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Advertisements & Notices

... Royal Naval Annuitant Association. PATRONESS; Her Royal Highness the DuciiEss of KENT. . rIM iANNJUAI, AlEEglTIN of the above Society I will be held at the 0ld Town llall Portsmouth, ton WVednesday next, the 23d iDSt. at noon precisely. SAM P6N MA RS HA lA1, LJieut. t .N; r ; Actuarfy t-PO0R TSM.91JTII. Xpril 19, 1834. t , ' HE AT ShEAF HARSlVNIt'. tt 41'E1Dl E ?U BERS of this institution are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iXG ETHi C DUXinlDOE 11prHDAY. TlO. ';I{AUI ts 2\L}4;I}OIfTheO(VII of Ca ?? 1 l iitisl ., i lthe Tows 1JALL11t' II t(( e I II gNlY Bltick Swan, ,0Liihlti il t , I tlC( (( iti t oill tO L e ?? VVIII lilt' tIIrI I ci is blo Thi sdatI ?? 17th - ?? *eBlWBLIf - ^ p11( Al forli 1, iorlreseltt Season, ll, is PieAlitil'~ (ii ,1, 1st jl5t~il~tl, hc t iln( the Aliniver. t tix'l 1) kt' Il i~til~-bayuii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In the Matter of 0ro be SOLD by PUBLIC ADAM DUFFIN, / 1 T AUCTfON, (subject to the, A Bankrupt, approval of the' Comrmissioners in - -this matter,) on SATURDAY, the 19th of April iustant, at the Offce o f R. & D. DA VISON. in the Townaof BALLYMENA, atthe hour uf TWO o'clock in the afternoon, AItlie ZEstate; Right, Title, and Interest of the said-Bankrtipt in' and to the following -LANDS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... piated by fributt ity. N SALE, a large Cast 0eta|jh1LEni of 1200 Jrnelrns-Inquire at the Of fice of r. DONALOSOI. Spit Merchafnt, Gradwell-street. Er T0 he SOLD. a FREEHOLD an TITHERREE TAESTATE of 170 Statute Acres.1 or Map d Parti- cru1515 apply to Mr. S. BEITHLSCY, ?? Pooi*lafe Dr Liverpool. TO PA.NBROKgRRS AND O~flg, T0 be DISPOSED OF, the STOC ITnlDEoT e1rn hsA- been long estrailish lr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - = =~~ut ulihd, ' price 75. Sd i. ?? NECESNSSITY of PPOPULAR EDUCATION ass ?? Object, with, Hints on the Treatment of Criminals, and Oh. serration on Hom~icidal nsanity. By JAMEvS oSIMPSON, Advocate. A. and C. Black, Edinburgh; Longman and Co. London. Just published, price 2s. 6d. cloth boards, EXERCIISES for WRITING GERM AN. By the Rev. F. G. TIARKS. F. Waeey, 4, Old Broad street; F. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day is Published, nLACXWO'GD'3 EEliFRG BAGAZUOB. No. CCXX. Eor Aaaril, IBS4. CONT'i' ENTS.-T. BParon Smni th.-II. A Story vrilthout a ?? I!J; C DtiRP of tilh Ali&itr. Cha p. 2.-IV. Finliily Poet v. No. i.5 A Tiile of the Rhine.-V. Mv oumsin Ni'lolas. Cbns. 1 2, S. 4. - 1-. T'ho Intlian's 11iwenar'. Bv 'i ris fileli'ais.-I II. Eti Ih itl R1o1k e. Part 9I-VIIL l''roe'-ess ot' Social ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE STOCK OF LINEN DRAPERY, SIbK MERICERY,7 &c. SHAPLAND and WR9FORD, being aboit todecline the Retail Part of their Btisiness, beg to inform their Friends and the Pablic that they havecoimsn ced bElL1 NG ilarn thewholeof their very valuai) le STOCKatconsiderably RE DUE D.- PRUCES. It consistaor-a Superior make of Undressed IR Sz1 LINENS, SHEETINGS, and TABLE. LINEN of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BSTRACT of the ACCOUJNTS of the '11EASU KEI A of the COUNTY of MIDDLPESEX, fy.s17 the 2ith day . c bt to the 5th of April, 134:- ROECEIP'T. Balance of last Account . . .- Received, ot account of County Rates . 5 ',6 I - Suadries . . . . *' EXPENDITURE. Bridges 12 0 Coroner'A Fees and Trav-lling Expences 193 3 t Cleriks of the Peace. Cir- . r.,&. 6 it bherif adfllddlesex ,lianeu tt Debtors' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1B. 71 E REV. HENRY STEBBING, ALA., o Ij.R.S. ., Author of the History of the Church ire. iDr. Iardner's Gyclopedia, Lives of the Italian Poets, &c., RECEIVES PUPILS. His instructdons em, brace the several branches of a sound Classical and Ve general Education.-Terms: a Hundred Guineas per es 16, EUSTON SQUAPE, LOiDON-- el FOREI GN & BRITlt 1HEiiA I'l7 WA REHOUSE 70. QUEEAr-STREET, PORTS~d. d1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... liTHE Nobility ?? areSEDBLIE - that the next AbSENRLY will take ilaraitiJ Monday, 7th of April. 1834, at the reen.Row 4I being the Laat for the Season. eeJR a Patronesscs Lady Mcabon. I Lativ 'latltuiad. ) Lady cololel Williarns. L I~l r w Stewards- ?? 'Williamr, s I It Ns Major namsayR 17thRe. L 1ajor Jones, 12th lttgt. I LieutewntNt~i)m~d' 11 - Jr Tickets (A5s. fid. eacir) to be had of Air. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRISTOL ANDi CADIfDFI. The New. and Swift-gain STE M PACKEI;T 60 Haonle ' Power, J- ious 4 -Ommat1;, Is intri.ded to Ply, during the Month of pri, with F'ssengers anl Goods, as folio From 19zigtol. ro Card'ff Saturday, April 19 12 noon |anl.; April21 3 after ruesday, April 22 8 after WednesdayApril341 after Vhursday, Aprl 2 5 morn Friday, April 25 5morn Saturday, April 26 6 morn IMoidy. aApril ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In one volume, post evs, with plates, price u2s. C8ARE;ME'S ROYAL PARISIAN PASTRY-COOK and CONFECTIONER. Edited by JOHN PORTER, Late Cook to the Marquis Camden, the Senior United Service and Travellers' Clubs, and now of the Oriental. To which is added, all the recent Improvements in Confectionery. P. J. Mason, 444, West Strand. Just published, price 3d., or fine paper, 4d. THE TENDENCY of ...