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Advertisements & Notices

... pIN tIHG H S T BAMA S H I P S, .DMOqAltCH. captain Bain. so no. Captain Froser. AM WAwr. captain .famteaun. bale 'cwlii start from thP`ejtty. Weatl.adia Decks. ?tlacibwali. every gas oftbie 54 yaturdY, the onIy Wharf Where Paaaectrger can walknaonhart 11rf,Oed~y `rBS day the tessel startS.- go ifi attle. Rtegent's Clrcoe, Piccadilly; Swan with Two Necks, 01 .d B5. ae~elhalsAtre 04lsO0. o the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRTJNDISBIRGH ASSOCIATION, For Prosecuting Felons and Others- TOTICE, that the Annual Ilieeting will beeldt uN the Dog Inn, on Tbursday next,'the 2gth int. Din- ner at Two o'clock. wj~i. WlI{GH1T.Tressurie C. MEADOWS, BRAZIER AND IRONMOINGMER Tavern Stche, and St. Clewmt's, ipsiv5ic B EGS to return his sincere Thanikstohis Frie;deAnd Dthe Public in general, for the liberal favours wbhi they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sir TH B ~ .IIR*: t rs, jeet2'sf BfrtJI Elay, at- tile 5?e's or of LJADY *5 LtIAMis. io'l Alts ii re- LADr htiC AlAslN I~n *~L * VsL 1P-~ IUX3AITLAND. . I5A~l, W. ST tSA R S. 3e. £rlejnr AZtn Al a b ihihegimen1 Dng I~ieut. AlI Ali'AiD, R.N>. Li~ ~E R ent ibieuc. Batowsi, R4A1: R. wt LUlsT ?? the An entire new Setlection of t . CtiTE h s 4 of from Dlusard's, tbr this occasiow. b ecib iitfid ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ills MAJESTY'S BIRTH E- DAY. lirequest the favour of the attetidance of th b y Gentlemennof Manichester and tlse nlleighbour- rittrtol;Ol at the EXSCIANG G, on lledniesduy, the 28th. * at at eleven o'clock precisely, to mooue thence to At. Ais-S'quaP-0 and ptroved with the throops of tlte r ti ti along Mah s aket-stren t, Piccadil ', asd Losdon Il to Ard ick Greetsnerwher a RO YAA . SALUn E l, ...

JXON Wat a wsl iboi

... H IC Cotll,*W se lohr. a style not. .lo pie 45s., at ~1IPVS' 125. Whltescha A olce AssOrtiefltOffay DRePe S, is, Casytonh qukare., beg to return their ?? to twi Friends and the ?? for the rstronaged I ge5 nt a hiealbetiear oftw~ a lc comfortablel SIT usIi. / 5egs sn toassir ?? xpe~eor eltertioD8 shall | ra / D imBt eriofthir favouy. ?? ii N jCOLL anditl WARBUR , Nto A ontinue / ki o tetir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NLON9DOiF pIiVIX0 F4MITES. ROBERT HART, PIANO rORTZE IWXPORTER, 8, CASTLE-STREET BELFAST, TYAS just received a Variety of EXCELLENT L P ?? from the house of BROADWOOD & SONS, &c. &e. which he can recommend as equal to any of their respective cl -AS offered for sale in this kingdom, and which he is en d to Sell at the lowest London Prices. . . . ; 03d'Pianlo Fortes taken in exchange for New ...

This dlay is Publish

... ed, Price Is. OBSERVATIONS ON INPEF'TXMENTS AND INSTRUAIENTS OF SAXlIN, .sc. Objections toabolishinuthin; sugeestions for simp:ifying them, aland greativ lessening r ih,'ir expense ; and the draft of a Bill, and re- lative Scitednlrs, fur ri via g effect tol the proplosed changes. Bv JOHN RIDI)LE, STOD)ART, Writer to the Signet. Edinhnigh: EBell & B radflte, Bank Street; and A. Brown & Co. 71, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VICTOIUA. ROUSE, 118. QUEEN.sTRERT POReSEA ?sp LETHBR[DGE begs toinfor?, tIi? ? I.X. that he has, during the past week, ?? extensive pure irises in Stiks, Shawls, tinted ? ? Gin hams, rich Brocaded Sat??? ?? or Fancy Hant?kerch iefs antI Scans, Parasoj? I Sik and Cotton I-Idteandjn every de hoods adapted to the present season. - scriptisa ?; ? (. P. L. parcicalarly recommendi, to jr SilI?s, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T a GENERAL M EETING of the Ship-owners A of tbis Town ann Neighbourhood, held. at tihc Three lndialn lRihgs, on Mlontldy, tho 19th MAay, ISMS, GEORGE STrRAKER, Esq., in the Chair, It ivas ustuninitosly 7esotved, Ist. That the Attention of this Meeting having been directed ton Bill introduced by Sir James Graham, Bart., M.P., into the Commons loase of Parliamnent, entitled, A ABill to ?? ndnd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPLENDID : ASSORTMENT rfILLINBRY AND HABERDASHIERy, 15, CASTLE-PLACE. E. L. 3ILUOY & SISTERS 7UAKE leave to a nce to the Nobility and Gen- .1 try of Belfast an s Vicinity, that they have comn- pleted their SUMM EAA SSORTMENT in the above line, and hope for the our of an early inspection. FAMILY MOURNING furnished on the shortest notice Also, their usual extensive assortment of French and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLD ORTALITY AND HORSE. xhilbiting at 15, PnINCES STREET, B','1S4TATUTES of OLD MORTALITY 1r I T ORSF,. modelled after the description -r ir a T h1i ALTER SCOTT, in tbe First Series of Talesi~ of me Landlolrd. oeesecutell in Stone by Mr. THOM,1 i FegIor of Tam O'Shanter. and Souter B rhe celbrt joannay Open from Ten till dusk.o ?? RKISH DIVAN, , SOUTII ST DAVID STtEeT, d ~HE 5Nobility Gentry, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ^s~iXL} i ;t I 'i(JMiJI C{7 \6bIJRI.V'IIAAH. | ,7 K.IN'OIYfLEFnD(:E- | 5HE ANNUAL NEETING of ?? PRESTON kDISTRICI' COM11lIITEE of the above SO. CIETY will be held in the 1'oWN HA.I, Preston, Mn rhursday next, the 29th instant. The chair will be taken at Twelve o'clock. REV. ROBT. HARRIS, B.D 1 TIHOS. CLA 11K, M.A. SECiETA RIES. JOEHN ADDISON, JUN. ESQ.J Prts on, May 2nid. JO1IN WALMSLEY ...