landll ' .andoff'!rSALa, the Cargo of the Canada, frm N'EWCA I.E, Viz. 220 Crates CROWN GLAS, of r or q lity, 260 Tons Smith COA 40 Do. WHITINGO The above. with a g iral of P TS, OILS, COL URS, &c- b dreoedof o''easonable terms. ?? W .&JCH RNOCK. 12, Store-Lane, and 51, Ann-Street. March 25, 1834. (515 It O N A 1, ACADEMICAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J (r. J AMiES, I)ipo i of Fworcihfl Miles, S No. 26, But'tj Eitslvt Ysu l3otdol, begs to return thanks to his lriends atiit the Public, for theo Lind and indulgent supps~atsthi he bata rerelved from thiem during tile time he ha4s bxeen eii¢eed iu theT Winea Tiaule, sid to assure them that the some ?? attentionl to Flloivour, Quality, and Price, svhleb he has invriably paid, awnd which has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - NOTICE OF REMOVAL.* iT HETHERINGTON respectfully announces to his Friends, [ills the Trade, and tbe.Public, that he is about to remove to spacions and eligible Premises, situate No. 126, STRAND (four doors from Wellington Street, Waterloo Bridge) where all the Political -and Literary Periodicals of the day will be constantly on sale. . Further particulars will, be advertised next week. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At the Bonded Warehouse for Exportation. OR SALE, 100 BAGS of BISCUIT, of ex- ceeditig good quality, on reasonable ?? to E. L. HINGSTON aud SONS, who have lso FOR SALE BALTIC and AMERICAN TIMBER, DEALS, blASTS, SPARS, and STOCKHOLM TAR. Dartmouth, 12:hMarcb, 1MU. TO SCHOOL-MASTERS. TfiHE Friends of a YOUNG MAN aged 27, -- wish to meet with some person who for a moderate remuneratiort, will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ToHX GARD N, ESQUIU, iiost SaIERIFF FOR TUE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. I/F, tile n(17iesipged NOlJitFGrft,'pgywrs ' an;d Oc'edieis of ?? vit/h in the Connty ofSjhJb14f, (10 hr','eilg rcyuntt t/fat yo it Vill be pleased to convene; a ililo, of/ tie said County nt thie earliest convenicece, tn/ie into -o18iSidratton tihe depressed state if Ag)4ie'nl- too e andt i/se 7ma advtisable and td ~ectn al ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in that LAST vrIlhT BUT TWO Or MR AtND MaSS VANDENHOFF'S PI whose EN~GAGEMENTI. handed For the DHNEFIT of 19Ir. VANDENROT'F. Onl Friday Evenictg, 14th March, 18834, vvill be pi'sexitedl~ ,w hayi- SlInckepeare's Tiageuly of- nit the .HADIL E T. lie sue- HAM LET, - iy Mu VA7VDENHOFF. Girdle- OrnytLIA. by I-Miss VANDENHOFF. health After wvhich a Comic Interlutde inl otie Act, u The Day after the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRITISH INSTITUTION, PALL-MALL THE GALLERY for the EXHIBITION and SALE of the WORKS of BRITISH ARTISTS is open daily from Ten in the Morning until Five in the Evening. Admission, Is. Catalogue, Is. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper. WONDERFUL MECHIANISM.-That truly wonderful and unrivalled production of ingenuity, perseverance, and mechanical -skill, the EXETER CLOCK, is now open for Exhibition at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN BAKER'S ASSIGNMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, T HAT by Indenture hearing dnate the ''welth day of T Febricary instant, JOHN BAKER, the elder, of Balinghiam, In the county of Suffolk, finner, assigned ill his personal estate,chattels, and effects, unto Samuel Rny, of Worlingworth, In the said county, merchant.; William Baker, of Halesworth, in the said enmitty, miller; Charles Lee, ot' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... udt Southamlptons Joint Stock BanikingS 1d Cormpany. . pf A PITA 1, 300,OIJO.-SIARES £'100 each.-- ' D EPOS1T £'1 per share. tY A further instalment of ill per shnre will be called z for, before the commencement cot business. T, re Provisional C~ommittee will sit three times in - l each week, for the transaction of' business, and thle 3l- -lotment of Sharer. . |I1t is requested thiat ...