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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN RAMAGE, ,!I, UXrIOX STR EET, AlREn:DlEE, Er S to iidimcdale his /clflJintni veceived a felerl Assort- m et of S'rODART'S SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Pl artttionlers end Mledical St~udents ii en ?? be sntpplied tcetli all solts ot' Insitriments, and have them Repaired ois same Terms as.lrom Ae JAfaker at London. He is likewise appointed Agent for thr sale of the ADMIRALTY CHAlRTlS. (now in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAMES NICOLL, TN returning thanks to his Customiers, begs leave to inform themut knit I and the Puhlic, that, as he is giving tip Business at Kintore, the he will, from nsind after this dlate, commence Selling of' his present 1til STOCK, Whicih consists of end Brosul and Narron, CLOTHS, VFSTINGS, CORDS, MOLE. I SKINS Black and Colouret M1-'RINOS , PRINTS, COTTONS, IV FLANNELS, S13RGES nusl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... k'ACTICAL CHEMISTRY. - MARISCHAL COLLEGE. .On Twesday the 11th November, at I o'elock, . R CLARK will Open a CLASS for PRACTICAL CHE- u TR-e h]in a Course of Instructiou in the nrt of' A i heeiical Testing,) aud in the Operations pf Cbeunicatl l'hlarinacy. 'rins Class, *rhich is limited to 25 Stamteuts, tvillcontinue three timtes a *eek for five montits; and, if uecesear'y, ANOTHER CLASS Will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC SALE OF TEAS. There will be Exposed to Sale, by Atictioll, in the Sale-Room of the Royal Exchinge., (7lasgo-, on Monday, 24th November, and the days thllowving, till the whole is disposed of; HE Entire Cargo of TEAS, imported in the Camden, direct T l fro CANTOJ, ?? have beet selected with the greatest care, and consist of the. follow hig descriptions- 100 Chests 400 Hnlf 1O. BOHEA. 400 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW WOOLLEN DRAPPERY. TN.Fhi'0L1*RTON) & CO- bett tot initimiate thait they hae 1 A lLNE5 ?? to d~iiir tihter stotlc, z -if 0W i olai c 05istiloi of every thing that is thshionabhle in WOOLLEN D ItA : Linen nnd Cotton SHIR'rINGS_ Londoti HATS, newest sh51p1 ; Servants Ditto, witi gold and silver blinds. 1, Union 0fllUfdin.1o, Nov. 11, 11134. To THE LAEDIES. NjAMIES GtORDON, Sit.i . ,tEtocE~it, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON SNUSTl; SI!OP AND CIGABR DIVAN, NO. 136, Union Street, NC-XT TO EELVTIN'S IOTET., UtNIOX't MUlDGE. IIARILES FYFE takes leav- lo intbrin his 7r1nnerOnss Ciqar _ Jr;ends, Ihat ihe h s eeeitcd a fresh sapplu;tf of tlefincesi jla. .1 1'tItr I' mild HAVANNAH CIGARS, wehich, h ctA Patti'?tlhtlih 1'cca(anmend. : A-llso, a, (;.J {i variety ofTOI-ACCOS, anld more thanfjifty viirtio s sorts of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANES OF YTTIAN COACH. HE Public are respectfully informed that the B A N K S of T Y T H A N C 0 A C H will, on and after the 21st current, and Until 1st March, 1835, start every lawful day from Mr Lays, North Street, at 41, in place of 5 afternoon, and arrive at Mr CO1VIE'S INN, ELLON, at hailf-past 6 o'clock; and start from Ear.on at ?? 7 mornimg, and arsive at AnERDEEN at 10 o'clock. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW CHRISTMAS FRIUITS, At Reduced Prices. PLAYIN2\G.CARDS, 4c. S-c. II Sc it r hits 1;,o to a WILI .l lae IllaUtiity of NRew 'ttU S, ViZ :-CUKRIANT3, M tSCA'TEi., VA.EN'I'IA, Li xs, MTALAGA, alld SUo.TANA 'RAISINS, SwIVIE malld BITTEII LMOCNDS, 'ut'iraly FIGS, NUTJrS, M'ALNUTS, ORANGES, LEMfONS, OR{ANG^E and LEittOl PEE}L, S:C. Allso, on7 Sale, A Great ?? of PLAYIN G CARDS, on low terms. .Y1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. ?? Meeting of ,thle Sw. ANDREW'S SOCIE- TLTY fABEftDEEN will'be held, wihn ?? Abetrdeen, oil M(NDAY the Ist Decembiler, (the AnniversasryI(t5f on Sunday this year,) at two o'clock afternoon. (a The Members celebrate she Anniversary as uskiatl Dinner at half-past lour-. A. ANDERSON, See. Aberdeen, 18th Nov. 11134. rOR SALE, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, VjHAT extensive GRANARY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARD. ;g,_ it G. M E T C A L F begs leave to v 7E ft E acqunitit the, Fatmers in N EW w ,i'ยข D E E R. andi the ueillhlltillf, Parishtes, 0 thit he intends coni inetri ng prnctice as a I , ;g m~ {l, VF'iEIIIWARY SUliGEOx, and will Pei- C s -v\E~v2Jo5 Q > formtl the differlent cpevrations of Spaying, i' Castration, &C. C . /, w y> 41 Mr. Al. tlatters himself that from the R a f(_J! a>_ ?? he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REVIVALIST. Published once a Fortnikqht, PRICE ?? IlAIlFP CE. HI IS Paper is arintet tl on a sheet Crntainitng eight (tsarto pages, ctlos1 pioviltd in double colimti. It contains the Lives o1 Piolis Men .Ilo Wonien-Narratives of Revivals of Religion, ani of itbe proeress of Missionaary. lalanurs-.Coniersious,-Death- beds, atii suc1 ?? wvi-iting as has a ttendency lo sthene to the reader, what ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CuIZAP DRAPEtRY, &c. VANA. W1'ILSO N, 17N returning thanks to the Inba hi tents of Kxsi't, and its Vicz- j nity, l1r.e alngsh a h hrtL receiVed, leg~S to inti- Iuat e, th i I:Ibe1I h as JU, ju t -i to liattil a Seleckion or GOODS, which lie is enabied to Sell at Pi-ices intich lower than hie has done hereto- To heolownj -Irtivles, he would hey to solivil the Pa divl TO the f ~attention :- ...