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Advertisements & Notices

... SHARES ON SALE. CHARD, Erewash, Gloucester and Berkeley, Mefsey and Irwell, Grand Junction, Stratford-on-Avon. Worcester and Birmingham, and Trent and Mersey Ls-Bristol Oil, and Coal, Chartered, Birmingham and Stafford, Stroud, Birming. ham, and Phlcnix GAs.-Forest of Dean, and Severn and Wye RAILXOAP.-Bristol Dock Shares and Notes.-Bristol Library. -Park-Street Institution.-Bread ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GoBUDON ON LOCOIdOTION. The Second Editidn, etabellished with numerous Engravings, price ls. Gd. in boards, 4 TREATISE upon ELEMENTAL LOCOMOTION and INTE31tRIOR COAMMUNICATION; wherein are explained and illustrated fthe history, practice, and prospects of Steam Carriages, and the comparatite vsaleof- Tornpike Roads, Railways, and Canals. The Second Edition, improved andenalired, with an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T) O TO WHITE SMIMITs AND BELL HANGERS, n- W _,INTiD ii~nnlediately,-A good hand in the r, nt ABOVE BRANCIHES.-Apply to Mr. George te Darby, Ironmongery &C.-Constant employment will R .. be ymivenil id ?? need apply who cannot be recommended se as a? good 'lorkiman, and of sober hatits. at O. °9th,_184. ISLAN OF POR'J'SEA. . O he SOL by PRIVATE CONTRACT -A A ubtaitaandIWELL-BUTILT FR~EER6LD w ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Po,#Q T8Ru 4:~f (Late J36der ~ta the late; ?? P. Travergs Bhsq.,J 1E'PiECTFULAX swqitt4its, the Nbility~,:, Gt~htry , (Vmei:rl Gr loe, aol,' hrl'lbl ~c that,' he' hraqtakeft Andodeit.~e~'ld O'li~th~e ?? ,1vil s tuodergelitg consl~ernhei oj 1ifri-onse'aea ; a ill he teont, ihrtl by kepping at allt I time-S .i EXCELLENTr IAlt 1ttlW .o;1 geellioO'WIN ES nund SPII'TlS, wvilh G(0OD ?? tile faverti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... q LADIES' CHARITY. COMMITTEE. irs. Addison, MDlrs. Cairow, j Mrs. Smith, Irs. Arkwrigbt, Aliss Gradwell, Mrs. wilcockson. 3rs. Baldwin, Mliss Shuttleworth, Fj5HE Ladies and Gentlemen of Preston and the T Neighbourhood are respectfully informed that a GRANOI CO.W'cE.RT. of Vocal and Instrumental Music, for the benefit of the above charity, will take place (by the kind per. mission of-the Ma or, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;4 TqEATRE, OF ARTS,, . VENHlAM-S7rERr, PRES7'ATN. *| '¶1'IIS MECHANICAL EXHIBITION is open I this Evening, and v'ill he open each Evening during the next week, with a Splendid Variety of New Views of the first Towns and Cities in the World. The encouragement Ithe proprietor has received during the last week, bas induced him to exhibit many new Scenes, including the City of Algiers, &c. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I-ICOPETO N ROOMS. MAD MAMEE D'ALBERTI, Pral ?? rclla Scala di Milano e (li Napoli, as', the honour of payine her FIMS' V7ISIT TO EDINBURGH, Adl will give her ND VOC'Al AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT lr )A EVENIN G, tl 7th Novenber inst. * yien i AIoflAN D'Ar eEITI nill lhe assisted lo Dcs ; Aitirl~ay, Dilelin, F. Dun, D. Alurray, I. T. Sille1nn, Platt, and Hlanox. T) ieat sevelL Conc.ert tn ?? at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l' BRISTOL SOCIETY OF ARTISTS. I VTIRD'EXHIBIT[ON ofthe above SOCIETY 1:g tile 'iisTOL PHIILOSOPHICAL INISTITUTIONt, Park-street, is open from 'etn till Five o'clock. DIN, 0 one Shilling: Catalogues. 6d.-Seasoln Tickets, AdintItAncO On ROBEILI TUCKER1, Secretary. . 0oVERNMENT ANNUITIES. - Y a recent Act of Parliament, Depositors in Savings laky, land others, are enabled to purchase Government ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F . FOR COUGHS, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, ASTHMAS, &c. POWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED, under the immediate --Patronage of several of the most disting-uished Nobility and Gentry in the Kingdom; in bottles, at is. lid. and 2s. 3d. each. The great fame this celebrated Medicine has so justly acquired throughout the world in immediately relieving Coughs, Colds, Asthras, &c., and which is ftllY confirmed by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... All -otners, Irom necessity, abridged. Li - 'e MLeeting of the Clergy and Lay Members t] ce of the Church of England. ve NVOTICE is hereby ?? a BIEETING of Ad 1 the CLE RGY and LAY MEMBERS of the t ve ESTABLISHED CHURCH, will be held at the I re Green Row Rooms, Portsmouth, on Monday, the 17th f aT day of November instant, at Twelve ?? at Noon, f s. for the purpose of forining an ASS O CIA TI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lj itt 01I le Thic Vorlu me %so.. withI upward ?? Ftoil ont Wood, pjrt vl2s. cloth bolardsa tN\I 7AL K]INGDOfM ; ARM RAG 'I'D0 11TS IORGAN IZAT.\I' ?? 'Iritlated froml tarollut5il tol tt' I~aif Stttrrlots. ItBy1. MIMUItTRIII, M.D. ?? Cttlir's finert to lthe descrtiptio~n of ope. ti' A irttl ets. %VIticti Vv100 ?? toll o.- rseed enl- It meagle to serve aliY oher Pur- l llieltlg ctOO- I ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s,0: : UN' FIRE Bt9' ESTAB3LISllI 70 BANK; BUILDINGS, CORNHILL, t: CIA2IG'S COURT, CZARINA CO., I. - And .f5, WRncXR 65RRTE, CA VBNDISHESQUARE 0ONDON MANA GER&. CHAntMs POLE, Erq, reanrer. - Charles Boulton, E~i - Fei$ ladbroke, Ea.'4 - Hon. P. Pleydeli Rouveris Ch. 8haw Lefevre;,Eaq. IM. P. Willian Burnie, Esq. lion. Hugh Lindsay John Cockerell, Esq. Charles Littledale, Esq. JamesCamplhell, ...