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Advertisements & Notices

... Juzst Pubelishrdl, B e cO .ColrA & Oo. ll, Walerloo Place, London. Mestrs A. BiOlVN & CO. 71, Union Street, Aberdeen, Ann' to be had oJ all Booksellers and Newsmen, price 2d. No. I. of TEE AGRICULTURAL AND INDVUTRIAS MAGAZINE OF THS Sociesyfor the Eacouiragemenlt ?? Industry antdfor Pro. ,aoting Ejctua l Relieffrom the General Distress. CO?01ITTEE. ('lUirman-E. 5. CAYLEY, Esq. M.P. Yorkshire, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WESTPhIALIAN RAWS. VHE SUflCsit5llar has jilst received a supply of particularly iill . T flavouted WlESTPHALIAN HAMS, small sized, amn SL ected J by a Friend upoll the spot. Hle has also got a large lot of the celebrated SCOTCH STILTON 5 CHEESg. The nildernloled articles he can, with the greatest confidence, re- C commend :- t Strail Coloured BRANDY, 10 years olhl. Pale Do. Do. C vears old. d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MOST EEXTENSIVr AND ELEGANT STOCE OF CHINA, GLASS, AND STONEWARE, FOR SALE, Ever offered in the North of Scotland. i EOROGE MFARNS, finding himself unable, ftom his state of '3_w health, to Oive that attention to his Business which it requires, has resolved to retir,;e an1d, with al view to theilitate which, he has comtnenced selling off his extensive Stock of CHINA, DINNER, DESSERT, and TITlA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXI4IBIT ION OF STATUAR D. £SyON.IsL MUONUMENT, CALTON HILL. n ?? has recently adlded e THE FAiLL oF ;MIAZEPPA AND THlE WILD .sr to iis previpusly extensive Exhilrition of Sta- tul) 'i0 Iniia'S For other Eqarestrian Groarps, crlaalv 1 a1esidles Statues of Lord Byron, Sir Waltr :ma1 lD :indiee Thosnisen Lord Lovat. &e. &c. all S.130 tt rnm the Native Rot ha of SaCarland f5 UI ~~ carliares ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC MIEETING. 11S DAY, Air PAUL, the GEN'TJEMAN q 0f CtA)5Il' LECTURES in Sr ANpIrRaV' ., ?? at Two 'rlock, in BErlALP of the WILBER- lC SE TTEIIEN r of FREE PEOPLE of t -R tn UPPER CANADA. TLiho LORD PROVOST in the Chair. ; ANN'UITY AND POUJRS' MONTEY. . \IflTING of PAVERS of these TAX- jS is to be heli in ST ANDREnw'S Ciecocee, on a ?? .t 12 o'clock, to express their opiuion of the ps of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IDIARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY, ABERDEEA. r~fHR ANNUAL COAMPETITION fo,~ BURTSARIES Avill be t ..i hield in thp PITBLIsC HALr, Of MA~lISCIIAT, COLLtEGR, Oil t,! ,~llitfOay the 27ths Octob~er, at 11 o'cloCk. A.1t. I There are FolURt'EEN BUnSABItIs to bel, disposed of by COmIpeti. T tion; viz, one of £12 a year : one of £11 ; three Of £10 each four i' oF £51 each; and tive of linferior ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? nO. L CALEDONIIAN H~UNT. - LE jjERS are particularly requested mrnC4 ' ?? Ki~c ing's Alma Ialn, Dumfries, on 7, 0 2~tr erltnct It Ten ?? i~ at., to take , ?? r we '9 ir~ ters cnnneeted wilth the Ar. 'nnC l'.11 t~l',f lrixDDINCtTON. I'reF~ras. 'Vat SHAPE.Secy. Te E rlEC ION takes place i Friday the 241|1 ;t jil,. ls Arms Ion. cOU;TV OF EDINBURGH. fl ERIFFof the COUNTY of Fl, in terms of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - D.. WYLLIE & SON'% CIRCULATI NG LIBRA R.Y, 51, UNION STREET, ABERDEEN. r I-lE following NEW BOOKS have lately been received for this 'LIIBRARY, to Which most lilTltalSUI)ppieS Oftlle NEW WVOIRKS of eteneral interest are adlled imiimetditely on publication. The gene ral Catalogue of the Library, lately published, will be fiund to contain many thousand Volumes of the principal Books published ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF sURGE1R. j T .. MORGAN will commence his LECTURES in his CLuS$- J It looM, No. 6, Fr.oun, MILL LANE, Onl MOnday evening, dt November, at Six o'clock. The Course will consist of five Lecttirurs ttwk, and an Exaininatiosn on Saturdiiy-certificates for which are received at the Royal Colleges of Surgeons in London and MrA . can at present receive two or three House ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To DRUGGISTS. Immediate EM0s'j. T HE Stock of DRUGS and MEDICINES, in that elegantly T fitted lip SHOP in ELGI-N, now occupied by Mr WILLIAMI OGILVIE, together with the SHOP FURNITURE, and GOOD- WILL of the Concern, will be Sold, by private bargain, or the whole will be given over to ?? Man, at valuation. There being only one Druggist in ElgiA, to any personl who is ac. quninted withi the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it PART OF STANDING STONES OF CULSH, RI TO BE LET, t( AND ESTIMATES WANTED. HEUPPER DivisionoftthisFarm, ?? R T of NEW DEEn, and containing nearly 42 Acres, is still to be Let.-The Ground has been sometime in the Proprietor's hands, and 't considerably improved; the Houses commodious and good; sitna. SC tion pleasant; terms of entry favourable to a tenant; and on the b whole, a desirable ...