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Advertisements & Notices

... IFIT1 GSOODS054 PASSE.VGBRS. FOR Q-UE BE C, Thie flne fast-sailing Ship * CHRISTIANA, (01 &cs~rbrs') 320 Tons Register-450 Tons Burthen, Capt. A. WILKIE; WVill talks Goods fnr Montreal, to be forwarded at Ship's expense, but Stlipper's risk. Has good Aeconcncocations for Cabin and Steerage Passengers, and will sail on the 20th instant. Apply to the Captain on board the Ship, or ti HOLDER NESS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Whxe MLderptraof Aerrurp. SALUS POPULI LsX SUPREPsA. FRIDAY, JULY 25, ISM4. Cj- The greater portion of our editorial articles may be found in a preceding page, to which they have been trans. ferred. in consequence of an arrangement rendered neces- sary by the peculiar form of our publication of this week. Amongst the articles so classed are the followingr:-Re. marks upon Critics and Criticism ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 111 h0 ?? CO'IAG . containing a parlotr, f kitchen, and threc bed rooms together with a sinalui D gard!n. RentimoderLte.-Apply at ?? Office, Oxford; if by letter, post paid. TO !fMOEIM'¶A E.S. El ?? b,-I DI 1SI;'I ) OF, with imnmediatc! polsrwssion, I T Th- G0OD-WIIL of the 1USIN1SS of a ShiOE- pi MAKER, together with the Stock ilr Tradl-, Tools, an(3 td Fixttures.-Application may be made, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jj/1ISS WILLIS respectfully informs her friends rand the public that her SCHOOL will re-open on Monday the 28th instant. East l/stey, July 23, 1834. 1t. ED-WARDS, Ironmonger, &e. begs to in- form his friends and the public that, having taken SIr. JOHN HlJWETT, his late apprentice, into Partner- ship, the Business will in future be carried on under the firm of EDWARDS and HEWETT. fligh-streel, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11(K, of' EKtser Bitoo K Triisrc: I'ei1- lb'V i tend to RI.iliYCi IIOLf i 31, 'frin rI' N 'rIn' LalliE, 0IrNI ?? TtiN,~~iCl I -ll I'ealld othil lul~, h' tihI~,l- i i Ciel,lhoi, for the 111strule- MOI ofYOUli' L.Afil,l> ` 0 be icretivj ,t 'NIilrd y, the 0thJirlY, Iwtit Mi-ce- II.Illo.rci Iis 'troLt Attele iW to thle Nrllet in gir. din ?? i~trrrla~ oc Edielietii)i (If Itie rl;rip:,t ?? 1a SI- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~i~rft ~GLAJD. NQTIC 15 EIlY GIVEN, , il0111 rtlrlE ?? is iet ! ,\c 11,l'~ll. in the CITY ;y 1 i : l laZrL }; r Eiantsw th l head Offie, 133, , 010 7ti,,aris. I D Ot OHItw-~ ~tr o, *0 tirm Ground 'E L trI ,v Si. bet Bed Room0is, tON ?? ats ?? &tioi Attics Ci0'eCh lil:aE, ansi Other ex cel- re'imoltth wlsu pwards re ith~irt esltilvated Arablealtid P'sturc , I rn i 1 1.brclil loily ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. HUNT'S TRIAL EXPENSES FOB TE PRESTON ELEC TION. Mancbester, June SO, i 8S4. qI1HE Friends of MR. HUNT in Mancherter are respectfully - informed that the Committee appointed at the Temple of Liberty, 24, Oldbam Road, to forward the Subscriptious banded over~to them 'for the purpose of paying a part of Mr. Hunt's expenses Ifor his late trial at Lancaster, have paid to Edmund Seddon, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O iWNERS aud MASTERS of SHIIPS in %vant. of LADS of good Character, with suitable Clothing an* Bedding, will obtain great Advantages by applying to the: IMarine Society's Office, No. 54, Bishliopsgate Street, London , or on Board the Marine Society's Ship, off Greenwich, %vherc Boys are properly trained for Sea. Subscriptions, for StapporL of the Marine Society, are received at the Oflice. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON~ BaLn, A BOUT 10 TON8 01F GREASE BUTTER, of s superior *ality. Apply to Mr P. Hanson, Fernwick's Entry, Nweanstle, F~OR sALE, (Just arrired rr Afar qarrifa, from St. Pete-shurg,) 95(( STj0 ?? PE''EHTSBURG 9lbs. KIPS. 29 1,000 Do. 1011s. Do. Of lirst Quality. Apply to CCAI~lIt. & CO., Brokers. Broad Chuare, N'wenastle on 'Iie, J.uly 2.ltl, iS3-I-. ON AIAr,, -F-I ANN, now arrived from Riga, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n TUESDAY FIRST, THE 22n JULY, ir iE- F}INAL nGLASGOW LOTTERY. )r 'T e ill be drarvyn in Lo ndonD, when LOTTERIES r END, FOR 1VERi ANOTHER large Suppsly of TICKETS & SHARES have arrived at-, i ANDREIV SIEVwVRIGInT'S; : FromT 102, SOUTH BRIDGE, EnBNuRiGH, e From T. BISH- Esq. M.P. and w ill continue on Sale at this VERY FORTUNATE OFricE.(if not previously dis. i posed of) till 12 o!Clocl; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INNERLEITHEN. X .ANNIJAL DINNER -of. the ST RO)NAN'S BORDER CLUB will take place E TilursYi the 7th of August. rnPROFESSOR WILSON in thp Chair. Crolers, the ETYRICK SIIEPHIRliD and H. G. 'ticaliars ;n arrears are requested to pay them up im- ,edliatrL5. T. S5IIBERT,. Int. Secy. .AIA10110 PLACE, 21st July. ABOLITION OF SLAVERY. TIE )comAIMITTrEE of tite DINBURGH ANT!-fSLAVERY SOCIETY propose ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *alto buj fluction. DESIRABLE PRIOPEIRt'i'Y IN SlLI'UIWD. BY MiR. CAPES, At the Bicd LMoll, Old Bridge, Salford, oil Molnday, thle -Jl.dav ol'Aiigust ne'xt, at six o'cliick in the eveLning,I in the folloing or snch other, lots as mlay he deter-I Mi ited up)onii t h fietili of Saile, tin le-S tli5, sanicl beI pri'tvioutsly sold by piivate contract, of which itoticeJ trill, be given: IIf.r 11 ...