Advertisements & Notices

... ~i~rft ~GLAJD. NQTIC 15 EIlY GIVEN, , il0111 rtlrlE ?? is iet ! ,\c 11,l'~ll. in the CITY ;y 1 i : l laZrL }; r Eiantsw th l head Offie, 133, , 010 7ti,,aris. I D Ot OHItw-~ ~tr o, *0 tirm Ground 'E L trI ,v Si. bet Bed Room0is, tON ?? ats ?? &tioi Attics Ci0'eCh lil:aE, ansi Other ex cel- re'imoltth wlsu pwards re ith~irt esltilvated Arablealtid P'sturc , I rn i 1 1.brclil loily ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE ~BATAYIER.-Steam to R0T`PER. ST DASB COLOGNE adalPceonthe RHINE, as for as weiltnwsta hipi, BATA VIER, Captain ~ wil leav Loq~ forItottrdamon Sunday Uext, the 6th July attwele oclok atoon, an evry nsuing tunat Forie pfar. lirilar, aplyto r. Wn. ay,123 ~e Councsetogether. Hwfth flegut~cectr. di to r. Cl~an 61,Uharng~co estjons3, are.1 HOUSE J-UNER2, 1e8rta4. THTEDCUR MEICANINING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N1EW BOAD TO -RUYIRjjN. ApJOURN.ED MEETING. N ADJOURNED MEETING of the Persons in. A terested in the formation of a NEW ROAD from BELFAST to CRUMLIN, bS SHANKHILL, will be beld at the Office of Mr. AL S. STEWART, in the WsrTE LINTEN-HIAtL, On FRI7AY next, the 4tb of July. at the hour of TWELVE flock noon, at which a full attendance is particularly Quested, to join in taking mea- sures to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. 1R. LEIFCHILD begs respectfully to submit il the Orderof SALE on the GOBIONS PARK ESTATE, at Twvelve ench day, on the Premises: Tfills DAY, July 1st, f,,ll-sleil Btilliard Table, large Pier Glasses, Patient Stungle, ansi the reirmnlsiog Plitt Of the Household Furniture. ia-m orrowv, July 2d, Cart atai Nag Ilorses,, Hunters, BroodMrs Colts and Fillies, Wilggoris, Carts, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wanted, TNI A SMALL FAMILFY, I YOUNG MAN, who perrectlY unflerstands A in doir wirk, and also sortietlr hi g of I-I tres. Chiaracter woueldi Ire Particularly enq riedia. Aplply to J. B. B. post Ofince, Airergeic ~ WHE~t~s1oEiEv OWEN UHS HERES ol inthecounty or Catuirvn~i, e Ciemnist aird Druggist, lit li - ceit itd tndeI- r.lteo ssig nuicut, bearirirg date the :ddyii x June. iS34 assigned over ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST ACADE.MY ON THURSDAY, the 26th inst. P RE M I U MS , and CERTIFICATES were distributed to the fol- lowing PUPILS:_ Classical 'Scho0l. GREEK-1st Class, J. Graham (Downpatrick.) 2d class, W. Dillon Tennent (Lisburn), and A. Macaulay (Larne), equal. 4th Class, J. Thompson (Lisburn.) 5th class, James Lyle (Coleraine.) LATIN-lst class, H. Cavart. 2d Class, W. Dillon Tennent, A. Macaulay. 3d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . WVATEI, FOR CHRIST CHURCH, ELPAST, CLERK, well ac ed I'Vl salmody.(Thl1. A didates will be re re p nc he most satisfac tory Testimonials, &ef y to v 110S. DREW 3, Ingram-Place, (or a C on MONDAYS; between the hours of Twelve and Two.)-Letters to be post-paid. (71 This Church is open for Divine Service, during the Sumn. mer, on THURSDAY, Evenings, at Seven o'clock. AL aiE ) E P, a, it cy E, R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOL 1I m , ol S. b UG', atis et T' l to ,rs YOt d 0 UfW b ,lri is friends and o oS entelre d the abv dl;lepll l r orlla table It, ?? his in e~1~g Dinner at i liftpast Three , in the Chair, 1 ; is ,,d ?? i. hoes to be fr Vored with .: ,lli ere'lttV 0i frietdel4s and patrons. ti flr une 300h. 1S:34.a bhe °1 lle lMrs. Hughes, of the b 1f4uh, JGSe, 01Iloes,Cteril tr oit, ole 501. ;t1 3d 1tit, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of TRF ERITISIZ SOCIETY FOR EXTENDING THE FISHERIES, AND 111PROVING TI1E SEA COASTS OF TIlS - KIXGD O i, MNCOfI'ORATrED BY ACT OF PARLIlAMcENT, 1780, N OTICE is hereby given, tbltt the Directors lihi comc to a rc. N solution to declare a DIVIDEND on the Capital Stock of this Society, at tite rate of £2 per share, payable on the 5th day of 'Tanlniery, 18.35. It is therefore requested, that all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MWANUFACTORY OF Mr. IMPERIAL WATERPROOF GOACH, VAN, CART, AND WAGGON COVERS Sold Berse cloths, Rick Cloths, Tarpatelings, Tiltinga, ,ill Sails, Sacks, .Bags, Sackiny Bottoms, 1 Ropes, Twims, 4c. 4.c. {c. Book J. WOOLHOUSE and Co. rsmE ST. AIARY-S GATE, DERBY, any c SEPLY impressed with gratitude to their paintl D Friends and the Public, for the very liberal encourage. immei ant afforded theem, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY N1lt. I3! EAR1EY. FINP.LN.I TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, .8y lr. BREAREY, A b she Wheel Inn, in Findern, on Saturday, the 12th day of July next, at 6 o'clock in the Eveuing, subject to conditionsofsale; d aluabl FREEBOLD 1-I I, UndermentiofledVlaeFRE OL T PROPERTY in FstDrEtri, in the following or such other lots as shall be agreed upon at the time of sale. LOT 1. A. R. P. The Gorsey Leys, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1ii L.\A'T TXjWN and SYDNEY, No-v Ii-tt to 0 ie tape of Good 11ope, to soi' II 142:,) toes pier register, (I % Hiwsi, tie (Xioipany's service lying ill ia 'I,, It. 'This ship, which wooai bouit ,' th, 1I e ocroice oIf tile ltII (,I.F lt II I (II O Itt itN otmforto, of caintiy and tttentgC pat. i iittemtid ttitt ii, fromo her size attit i. I; .II, ijtpoto ttinfi hus ever yttt Uttleredt ...