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Advertisements & Notices

... i42W P10I2iliCAT'I0XS, - 6Sd by JOHN MAratssoN, 38, Eroad Street, Aberdeefl. r COUNSEL FOR EMIGRANTS, with interesting information L from numerous sources, and Original Letters frota Canada and T the United States. Price 2s. T FERGUSON'S TOURS IN CANADA, in the years 1831 aoud 1833. Price 7s. (id. 1 Do. SECOND TOUR, with the Map. Iriee 2s. (Cdt. STUART'S THRE11 YEAIRS IN Ai\IEhICA, 2 vls. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NFW PAXORAMA, MOUNt. - ,l pllroprietors gratefully acklowledge the ?? eniiuragemelt received, and the high en- SIf I ronferred ou the superiority of the Exhibition, drifretfc other arrangoements, cannot rennin long in. T hli 'rue Panorama displays the FALLS of EgA s on n sciie of sufficient magnitude to dis- SlAy ' trcrstiag point of this extraordinary and plv evejt en, and the novel and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TTIM OS OF TrlE COUNTY OF PERTH. ;LBCTO~S Perth, Autil 22, lf34. -?11E SlpERIFF has fixed upon. Tuesdy A. tire *arth if April as tire dav Of the NMmntin Ofat for th ICp I Netro ?? an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRMS ORRERY. TO 1\O. 20, NICOLSONe STR'ET, jr-r' Door South of Surgeon's Hall, | a short time. I1 ?? ITON respectfully intimates to the Nrj Lrjjit Gentry, and Public, that, by particou- Ire -laS )r'en indaced to remove to the above f w t he Ocnveotietce of those in the Southern rilto have not had an op;'ortunityof visiting him *Street. V srl~istoeaf Earl5 Call, as his stay must be very i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL BAZAAR, 53, Nev BUILnaDINS, DNORTiH BRIDGE. SECOND CHANCE SALE. J HARVEY begs respectfully to intimate, J o atthlt in consequence ot the disapp)ointmeit expe- riencerl by a great number of applicants for Tickets fur his Cb ance Sale to be drawn oa the 30th of April, hehes been induced, at their request, to arrange another Sale simsilar to the last, to consist of 400 shares at 5s. each, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADIES' wOR K, GI1A4ND SALE -o E - 'IT OF TIRE HOUSE OF REFUG&E. I1S DOY the SALE Will be continued, in i 1 tire As5lIMBIX ROOMS, GEORGE STiRtET, Linder j .In rof tilcifisth RegimCnt Vill perform. lio -- Tire ~~ 9.~.Cbildren, 'Oil. to riI'iiaOmCC. be had et Smrsirl, Bruce, 81 Co.s, 54, MO1RNING CONCERT, itj llorErot't5 Roois. tic rilrT1E 5eMISSES Y rANIEWICZ hahve the mi TirriE til wll take ...


... R qz IIS LOWER beg kave M.peatul to ?? a. NING A$SEiNI* Yof V EN LE PUPIL-winlbe heldi itheWATER- tileir 3U' Rooams, on Saturday the 5th of April. 4 e A99E E'$Ytme atwtrelve o'clock precisely.r Their ti S adrr~nleg 0u r for Dancing and the Caiistbenic Exer- r $es has e mielncernd for tbh Piano Forte, a New T:rt plbi~hell ?? E ALTZES, D F ocI~eSS. respectfully dedicated to tbe Pupils ef r cil ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I T1SH~tI~tllRE ELECTION. l , GNC R.Xk0 b,'O'iliITIRE for il ?? pt f Mplit GP.AIIAM as ns T pir-ire ihi Parlimient, sits at the 2 ION 1iOTEL, every ?? day from One di 'ΒΌ '; All ComnnunicatiOtls to be nddreas t I s1; -ecritar). cr14: FoX MAULE, Chairman. go CEo. GARDINER, Secretary. p krt Ail 2i. 1834 tel SPIN FaSHINS th *,sWA>& j STRACIW'AN respectfuilly in- th Iri4l t, Ile ,rri,,aI of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EGleave ropiectfiflly to inthroin their Frienids andl the PnbiNc~, j%%~itteywl 'itel BLEACHiING ot t1W S1',t-on abottt the j i of' ?? i chm Icter of' this Field linvinle heens ig ?? taidislhed, and tile' -Ift' ain expeditiouis ot otlod ?? al ?? kuroI andi app toved by tie public, G. &- -. ?? consider 'I rl it i1'. net'.esq'rv to entel. jlto paitheititit'-. by a' N.'his 1 tiet', i''1turn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CiZARITY 9EflMONI. ASERMON will be 'Preached in ST. PE-,iTR'S CHAPEL,'T ?? of Stunday thle 4th Msay next, at Six o'clock, A bv time, Rev. CHAittE5 PPiASERt, in aid of thle ST. PETER'S MI11, ORIIHAN' INSTITUTION. ?? ft Af'tst thea Sanroon, a Collection will be niade in aidt of the Fonds Mont, of thle lInstituitioni. ah Abjerdceen, 20th April, 11134. s'A idt- MiE RItUNtELLO BO00TS AND S!IOiS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p1iDULS 'RI OtS LEA7';r'~ sI GIUSEPPE PARlIS, herr rOOM REGENe STREET, LONDPOa, - t. ,)OrCTFULLY returns his warmes tllrks to thle NoliliGtv entry, and Inhaohtant ~i73abar1aolh ,a, its iny; fo r the flattering patron- ntrsiilr ' thev bave been pleased to honour his uetopenedi ti ( iy ?? it oviery limited he begs reqpoetfolly MFAl ,til its onen tel he neesity of nn early visit- TON to inileiif ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CDRA/DORERY7T. Esvn oNo. 20, I'4coljsti STR.Erzz, ser1ODa| Door S;ottth oF Surg~eo'sx Hall For e shsort zsiee.; -FULTON respectfully intimates to the . agN sgj'it5, Gentrv anti Public, that, by p'artice- is ?? hebi haN o t~ qte above firp'ishebecovneeo these in the Southern '1'eissi tnlve n~ had an opportunity of visiting him PF se5li~rts an Early Call, as his stay must lbe very fe f lsutit ...