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Advertisements & Notices

... IFIT1 GSOODS054 PASSE.VGBRS. FOR Q-UE BE C, Thie flne fast-sailing Ship * CHRISTIANA, (01 &cs~rbrs') 320 Tons Register-450 Tons Burthen, Capt. A. WILKIE; WVill talks Goods fnr Montreal, to be forwarded at Ship's expense, but Stlipper's risk. Has good Aeconcncocations for Cabin and Steerage Passengers, and will sail on the 20th instant. Apply to the Captain on board the Ship, or ti HOLDER NESS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O iWNERS aud MASTERS of SHIIPS in %vant. of LADS of good Character, with suitable Clothing an* Bedding, will obtain great Advantages by applying to the: IMarine Society's Office, No. 54, Bishliopsgate Street, London , or on Board the Marine Society's Ship, off Greenwich, %vherc Boys are properly trained for Sea. Subscriptions, for StapporL of the Marine Society, are received at the Oflice. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS. Downpatrick select SchooL Under the superintendence of a Committee. MR. E. ADAIRFINLAY, MASTER. A T the EXAMINATIONS feld Onl the 30th of M June, and let, 9nd; and 3d of Jaly, PREMIUMS were Awarded to the following Pupils:_ GanEEK._ HoerEdwavrd W. Saul. Xeuophon_0E. ?? Saul, #William Hastings. Greek Granmor_-E. W. -Sail. LATIN. - V'FDri-Samuel Hastings, *E. W. Saul, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - 1~,%ST6LM 3tAILWAY, ico flI flat at further Call of ~ ~ p~ni I AlC'~ 0 nd Cat lisle Railway .12 P p 1 ~ 12I oF thi Said Comlpanly, at C l~ltlilO5 a ii * , Aloe, IS:31f; and the snid Di- ~~ Meet~~i~ hi tl'' !:'.omiwvs, vsis able ?? )vpod is, Ru cr Boyd, E sq., redO15 ii - 11V, il thle Bank of Sir' Mat. sod t \jic,, Noweastlo upon 'Tyise, onl \N'110~ ?? I VNIMdER, Chairman. Neocoi I: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I 2'O.MORROW, tC 1h t I. INS, ?? Collections will be made in the PARISHS CIIYR CH, IN BEHALI OF TIHE NATIONAL SCHOOLS. pregti, July 1212th, 1834. EDUCATION. l- Jii. SS1117`11 EspECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that his ACADFIMY, i; Cannon Street, 11 rccopenl on the 21 st instant. Preston, 7th ,o. 12th, 1834. }ESTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL. HE Public are respectfully informed that this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CONCLUDING LOTTERY,-SWIFT and CO. respectfully state that the GLASGOW LOTTERY, to be Drawn on the 22d of this mouth, is the LAST that will or can be Drawn under the existing Act of Parliament. The fortunate Purchasers have the option of receiving the value of the Prizes (which consist of Freehold Lands and Houses) in Money as soon as Drawn, deducting only 5 per cent. onl those above 1001. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oBtG1f FINSBURY.-PUBLIC DIN- N. T* S. DUtN(COMII, Etq.-Tlhe HLECTolts of , i ' t l it 'rtAlitdtino ('eleh-ratitg the( return of TI. S. 0,1I ., tar itovitei that (;ettleman to DIiNI', withi '1''ili', oiy0, t te Wite Conduit House, at'ou vhoc are tesiro is of Meeting Mr. Duntcomte, are re- for 'I'lP kti t tihe (Rfice (If Mr. J. ('rtoucher, No. 2fl. I. 11,tl iitrl'et. abottle of wine.-The hiot ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s- lso dhe E1DITOR of the ABERDEEN JOURNAL. is R le Please insert the prefixed in your first paper. July 7. Yours, &c. ?? si 1, no se PRESBYTFRY OF STRATHBOGIE. al l Sise, iv in FIN your paper of the 25th ilt. and in the I1erald of the 5th curt. wl I titre is publish/ed an alleged private agreensent, said to be en- Sn e, tored into between the 1]rcshytery of Strathbogie and ahihiv re- e, ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SASiUEL BOYLE, IN returning thanks to his Friends and the Public, v for the kind patronage he has received, during the last twelve years which he has been in business in CORN- MARKET, begs now to inform them, that. in consequence of bis increasing trade, he has REMOVED to that extensive Concern, No. 16, As XN-STREAT, Lately occupied by Josse KANR, Esq. WeuICrI 5E IAS OPENED WITH A WELL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 40) S&hearliog Rants. Dr ?? Rgers, near ANortle/eaclh, GloucestersMire. d-1I HARLES BARTON begs to inform his frienids %__J and the public that his ANNUAL SALE of le SHEARHOGS will take place on Tuesday the 15th of to July, 1334; on which day he will be happy to see those d gentlemen who will favour him with their company, or on h any day after during the season. ., Northleach _lnnual Ram Sale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The following Arez Books lbare been received, for the use o~f Seebseribers to A. BROWN & CO.'S PUBLIC LIBRARY, No. 71, UNION STItEET, AnERDEEN. AIxiN's (Miss) Court of Charles 1. 2 vole. Archer's (Major) Tour in Upper Indlia, 2 vols. Alexander's (Captain) Travels to the Seat of War in the Enst, throligh Russia and the Crimea, in 1829,2 vols. Annual Biographv and Obiticlry, 18 vols. to 1833. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To) CER,1GY-MEN. A NV Cergyma w 1ilhnE to visit the Southern A ~Cyonqt ot l~evoii for it Yale or' two, ean be aueomlnodaited Wlth flinspi- t , ely In- tit-hid, it, e-,hunge tor his (wit Rlesidlelil, tellth ii Ccirviy to give It Title i'(V lsiuy Ordil-~s. Stipeid o ~Intdat i tsa~tlIWIRte. Ad dcems by letter, Inn't- patie~, to IV. NV., Post-Otfle, Tilnot~.16 A CLERG NIAN , M. A of' Trinity ...