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Advertisements & Notices

... OITY IN SCOTLAND PROPAGATING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. *E AN'NIVERSARY SERMON of the ! ' 5OC1ETY is to he preached in the Harn cterhEdibubrrgbt, by the Rev. JOHfN PAUL. oen C c l niuxer F orf St Cuthbert's, on THURSDAYtbeh ?? rsjutE 1834, at Twoo 'clock afternoon. A GENERAL MEETING of the SOCIETY will G Qorewt Street, at whica the Members are requested to Th e Directors meet at Ono o'clock. TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO COACH PROPRIETORS, COACz31IEN, AND OTHERS. BY AUTrHORtITY OF THr CO.1r.ISSIONElc1S OF PO1L)CP. T having breet reprisented to the Cormmissioners, that l'ersotns Inl charge of STAGE and other COACHIES, are in the practice of Driving such Coaches on the Streets of this City il an itmproper and]urioios manner, wherelby thie ijhabitants are ex-posedl to mu111ch danger and annoyance: Notice is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W,. RETTIE & SON~ Vs IPEFCTFULLY solicit the attention of tieir Customsers,'and .f~th ullic, to thei,4 prsejet veryv Pxtpesive Stork oF JRWEL. THlE B LER, ILVER PLATE, and SHEFvFIELD PLATED WARE, consistin of'- lwit/ Lorkets, CRoss's Sevhnetie, Pills, Pencil Case.S'e ?? Seri Sitver-T.ea SetS, Ciill'ev-iois, Waiters, Ciqp', Spoons, Ladles, Forks, F'islt Slices, Bat tel' andl Friti j iCiives, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'lild Pl F\VS, R linbiligh * J. PAX'I'ER, Gil:lS%{Bl'; nxid lilost ut thc spert;llile Chltilists, an;l ?? anil Reblil Patent Medicine coe liders in thc Ulliled }iiligdom. oce tsportr.^nt Cautiotl. On EntzE, tilat the ^solils TnoalAs PonrEIl Blackfiiaws. no Road; Loniloll is (hv ?? of His Mrijisty s Hollollrnblel als Gasililil, in tile Goncrilmelit stalililX pilstell ovcr the top of eacil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ..Pbi s kot~ eseetfully~informed-that the *- 't:;7'aCv A3LDgjsWH1THE1ATRE Will Reo ul'noer his NMajeoty'e P;aent,, Erill B1e~pe;llsljzl, j~re~~optert onUES117ISIER, SrAqON, O SATURDAY EVENING, June 7a4834, 0° Si craion *ill be pr(.tilhced a new Barletta, in two acts, enthled THE GIPSIES . OR A DAY AT THE BEULATI SPA. c~ IA( ?? by Mr Montaigue. Stanlley. .!rC?Ov Botl'l E, %Ef- Mr dAllison, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIORAMA, e. LOTHIAN ROAD. VIE ofr the VILLAGE of UN_. '1TERSEEN rillCLOSE THIS DAY, June | ,idmitsi. ?? Sbilling-Childlren. half-price. CEgNTRAL POLISH ASSOCIATION. C rlTE CON1MMITTEE of the 'CENTrRAL f P pOLISH ASSOCIATION hereby intinate to - CirreS ntietsand the Public, that. Ir N. F. ?? CorenNECYItON. WITH THAT ASSO- CI.ATION. as a Letturer and Confidiential Agent, CEASED on the 4th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIORAA, &c. LOTHIAN ROAD. iN C, of nu merous Partishvn ivevn ad, by other engaigernentl from visit d'l `3ICW N(if teV LAGE of UNTERSEEN, ye evxprsseI a wirsh that it should continue it im leter,e tnn' t'°t r w~eek thc Puh~ihe are respectfelly informed, noil Nt T CLOSE till Saturday the 14th inst. Open from ten till dusk. wISIlAWN' AND COLTNESS RAILWAY. -,OTICE is hereby given, that the AN- l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ine ele Press, and speedily will be publislied, 03 SERVA TIONS ON TH E RI port of a Speech made at a late Meeting of the HARBOUR-' TRUSTEES by 'Mr THOMAS BAVNNEUMANX, and On a Letter, Pr' which was addressed by him. to the Editor of the Aberdeen Journal. By GAVIN HADDEN, Late Chairman of the Harbour Trustees. WATCHES, CLOCICS, JEWELLERY, &c. Jr0HN MURRAY, WATCH and CLOCK MAKERt, respectfally ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? the £ ls. toag fro! ined SUN FIRE OFFICE, 'I Il I BANK BUILDINGS, CORNH-ILL, w ease AND e fre C1 CRAIG'S COURT, CH-ARING CROSS, du Pas- LONJDON. tien Igof MANAG ERS. Ind loots CHARLES POLE, Esqj. Treasl~exes. tile lush Charles B~otlton, Esuj. Feli x Ladbroke, Esq. F Otis. .Thle Horn P. PlEwdell. Bouverie. Charles Shaw Lefere, Esq. M.P. nea nall. William Burnie, REsj. The Hlon. Hugh Lindsay. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RTICULT G . VEN ING PROMENADES, with Ilj slC, in the EXPERINIENTAL GAR ?? conm~enle On WED- 1 f0s. EVNTLNINC nexO, the 18th, from half-pact w; tf an ?? erseft, and be repeated Weekly thea Ssour atell frther notice. ; t S an tr tilelI Promenade, is. each person, . atftlie Gt.r their Families, price 5s. eacb, will Q 'a hen Tic e ers or Shareholders on their ap- ir r lj l ebI r t codinep a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTHER DISTRICTS. E ,3, LIBERAL ELECT ORS in the H EIG 1T SOUTHERN DISTRICTS are to: N 1in Athenian Coffeehouse, Adam Square, on F.D.4Y first,at Five o'Clock, to celebrate their late ti r I.1 to moet Mr Ahercromhiv. TruSj R THOMAS DICK LAUDER, Bart. C in the Chair. n I-s. 8s. each, to be had at the Coffeehouse, and ti reuested. e. ,,Ilifation is reI PUBLIC DINNER. O I FRIENDS of the LORD ADVO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIOAM O c.LOTHIAN ROAD. scoecatelete Of the great throng of Visitors 1to the VIEW of the VILLAGE of U-NETER i the last we ek , the Exh ibition will ' eon- Opra ?? I lonager .Open froni ten tillduenk. ,inoe Is. children, half-price. A . A MURRAY, Teacher of Singing, begs to nano oon, that be is about to leave this r aetnodon, in order t fulfi his engagement at the Royal . gcI 1l,e~tivai which ...