Spirit of the Public Journals

... ?? of toje VilDfit 1oltnlal.. THE THIMBLE 111G ADMINISTRATION, It is arnisilng to Obtserve tile Iburstimi rage or wile servile ?? if tihe 1XnijtiitY, ws-ieilevor 011 sins, is ziiaielo i the speeil il 1'i Mr. tanle)~ ou Friday light, We desire lit) better Ifollliiif its ?? ?? t11a1] ?? Sulrelll iif alilgry ep~ithets 131111ihkl 51 1k 111050 poir creatures ?? it, ill 01033) plalter Li I llere ...

Published: Tuesday 15 July 1834
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1898 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... PUBLIC MEETING AT SOUTH SHIELDS, I RELATIVE TO THE CIURLCH. The high churchmen of South Shields, headed by the curates of St. Ililda's, got up a requisition for a public meeting of the friends and mnembers of the Established Church, which. havingr been concocted privately, the parish clerk carrying it about privately in his pocket for signatures, burst upon the church-admiring town, on Sa- ...

Published: Tuesday 15 July 1834
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1818 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Multum in Parvo

... *ultituu in ~arbs On Saturday last a waotidctitlk. alive arti ably fal, nasl asheten in ?? Iat~l C Ci is in1, a IadI was ilt!I alII ( Zto 3 .rJvit k Iti 11 1 I as i, flr '2s. 6d. -lThose t abs i ite tel alib l'icences to keelp ale bouses, fii at, or NII'll'iS 'itijred by Act 9. Gen. IV. Cap 61, qet Is ot ire therei'ef on thtree several Saudlh thle 1st of June antI tile last dat, ia fili ...

Published: Tuesday 15 July 1834
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1089 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... S IVTITZERLAND. [IROM A SIVISS CORRiilEOX1NDENT.] The year IS3) forms an epoch in the History of Switz- erlaid, as it was the commi ncement of its political re- form. The Constitutions of several of the Cantons are already changed, and thus the way is prepared for the re- vision of the general Constitution of thc whole of Switzer- land by legal means. Such a revision was imperiously ca led for ...

Published: Tuesday 15 July 1834
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1621 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... TtIg renowned property, * hich is designated by Mr. George Robins as the pet pface of our favoured county, l:is for many a long year been the hospitable abode of Colonel Fortescue. The residence has always been ac- hnovledged as one of the distinguishing features of North Devon; but we feel that any observations on an estate proverbially one of the most admired, and connected with . ...

Published: Tuesday 15 July 1834
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2102 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... H R G- id BAW0oP, 'r ECVAY, JLY IB, IFl it On the 7th histant, a motiou was aadebl thle Marquis of Chaados ii l the HouscofCo Inotls * that an humble address be ?? a to his Majesty expressitig the deep reireli Id this house feels at the ?? of tlel o r tressed state of tbe agricultural inereSiS oft r coumetry, to which the attention of ?? was spleciall; called in his Majesiy' ela 11 gracious ?? ...

Published: Tuesday 15 July 1834
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 5735 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... BEIsAFMT 12WS-6ETTERO BELFAST-TUESDAY, JULY 15. RESIGNATION OF EARL GREY AND LORD ALT HORP. SINCE the publication of our last number, events of the utmost importance have followed each other in quick sue- cession, -and for a time it was generally believed that the Whig Administration had been totally dissolved. After -the discussions in the House of Commons on Monday eve- ning, Lord Altborp ...

Published: Tuesday 15 July 1834
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2016 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... 1 B3L P n E S S. Wit Iast night received, by Express, the London papers of SAnuRDnY evening, which are sufficiently fruitful in t rumours and unconfirmed-reports, swithout containing any definite information respecting The formation of .a new Ministry, or the re-coiistructiorh of the old one. Both the Lcourier and the Globe mention a report that was extensive- s ly circulated on Saturday, to ...

Published: Tuesday 15 July 1834
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1816 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Agricultural Intelligence

... noviraltural 111teiliffellre, At Shrewvsburv montlylv fair, held on Tuesday. tt the sspply of sheep was lirge ; the trade but dull, a Fat sheep fetelhed f'rfon &i to.7i 2d. per ?? ii tstnre pigs sold rather liswer thatu at last fair ; and v small pigs ?? the prices oft thatL fair. At Blitbridignoit fair, mi NMonday in last sveek, o .tiere was alarge sihom of' aill sorts of cattle, except l tat ...

Published: Tuesday 15 July 1834
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 896 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... NATURAL HISTORY.-Tbe Secretary of the Belfast Academy Natural History Society has received a very valuable microscope for the Academy museum, from the ladies who attended Mr. -Bryce's course of Botany this season. The selection of all instrument, calculated to be of such great use in a public school, was appropriate, and highly creditable to the taste and judgemunt of the donors. 'OnTuesday, ...

Published: Tuesday 15 July 1834
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1054 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... FRENCH PAPERS, [FRocM GATAGNTANI'S MEsSENGE.L] The Sentitielle des Pyrenees of Bayonne of the Sth inst. contains the followin-,-..- A letter from Aldudes, of July 4, states that I at the news of the approaching arrival of General Rodil's army, the Carlist Junta of Navarre, which holds its sittings at Ulisondo, had decided to call out a levy en masse of all the men able to bear arms, from the ...

Published: Tuesday 15 July 1834
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 652 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: News 


... GREATSALE oF UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. I - - - . . I t Mr. Gnl v his bleen selveeed (we presume froml) bt e his klnowledge ol IlnoIrhilIg d1111n), to sell ly ant, ,I . tbm a qualailtit IllredIeemed pledges. Alilongst n the lts will Ile l'odal the folthinirlg arltieles: Su Lord Palinerstsll's )151151r, pledlged li thee years le i Dgo, to eliect a* speediy and final settleolerit DI C'l tle Belaian ...

Published: Tuesday 15 July 1834
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 626 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News