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Advertisements & Notices

... U ut: ' at- - NEW YORK LINE OF PACKETS. SeJis at, the 8th of e , mast*h, viz. JCH-JAY, G.0 n. Gre ~t* * - ?? 00 ptepi , 8th Sept. i *°IaitIIAN.i~ I. HAitix s ?? *0 tons:,sth let. flipFlliD. WY. . H OIc~isI'A - - ?? 60 . -5tiO t.1S. 8th Nov. UNITED STATE:SN. H. HouDaisoc * *620 toils, 8th Dec. Thes~e ships are Bi of the first celet. recently buit In the oir of Newr Y--rk- and, fu~r tmtrenet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COBHETT-IJBRARY. Furth -Edit 3X=- 9 ¢X9WS SEpe11i~g_- EOO1 Containing, besidesall the usual matter of such a book, a clear and concise INTRODUCTiON, TO ENGLISH GRAMMAIL This I Have written by way of-- la ?? to my own h Graimmrar, such a thing having been frequently sug- gested to me by Teachers as necessary. 1. ENGLISH GRAMMAR.-Of this work one hundred thousand copies have now been pubhlsbed. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Journeymen Carpenters and Joiners. A NlTEID Four Good orknimen.-.Apply to Rit. NV~nDavy, Builder, IHalessvoth. A a * ,Brickmnalcerwhthorough ly ide- W sads his business; and a 'ile Maker, wholihas been used to make all Sorts o tFiles, and can have a good risaractev' from their last emplover.Apply personally to Mr. Gall, brickmsker, Mile En~d, Colchcster. }Esqx SCHOOL HOO INGFIELD, NY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jATER WC)RKS.-Tlte Committee ?? , vorks halving soren aii Advertisement in 1. ?? g tile hintch ed Formoatiotn of a Joint 'sO ?? 'uppl'the Tiiu'i With Xl'ater, thillilg it right lbtlt that they have for several Mvonths; past Illtie~ Sbjet ulider their Coilsideriatlio, and Chat 'Ite istructiotnO of a Vestry Meeting, held oil iii~il ofaiiai'~iit, heyhav mnatde diligent Inquiries ?? Soutrce tilie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . A, CARlD. A YOUNG GENTLEMAN, who has a Capital on Aband, and who is well acquainted with general busi- ness, is anxious to vest the amount Ssome mercantile pur- suit, and wishes for a Partner w46 could adlvance a like sum, or thereabouts. (327 For particulars, apply personal4.~r if by letter, (post- paid), at the Office of Mr. JOHN GRAHAM, Belfast, 29tb July; 1834. 1, Arthur-place. NEW 'POT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4IFRICHARD RA-TT, of h~c b19 Garene, hvmg held po - ?h 3r Laud upwvards of theeya 8 ewor *Vf S. BAILEY> Wi4thou PaYing any re glAR to' a abusive iangag towrd .et,, and 11,,S recover possession ;~ gthn n cor seqfor ceyofamy in scodu doig and WII possession, they have 'consented to r. Y et them my Sincere thanks, lY Witness my han ?? ?? ?? Edition, RIiLll ie IL B7 Lieutenato1OX JN S a- Lon~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USEFUL KNOWLEDG. rIRE TRADE qPluped. wfi the,iD TwoieniysD2.patCb, the N l Weekly Police Gazette,' Poor Mac a tlldl,'t &e., at J. SHARP'S, 30, Kent Street, Borough. BEA 7ERR HATS, CAPS, AND BONNETS. T* iJE largest, cheapest, and best ?? assortmeat Of tk ?? above. amed article3, on sale at fired pnices, for cash or ly ROBERT -FRAN KS and Ce., Lotadon House, corner of Redczal,, Dstreet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,Salt b-P Ruittion. b _ .__. 1S1 'INAB3LN P'IlRl'il'T'Y IN SALLOIRD. i3V lilt?. CAPLS, At trin l: ed Lieln. )ld hilrdge; Salford, on Monday, tile dIyv (l AiP 1ctr inst., aItsii o'clock in tihe venlling, * h'te ftollotwiU: or sulch other lots Ius maV be deter- I ii1',1 optllt ;at tihe liloe of sale, Iiliss tlid Smile be I ptevioiS-ly Sold bys piivate cootract, of' which notice wvill be *itien: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tem~IjS3ON.-The well-known bteami-ves- cliyof YM)NBL'RGH, Captain SMARpx, will leave s Nd,2d or August, AOd Falmnouth on Tntelday, 0aieurSYid Goods, callingat Corustueagnd ogpeeto, ,gLFurthe pwtIi~lmare of feasers. Wilcox and Uns st O*tC. u. nd Rt. W. Fox, pabuiuth, antl Lrg~adellhallstreet. JAa EMI(RAIN to VAN DIEMEN'S ,V hAoe Sh~p of 4100Tons btrtifel will sall from the got 6lth October, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .1~CURSION to MARGATE and BACK in LA One1 dgy.-The elegant and first.,rate steatn-packet the ILARt- brftl' iN. Will leave the St. Katherine's Dock Steum.Paeket Wharf a es idy ex at nine Precisely. for Margate, and will return the fi 'saale 'ly arranging to arrive at tile whitrt'early In the evening.- to loIlargate and back l2s.,; either way gos. a 'rfH EDIN~~~BURGH, and GLASGOWc jj ~AM SHIPS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEESO MARKET. BOROUG11 OF DERBY. f TOTICE is hereby Givcn, that the MARKET N ~for the salt of CHiELSY, wilt be held in the Market 'lace of Ciia Borough, on Tuestlay tile 26oh day of August instant, and tNiii it, future be hoeld on the last Tuesday in August. By order, D. T. BALGUV, Town Clerk. Police Office, Derby, Atug. 12, 1834. M~ONEY. S EVERAL Sumisof Mloneyfroin 5,000 toX t5,000, ready ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE PUBLIC. (OMPTON-HOUSE is This Day Ciord for the Pur. P.D pse Of arranging the Stock purchased of idealtrS Lim,~ ?? and SoN, of liold-stre-t, at the dreadful ?? of 7.5 per cent., and which the ProprIetor Intends offering To OR50 oow and following days, at his astst prafst of FIBX pXR CENT. The ?? Jbe ?? esPBsATR, /7 876 Yar.s l.USTRINGS, at 13jd., all colours. > 53i , GROS DE NAPLES. ...