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Advertisements & Notices

... Neu) 4PUblicatfjnd. I and sid to ON CONSUMPTiON, DEDICATED, BY PERMISSION, TO show Js lse by HIS MAJRSTY.1 Jus ?? and Co., Paternoateteow he ,e any. second edition. considerably altered adtenlarge`, fivo, t. It price 7s. 6ud, of a asso. (1ASES illustrating and confirming the r edia power large of the Inhalation of IODINE and CON M. In TUBER. ns e em. CULAR PITHISIS, and various dis A e states ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LivsnPooL ANTI-rLsFRANCHISa5[3ONT PrTrTroN,.-As no person has yet impugted our statervent respecting an ?? the Castoms obtalinin sihnatures to blank papers, as fora in petition ngainst the assesred taxes, which were afterwa ds t appended to the anti-di~franchisement petition, we shall not avail ourselves of the pernmesiin ws e have to publih * the names of certsin respectable persons in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? N-OTICE TO DEBrORS AND CREDITORS. Ll Persons having any demands against the Estate of the late Mr. JOHN SUMNTER, of Cariegtottl, FAnMER, are requested to send in the tartictilars of their respective clairms to Mr. Wms. ,isO, Saddler, Friargate, Preston, in order that tbey may be examined and discharged. And all porsons indebted to the said Mr. Sumner, or who have any of' his Estate or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9 )uqe ~ t*,h ?? . K; Z*jER THEATR, CURC. / o'the BENEFIT or Made ils CISTB, I .hrLast- AppeifancO but onje, tis1 lebaa1j8 31?., pr} t grornied a Melo DrstgfS{hi TY Hi S Eil 10r LOVajlt l-el which, ert~i ne P RD tra i To conclude with! I'(HE WJZARD SNIFF. - EATRE ROYAL. LIVERPO9L ITALIAN OPrA. E VENING. FRIDAY, Arf fl b per. IL red Rtossini's Opera. , ilb e. IL TANCREDI V -. -g , by Madane ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f GZ In de Pite of all the preaurtiorzs of thc editor, it will somertimes ?? that acelnowledgments to correspon. E dentsupon theinsertion of'which he confidently reckoned, have beenl onjitted. af er having been prepared in the o type, zad henae some of our friends may ceneeive them. e se.ves occatiinally slighted, althouch the: e may have been I no lacl ot couutesyor attention onour part. Itis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eSOLD. by PRIVATE CotREAT, tae modemln F4 qPLFIXTHURSE. MEth ICALE BOQ~OK ALS. Rid-Jin DRGSer &tet.APYt the Propety ofa offdceae.- TOTH MDIALPOSPROESSON be SOLD. by PRIVATE COW1TRcT t FemoEm letter ?? paid) to M.Jcr ?? CAENH L NDRVONSHMUICE /CDy ?? Be a cSOLD Assrby n oRI fT POYIAN ,RITES .untyer ofscariation, toately port o grssn Sem furhe prtiulrsappy ifby er. pos ?? ~. 5Ya Roesa WILIAS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SgIXAP ..e TtIl (t2111:C-A lirlspondert writes to know ^victher thie .Piseoverer f thisl'ng desiderated problem would, r.ot be vntitlcd to a considerable premium from Governinet W We can neither Fove the problem nor the question, ourseltve; but, peritips, some of our readels ,ill h ise the gu- eilels to furnish us with the required iB. formastioni With respect to the Olieged aslutioti of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR CHIZDARN CUTTINO 2WIfIR TEERTHl Xf ES-JOHNSON'S AMERICAN SOOTHING ,&*SV~UP .-This Infallible remedy lasaapreserved hun- dreds of ilhdr~n when'thought past recovery from ,Conrus~. ~s aongsarisingftrc~npalnfulidentition. As soon as thedyrup is Pe rubbed on the gums , the Child will be relieved., the Gums ncoeadthe Infiammlation reduced. It Is as innocent as IIefficacious. teading to produce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILIOUS and LIVER COMPLAINTS.-&s a mild ?? Band effectual remedy for those Disorders which orig, nate In a morbid action of the Liver and BilMrWorgame, bel namely, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, heada rtbnrn, FlatulenciesSpasms, Costiveness, Affeti Joof the Liver &e. &c. DIXON'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLSV ?? do not eon. e taslt MasOury In any ohape) have rmet ph more general ap-C ?? than ajiy other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL. LIVERPOOL. ITALIAN OPE1A.4 LAS IGHT BUT ONE t-IF PETER THE HERMIT, [I IHis EVENING, FRIDAY. April 18.lwill be per erious Opera, PIETRO L'EREMITA. I a Principalcarctr by Mam ?? mie Bacrbs`a Voitar , sge l ?? ug Signor Facn Sgnor Caviallf. r Boxss.T 3gjcon, Boxes, 29.6dEM Gallery. I -~oks of theopb Z may be purchased atthe Theatre. ,,._.Wscaccbi's Qytara IV.13ALDO ED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iA q I NIG II I, PIt ic.i( AiC(OPXTANT G'E'NI:ItAI. /J Xi~r 'Ii~ii ('0tI NisCI(ONEIt for tklliig Spe( jal Bail /'IUIII, respectfullV 'ies l notice to 11 tihe llPublic that hPe has it Dl' 13l (V E D 1tis lio (illices. Stprinig (Gardens, to t hie prenmises, No. A Ij,l, Al 1,. late in the oeruppation ot Mr .'I'homas )1s Slitr, and aljiinillg Messicurs 'T'ebbut t's a.1lih Ci 110119c. ,l11h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The letter of Catholicus would lead us Into a controversy whieh we wish to avoid. After its insertion, we could not in fairness decline the answers which it would inevi. tably produce; and there would be no reasonable bound, to the discussion. We have never shrunk from the advo- cacY of the claims of the Catholics to full participation in the civil and political privileges of the constitutlon. ...