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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ON1 SALE, AT TME SUBSCRBEER'S, T URNIP SEEDS, of Vl'rious Sorts, ?? Wile Globe, Green I Globe, ?? Top, Yellow Bi.llock, Rled or Greeb Tops, Fit id Yellow, lled, W4brite, aid Yellow Tankard, anut Swedisli. These Sieds are carefully selected, and will be obund good in qua- lity, and true to their kinds. Patent SCYTHES, SNEADS, STRICKLES, TulrNIP HoEs, SCYTHIE STONES, of ten different sorts. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sl~i~tthtllV i~tli't I. to his Frionids an ?? Ptthli , thut ]t hb ls tee rmLoiidoa, vwheire he ]as, pa ?? a S tock of stalt r wtn ashiont:tb It Cooile as ?? flitt Iectes~arv to addl to till vx- telioassorimtttnt laid in Ileilrte till, late nival cv Ill prices. J.P1 _~rateltftiit ackit olvwit es tile ?? shle piatt ottac( he lit t ibii supp Iort, Its is deternliM t'd to (Iqlisleso if his ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FEEING MIARKETS, A S much ilcotvenienlce and de.elay frequently oceC'11 F3EEnCT . MMAIE'rS from Servauts neglctilng to brinF. with them written chnracters, from their last places, it is hereby intimateil ibat they ?? lie expected to produce vritteO ?? in all cases inI future ; whereby much trouble-i'll le saved, both to them- selves amnl to Masters who may be in want of Servants. 3fi Ma 10 U4. ...

This dlay is Publish

... ed, Price Is. OBSERVATIONS ON INPEF'TXMENTS AND INSTRUAIENTS OF SAXlIN, .sc. Objections toabolishinuthin; sugeestions for simp:ifying them, aland greativ lessening r ih,'ir expense ; and the draft of a Bill, and re- lative Scitednlrs, fur ri via g effect tol the proplosed changes. Bv JOHN RIDI)LE, STOD)ART, Writer to the Signet. Edinhnigh: EBell & B radflte, Bank Street; and A. Brown & Co. 71, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Purdisheed Otis Day, Price 7s. 6dI. z.ECESSITFcOF P'OPULAIR EDUCATION AS A NA4'PIONAL OBtJECT. Wi1th Hint3 on the Tieatniept of Crimials:0, and Observatloos on 1ho1icidabl In1sanity. liv JAMSi SIMPSON. ltSZ. Advocate. A. and C. BLACNc, Edinlburlgh; liuowx & Co. Aberdeen. THEI FRENCH LANGUAGEr ACQUIRED AVITHOUT A TRACHB11. lin 8vo. price l~s. time Fifth Edlitionm, timorotilly-ll revised and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A BElD EEBN S HIRE. Aberdeen, 22(1 Mafy, 1F34.-At at Genera! eeIn ofth LAarDll0tT)FS of AIlERDEE`NSITIUE,cledfrtep. p051' Of tnkill~ into considieratlion at Bil 11ow (epenizi Parliament for Vegillathng the appolioilntmttof ministtts -4 D3UTION, and Which max' heroine Parochial1 011'nrches 'I and also a Bill dependfing~ in Plitrliinen t ''for lhe Anieind of nient andi better administ cation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF HOUSEHOLD rURNITURE Upone Thirsday the 29th May curt., thie 'will be sold, by Auc- tion, in that House, No. 71, George Street, presently occupied by James Wilson, Cabineut.llmkunr , 'i ! General Assor'tment of HOUSEHOLD FURXITURE,-con- sisting of Mahogany and other Chairs; Tea Tabies; a Chest of l)rawvers; a Haivluhtir Sofa; an Eight-day Clock; Bedstead and Curtains; a Child's Crih Bed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Meteorological Table, for April, 1834. B3Y Nit. GEORar. INNrs, ASTRONOMICAL CALCULATOn, ABECRDEN. The Thermometrical and Barometrical Observations are made at 8 o'clock, A.Ma. and 9 o'clock, p.1g. -. ?? .4 ac:- o-.0 J0' ts a woostc-zc~ zcmwoc^~=o - -i 8c 4,;S oS2ctaStw>82-. =~ n oo 0,, b: ccc. c ,, 0' 0' '0 ?? 10 . l8- ?? W 8 s - 00' EEEco BB9S 00'oBB oSBB B cc c tEEE ?? U'0 .- -4'0t -0 ?? - - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E__RIRE NEW STOCK OF CLOTIIIERY, gAnRDASHMIXY, LINEIV DRAPERYl, 4. Vc. No. 7, Broad St teet, (THItia SHOP FROM ?? STI'tEllT) W & A. MII'1ENZ IE begl mo~st ?? to in timate to the have commienced Buinhess ott their own,1 account itn the( above Ptre- ?? AFE. has bieen for umatmy years inthe elimplovillent of Messrs PHIt LI P & TAYLrORt, 10hereIL tlehs ati(qimtel a, ?? knoicicigie cf m1iS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... c-1 FORGE SUTHERLAND, Gi,,vn.%u IR0N1O1\oGEr, \o. 31, _WS.Nicholas Stret't, N ?? e leave ointen to is arlitale fo~dro London, Bilrmii ,11hatn, Sefed c lceiehsmd oiie' ablt addit ioins to Itis present Sr ock. B~e wouild pamirttlakrly ?? extensive. Assolrtatett Of Ftritislisnits for. Cs nien:er, D ifhiders, and Cahinoet Maheris, thin bpilng slicli as canlnot )e cxit' Ilvi in Ahwreiien, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GflEY.gOUrN3 STRAYEl. . TRAYED from bds Macster, abotit ten da1V ago, in paissingiz near k the Toll-bir of Ilces, a handtismnie Blacrk GREY-IIOUND:- nilswlers to the ninlue of HEnO.'.-'WhOevCr 'Vill Iestore himli to AIr Elhiick, BlacIdjurni, or AIr Angus, Now Inn, Slene, will be iii Wit rletl. ZiUlITLY TU.-tImTuE nlOAD lVXEETnUm, AXO) CONTRA CTORlS WTAlNTED. T MEETING of thbo T'RUStTElS, ...