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BIBLIOTHECA HEBERLANA. PART I. NOW READY. BY AUCTION, by Messrs. SOTHEBY and SON, at their House, Wellington ..

... April 10th, and Twenty-ftve following days (Sundays excepted), THE FIRST PORTION of the ■*■ MOjT CURIOUS, MOST EXTENSIVE, and MOST VALUABLE LIBRARY OV TMK LATK RICHARD IIEHER, Esq., Removed from his House in York-street, Westminster. This Part contains many of the First Editions and early- printed Cissies ; and some of the rarest Books which have appeared in nil the European Languages, ...

SIGNOR PAGANINI respectfully announces to the Nobility, Gentry, and Public, that he intends giving a Series of ..

... will com- nseace at the Adelphi Theatre on MONDAY EVENING, April 7th, 1834 ; and at the Hanover-square Rooms on TUESDAY MORNING, April Bth, in which be will have the honour to perform some of his favorite and several nesv Compositions, and m the course or which he will likewise perform on his new instrument, the Paganini Viola. TRe principal Vocal and Instrumental Performer! already en- gaged ...

Published: Saturday 05 April 1834
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16393 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ttTfiAM NAVIGATION BEfWEEN (aj i days i departure fi vessels, the the FIRST, Capt. N. as. To sail from TP

... ?? the port of LUDECK, at Two o'clock p m. precisely. is to sail^ The NICHOLAY I. is to sail- Tuesday, thu l_th May, rucsdav, the.'O h May, Thursday, I Thursday, the Sth June, iayi the i 7'i Tuesday, the 24th, Thursday, the IM July. Thursday, the inth July, Tuei I, y, the2f)th, Thursday, the 7th Aug., Thursday, the 14th Aug., Tuesday, the o(iih, Tucdav, the -is] Sept., Thursday, the 1 1 th ...

RETURNS his sincere thanks to the Pubic for the liberal encouragement he has re- ared since commencing business ..

... j >llj announces to the Ladies and Gentlemen of an'cister and the Vicinity, his return from Paris, Dr.don, Birmingham, Sheffield, Six. where he Xf peisonally selected a very great variety of ie most prevailing and fashionable FANCY OdDS, which are now ready for Inspection , the large room over his and the adjoining mp, lately occupied as the UNION* NEWS DOM, which has been fitted up for the ...

Published: Saturday 05 April 1834
Newspaper: Lancaster Gazette
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5120 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

THE GKVERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S first-rate and superior packets lenve the ?? MBURGH, carrying his ..

... s and SATURDAY. RC'F TEH DAM, enrr vii! g his Majesty's Mails, every WE DAYaudSATURDAY Morniiir . .'Clock preaisely, re- turning every WEDNESDAY and SATURI AY Morning. ' CND, every SATURDAY Morning, returning every >\Y Night. \ls, every SUNDAY Morning, returninj every WED- -.Y night.' I ' iuldi- to.ual pneket will run every WEDNESDAY, returning every • V Night. Tbe General Steam Navigation ...

EAST INDIA HOUSE, 4th April, 1534. ' THE COURT of DIRECTOKS of the East lndin Company Do HEREBY Give NOTICK-

... That the Proceeding* of the Court of Direetyrs, relative to thedeipatch proposed by the Hoard ol the Atfairs of India, regarding the Claims of the Luck now Bankers on the King of Oude, which « ere ordered by the Ge- neral Court of the 19th ultimo to be printed for the use of the Proprietors of East India Stock, are now ready tor delivery at this House. «£._ „ PETER ALfiER, Seeictary. A ...

j Notice to Debtors and Creditors. I \ ™KSBSP? having any Claim on Mr. WILLIAM **T

... HAM . late of Cavehdish, in the county of SuflolK, atthe time ofhis decease, are requested to send an account of their Claims to Miss Coldham, of Caven- disn, tfiattMsamemaybeexamined, and if found correct discharged,r-and all persons who stood indebted to the said fstate ofthe deceased, are requested to pay the same within Three Months of the datehereof to Miss Coldham, without further notice ...

Published: Wednesday 02 April 1834
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9723 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

FOR MADRAS and CALCUTTA, the fine River-built ship BROXBORNEBURY 751 tons register, ALFRED CHAPMAN (late of the ..

... Marquis of Wellington), Commander ; now lying in the West India Export Dock. This ship is fitted according to the system of the Hon. East India Company. Receives fnods till tbe 10th, and will embark passengers on May 13 or freight or passage apply lo Captain A. Chapman, Jeru- ulera Coffeehouse ; Messrs. Chapman and Willis, Liverpool ; or to John Chapman and Co., 2, Leadenhall-street.— N B Has ...

Published: Tuesday 01 April 1834
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10176 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Borouf/h of Colchester. SMITH, MAYO A/ Xettrr i* ifcrrrfcp

... said Borough, will be holden (by adjournment) at the Moot Hall, in and for the said Borough, on Monday, the 14th day of iu_.ii. next, st tbe hour of Ten ?? in tbe Forwoon ; when and where the Grand and Petty J wies, Coroners, Serjeants at Mace, Chief and Petty Constables, Persons bound by Recognisance, to appear, prosecate, and give evidence, and all others wbo have business to transact, are ...

Published: Saturday 05 April 1834
Newspaper: Essex Standard
County: Essex, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5483 | Page: Page 1, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

STEAM CONVEYANCE to DUNDEE and PERTH, calling off Scarborough, weather per- inittinr. — The Dundee, Perth, and ..

... pany'inew Steam Ship DUNDEE, JOHN WISHART, Commander, of 1,200 tons burden, and engines of 300-horse power,, will leave London for the above places on WED- NESDAY next, the 9th of April, at Ten ?? at night. Goodt received, and berths may Ue secured, at Downe's Wharf, Lower East Smithfield, from whence the Ship starts; and at the Branch Offices, 61, Charing-crots, and at No. 6* King-street, ...

Published: Friday 04 April 1834
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13486 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds