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Advertisements & Notices

... z Qg1'1tx~re)¢Tt6. INhlteni- -In tlti ?? of MrI. ilTos. WILSbN, Silk Ier cr. &c. which aippeared il the P/earq-y ot Friday the Will illit. ?? that he is ilow disip.,j, of his Stock under prinie cost, the address is Iog, Dale-stret, ini stend of 1fl8, Drls,;-SorFET.. ] .F.I NIII;Ii 'tl ?? our corre-poiidleist ,t Dleky .Sjin ha,, accerss to t rile of the .1eiculy, and Ns-ili turn to Our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R3EADY FO'R PUBLIC.ATIoN,, ; IN A HANDSOV% VOLUME, Defy Octavo, Cloth Boards, Price 7s., A1FLL and ACCURATE REPORT of the INQUIRY into the EXISTING STATE of the CORPO ILATION of HULL, taken at the GUILD-HALL, 1,efore FORTUNATUS DWARRIS aid S. A. RUISSALL, Esqrs., Two of His Majesty's Commissioners, corn- Tencing December 4, and ending December 14. 1833 Also a REPORT of the PROCEEDINGS relative ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VIF ANNUITIES FORAGED PERSONS.-The Iablesofthe-Royal Union Inisurance and Annuity Ofice. Waterluo.Bridge, London, shewing the Price or Life Annuities for all ages, being printed on a single sheet, will be forwarded 'to any part of the Kingdom. All letters must be post paid. YINAL . GLASGOW LOTTERY,1 BY ORDER OF PARLIAMENT, IS TO BE DRAWN .ON THE 22nd OF JULY. HE Report Of the Committee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LdSV SHIP THIlS lIFAR FOSR QUEBLEC. FOR QUEBEC, The fine fast-sailing Ship BRITISH QUEEN, C500 Tons Barlhen), JAMES MILLER, Commander. This Ship is well calculated for Passengers, having irreat height between Decks.-Those Persons who wish to go out should not lose the opportunity, as there is Ino prospect ofany other Ship laid on ror Passen- gers during the present Year. She will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r pOYAL CALEDONIAN HUNT. DUMFRIEFS-OCToDER °1834. First DaTy. ri' CALEDONIAN ST LiGER ;T ,ITAKEs of 2 SOVS. each, p. p. wi 100 «; ariled by the hoolt, for throc-yoar-old Colts; &at. i llis, S One mile and a half. 1 diV and name to the Secretary of the Royal Ca. ?? ;;n fliHnt, Edinburgb, on or before 12th June. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. k MI commanded to state, that the Bntertain- ?? at the Pelace of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I TO CORRESPONDENTS. II I AUsT once. more express my great obligations and my most sincere thanks to those who have been -so kind as to send me parcels of the Cobbett-corn for seed. I have this -morning openied a box sent me by a kind friend in GuzRN- say, who was induced to cultivate this corn, and who had the first seed from me; rwhich box contains ?? a bushel and a half of ears of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G. HOUSE-TAX. T ' E have received the following Certifi P; T V cate, which must at once destrov th o effet of L. the Placards on this steiject, so industriouisly posted dur- Al ing the last week over the walls in this Citv :_ N Stamp and Tax Odive Edinbergh, 26th Mlay l834 M A communication hb s beern received frem Goe ern- ment, at this O1fice, that the HOUSE-TAX will enire- W ly cease from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? t S-FURNISHED APARTMENTS to be LET, in St. Giles's, Oxford, suitable for a lady, or Lady alnd Genkltleman.-Hent moderate. Enquire at the Office of this Journal. TIRE ISIS. r iIlE Public are respectfully informeri, that this I NEM FAST COACH will start on Monday next, from the STAi and Rounucx INNS, OXFOItI), at Four o'clock in the Afteruoon, through Wycombe and Uxbridge, to the George and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T nHE COMMITTEE of the FEVER HOSPI- 'I TAL and DISPENSARY begileave to return their sincere thanks to the Clergymen of the different places of, Divine Worship in which Collections were made in aid:of the funds of that Institution. The following sums were received by the Treasurer:- St. Anne's Church .. £48 4 6 St. George's Church .*.- - . 37 10 r First Presbyterian Congregation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oxcfoedshire Asgricultural Society. rf HE Anniversary Meeting of this Society will be IL held at Do c ?? on Wednesday the 4tb day of June next. A week's notice (post paid) must be given to the Secretary, Oxford, of all articles for exhibition; and certificates, accord- ing to tile printed forms, must also be sent him of Stock in.. tended to be shewn. The Stock must be at the place of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P It tS U A NT to a Decree of the H1igh Court of Chan- cerv, made in a Cause entitled, - CA TL ING v. PATilhCK, the Creditors of THOMAS ETHE- ltIDGf;, late of Fressingfield, in the County of Suffolk, Getltlenian, (who died in or about the Month of Decem- ber, 1S;31,) are by their Solicitors, on or before the Twent%.tnourth day of June, 18S4 to come in before I ILLIT'.A NVIN~rlimn Esquire, one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P :r XsdIet keeM; - ;Eiw 4wthe~itti, fle& - Enclosing andLaying- of . Kuiahenm Gardens ;On the M1kig *0u ~aiaD~ ?? 1oNiaedsi ,aod - Green- -oies; and 0o4 ?? and Cal- 'tivation of alJ' soes 'of Eitchin-Garden-, 'P~aiSts~-and aft Vriift-Tr-ee whetoer vf thet ?? ,agor the.)ichari.L AND ALSO, Oti tbi' Formaltion ?? and Flower- - Urdens ;:and on the Propagan and CoW tivation of the several sorts ...