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STEAM CONVEYANCE to DUNDEE and PERTH, calling off Scarborough, weather per- ?? Dundee, Perth, and London ..

... Ship DUNDEE, JOHN WISHART, Commander, of 1,200 tons burden, and engines of 300-horse power, will leave Lxmdon for the above places TO- MORROW, the 9th of April, at Ten ?? at Night. Goods received, and berths may be secured, at Downe's W hart, Lower East Smitbfield, from whence the Ships start; •nd at the Branch Offices, 61, Charing-cross, and at No. 6, King-street, Cheapside, where plans of ...

Published: Tuesday 08 April 1834
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13510 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... — ln Part 1.. Preludio Cantabile, c Grand Ttowio Brillante, with orchestral accompaniments, composed •and to be performed by Signor Paganini. In Act 11., fa- vorite Variations on the air Nel cor piu, without orchestral •accompaniments, composed for, performed, and accompanied on the Violin alone, by Signor Paganini. In Act 111., grand Sonata Sentimentaie on the Prayer of Moses in Egypt, ...

Published: Friday 11 April 1834
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14743 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SOCIETY OF BRITISH ARTISTS, Suf- folk-street, Pall Mall East.— The EXHIBITION for the SALE of WORKS of LIVING ..

... is NOW OPEN, from Ten till Six. It. R. DAVIS, -Secretary. Adnii.SM-n, Is.— ( I 4 CHRIST'S HOSPITAL, 15th MARCH, 1834.— The GOVERNORS of CHRIST'S HOSPITAL. LON- DON, HVe notice that a COMMITTEE will sit In the Counring- hotiseof the said Hospital j on I'iHDAY. the 11th day of April, 1834, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon precisely, to receive proposals for taking on Lea-e for 2\ years from ...


... BE SO LIT AUCTION, Mo. FORD, the latter End of April, beginning the entire, Valuable, and extensive COLLECTION rf BOOKS and ETCHINGS; handsome Mahogany Boolean, with Folding Glazed Doors, Ft. In., by In.; Wardrobe and Secretaire; Circular Library Fable ; a Share in the Portico Library, One in the Exchange Library; the genuine Property •ftbe Rev. MOSKS RANDALL. A.M.. deceased, one of the ...

Published: Saturday 12 April 1834
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1116 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

D^^Kt'^^^CßfE^nt^ijrfi ' -■- Court of Chancery, made ins cause entitled AI.coCK v, SLOPER, the Creditors of ..

... Sot th- ampton-ulace, KuS ton-square, in the county of Middlesex, i abi- net-maker (who died on or about the month of Deceu her, 1«14), are by their Solicitors, on or before the 26th day of May, 1834, to come in before William Wintrield, Esquire, one of the Masters of the said Court, ut bis chan hers in Southampton- buildings, Chancery-lane, London, and prove their debts, or in default thereof ...

THE O-METrit, STEAM NAVIGATIO*. COMPANY'S tirst-rate and superior packets leave the CUSTOM-HOU..-: for HAMBURGH ..

... NESDAY and SATyH I? \ Y. ROTTERDAM, carry ing his Majesty's Mails.every WEDNES- DAY and SA I'UR I) VY Moi en ?? precisely, re- turning every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Morning. OSTEND, every SATURDAY Morning, returning every TUESDAY Night. CALMS, every SUNDAY Morning, returning every WED- NESDAY night. Upon i.nd after the l«th of April an addi- tional packet will run every WEDNESDAY, returning ...

FOR MADRAS and CALCUTTA, to sail the first week in Junr, the fine teak Ship the CORN- WALL, 9M tons

... burthen, Captain WILLIAM BELL. For freight or passage apply to Messrs. Palmers, Mackillop and Co., King's Arms-yard. r ' STEAM NAVIGATION SEASON has commenced. — St. Katharine's Steam Packet Wharf ad- joining the Tower, where Passengers embark and land 'with- out the aid or being e*p >sed to the risk of boat conveyance and also without any charge^hatsover. Elegantly fitted and commodious STEAM ...

Published: Monday 14 April 1834
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14239 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

EDINBURGH STEAM-SHIPS every Sa- turday, from the Jetty, West India Docks, Black wall theonlv wharf where ..

... board at any time of the day the vessel starts. The MONARCH, SATURDAY EVENING April 12 The SOHO, Saturday Evening, April 19. ' Offices, Spread Eagle, Regent's Circus, Piccadilly; Swan with Two Necks, Lad-lane ; and 35, Leadenhall-street A.MITCHELL. HANOVER-SQUARE ROOMS.-UVder ' he ™ m £ d . ?? Patronage of his Royal Highness the m u» d , I'Z ?? Hl Hi K h ^ the Princess -^GLbT A.— Mr. ...

Published: Thursday 10 April 1834
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13820 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

EAST INDIA HOUSE, 4th April, 1834. f THE COURT of DIRECTORS oi the East India Company do hereby give notice-

... That the Proceedings of the Court of Directors, relative to the despatch proposed hy the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, regarding the Claims of the Lmknow Bankers on the King of Oude. which were ordered by the Ge- neral Court of the 19th ultimo to be printed for the use of the Proprietors of East India Stock, are now ready for delivery at ?? ° UM - PETER AUBER, Secretary. ...

Sr^*7 HAR LEs BELL, «jl DBAFEB, MBBCBR, tee. ?? e ]icit op poitunlty of infoeaalßg T K& !L and -h*

... P» h!ir ?? that he b* fn rifrom TOWN with a CHOICE ,o^V 0 ; TaNTV ARTICLES for the a^v.^. r lo ni his late residence in London, SprieS 1 * knowledge of all the first Houses in n J irt'' ,mate hns been enabled to make such (fee I^'JJL their Stocks as he considers will *^,«en«on of his friend. I men' 1 ,f u ]h solicits tneir early inspecUon. f C. P r ; ;ot TOWN MADE BEST QUALITY Ar 'u'Trs ...

Published: Saturday 12 April 1834
Newspaper: Lancaster Gazette
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3563 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 


... rate of Exchange at w Inch ' ' Bills on India at sis until further notice, be.' tor Rills upc of Is. lid. per Sicca Rupee ; and for Bill Bombay is. it id., instead of is. J»-d. per Madras or Bombay JliApee. PETER AUBER, Secretary. THE KING'S PICTURES of the BATTLE •f TRAFALGAR, painted by W. J. HOGGINS. (Marine Paintei to his Majesty), and exhibited by pern Most Gracious Majesty, with a ...