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Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... IR JOHN CAMPBELL having arrived late this evening in Edinburgh, and having red ceived a Requisition from a numerous and respectable bodv of Electori,; requesting 1iirn to oifhr himself as a Carndidate for the Representatien of the City, he will have the honour of MEETING such of the Electors as may find' it convenient to attend in the' WATERLOO Rooms, To-rorewtow,' at One o'clock P. t. Friday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRAND ORRERY, i TO No. 20, NIcOLSoic STriEET, ?? Door S'iutb of Surgeon's Hall, For a shert iime. : PEN from 11 A.M. to 4 P.M4-Admittacco, 0 Ladies andi Giriilerheni, Is., ineloding a plan of tr O rey Children, (6,1. Classe °rr ~a~d mcimttedeht half-price. * Op ien at n g t f o , ill- d usk , f u M h a ic AdmitiaaCe, 6d.; EDIN1BURGH BIBLiE: SOCIETY. ANNUAL MEETING. HE TWENTY-FIFTH A N N U A L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MT MEETINGS of the Ist, 2,4 3d 4tll, A and 5th PARLIAMENTARY DISTRICTS, of the Burgh of LEVIIH, held the 12th day of May 1834, Resolutions to the following effect were unani. momlyv dd'rptVe'd-. AESOLVEDe'-'' ?? lSt, That this'.4eetin ghighly approve of the Parlia- mentaryv dooduct of MrI Jlona AntCI{IBALDI MAIVRAY, as the Merqjier for this District of Burgh}, and consider binm fullyj ...


... ON THE MOUND. pp ROPRINOT(RS most respectfully - J11inrte ?? irohaving jiostieceived firom London I jrnre rresting View of the CONTINENT of '300eTIHA 'with its Gulfs, Islands, Lakes, &a. disco- to iCCI hr C'i iut in Ross in his iata Expedition to the Po al virc f ?? pairtted under the direction and from draw- B g li j; Cajitfl( ?? n Jatnuary 1830, giving an ca ,Vcl1'titl dea of those ley ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLD ORTALITY AND HORSE. xhilbiting at 15, PnINCES STREET, B','1S4TATUTES of OLD MORTALITY 1r I T ORSF,. modelled after the description -r ir a T h1i ALTER SCOTT, in tbe First Series of Talesi~ of me Landlolrd. oeesecutell in Stone by Mr. THOM,1 i FegIor of Tam O'Shanter. and Souter B rhe celbrt joannay Open from Ten till dusk.o ?? RKISH DIVAN, , SOUTII ST DAVID STtEeT, d ~HE 5Nobility Gentry, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pOi'TIit'I.Y TilE LAST wMEER. (,lUJSEPPE PARISS, J sli. '1 0 R E\CCFN'r ST'I:ES', LoNDor, -,e-w teECTFULLYT returns bis wartnost t.: \lias to ti' Nobility, (ienhtry, aiml Inhabitait3 t1 t'e. I it Vicinity, for the flattering patro-an- O1 t i.,, they have been pleased to bonour his 54i100 ~s~ce it opeItII this, [atv. il °licery rnlittll, hlie begs respectfully to, Brn'c 1lv n thle pu~lic the ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DNBGHBIBLE SOCItTY. ANNUAL MEETING. II TETY FIFTH AN N UAL I METING 'Of the EDINBURGH MIBLE terlo ?Tl ryoillbebleliinST ANDRE W'SCURH ,gfjrr e T. ew nl'ednesdafirst, the21st se of May 6 i who are friendly to the object of the So- I respectfully invited to attend. beoe t Eleven o'clock f9ol ,an le to takepn at Twelve o'clock precisely. the C'lei, toill be made, at nsi, at the doolrs, after tee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... q,;gst.E ZO AiL.-This Evezktg, . Tills 'MUGGIARt' BOY, THE BtLIND BO)Y. I actcrl of 1trot Le Pop- Cosar, a Nigge9, Thl and MOIInt, by ?? Kleeley. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; 'g~~SCotrS LAW. I ,i IDICAIX SOCIETY'S CLASS for nVEYANCING will meet for the Sum - or n. ' ,y tloe 13th current, at 4 r.a., at Inae CUrso II A4( Charlotte Square. tere 0 cet1lBAYNE, W.S. Lecturer. itt fl. retttintt to give private instructions in CIVIL - SCOS LA W. EWINTG'S SUMM5/iER COURSE of GRAMI.AR, and COM- NP GEOGAPHY, ISTORY, will commence on Tuesday, 13th fu rirs in the Winter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... valieyneia. start. in ms ninety-litn year. EDINBURGH ELECTION. IR JOHN CAMPBELL'S PBINCIPAL O COiMMITTEE-ROOMS are'in the AXerchants'IH unl, Iunter Square. Hlis istrict Committee-Rooms -re asfolloWs-viz. 1st District, Cork's Coffeeroomn, 44, South Bridge. 2d do. Stranger's Friend Society's fail, 84, High Street. 3d do. 21, Union Place. 4th do. 14, St Andrew Street. 5th to.'37, Lndori St-ect. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLD MORTALITY AND HIS HORSE. Now F,, hihiting at IS, PRINCE'S STREET, STATUES of OLD MORTALITY ?? h's HORSE, modelled after the description give. l Si WATERSCOTT, in the First Series of Those Figar aremy excuted in Stone by Mr THOM, tle leleb~ated Sculptor of Tam O'Shanter and Souter Johnny. Open from Ten till dusk. DIORMI AND COSMORAMA, LOTHIAN ROAD. ITE Ruperb VI EW of the VILLAGE of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G. HOUSE-TAX. T ' E have received the following Certifi P; T V cate, which must at once destrov th o effet of L. the Placards on this steiject, so industriouisly posted dur- Al ing the last week over the walls in this Citv :_ N Stamp and Tax Odive Edinbergh, 26th Mlay l834 M A communication hb s beern received frem Goe ern- ment, at this O1fice, that the HOUSE-TAX will enire- W ly cease from ...