Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, November 26, 183'&. Biarlv.-At 13yth House, on the l8th inst. the Lady of B. C. URQsUHART, Esq. of Byth, of a dasighter, BHimmvTL-At Thninston, on the l1th inst. the Lady of DustcAz ronatts MISCIIELI., Esq. of a daughter. Married, at KIeith, on the 18th iest., by the Re'. Meaxwell Gordon of Fo- veran, Jonax 0t1ANT, Esq. Solicitor, to MARoGARET MAOclofl r, eldest daughter of the late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?11 Z3frtftdt ri~~ ?? h .- d BIRTIIS, mn Lately, the wife of a plasterer, named Pearse, living in r it Oak-street, Bristol-road, Bath, of three girls, all doing well. The age of ueither of this ?? couple exceeds V11 years. C ce IMARRIED, Lately, Mr. William F zakerley, book-keeper, to Mary Amn, o daughter of Mr. WVilliam Potten, of Stanmore-lBII, Middlesex, and niece of Mr. John Nightingale, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. Lately, at Ilorfield, Tbomas, youngest son of the late T. Bull, cut glass manufacturer, to Elmma Matilda, youngest daughter of the late Stephen Peacock, both of this city, Lately, at St. Mlartin's church, Birmingham, Mr. Robert Goas, to Harriet, only daughter of Mrs. Jarvis, of this city. Oct. IS, at St. Paul's church, the Rev. Wm. John Shattoek, of Cheltenham, to Mary Ann, second ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Temple Ville, Cork, the lady of J. Stack 11furphy, Esq. of a daughter. An extraordinarybirth lately took place at HIoughton, near Market Weighton, Yorkshire. A gipsy was safely delivered of three children in a plantation belong- ing to the Hon. C. Langdale, of that place, who, as soon as he heard of the cir- cumstance, ordered every assistance to be given to the woman, who is now, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... M1ARIMED. A~t Giliin-harnf, Dorset, by the Rter. Henry~ Deane, Archerl James Croft, Esq. of Greenhain Lodge, licrits, to Elizabeth, eldesit daughter of Honry Boyle Deanc, .sq.-At Tenhy, Capt. Puckford, R.N. to Mary,. youngist daughter of thle Rev,. J. F. Muckleston, D. D. Pebordaey of Lichfield and Wolverhampton-At 'St. eorge's, sanvernqufalr, Win. Archibald Campbell, Esq. of Withon-plae, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the Slst ult., at ber ladyshlip rresidence il elle-'t t Right Ron. the Countess of Monster, Of a daughter. 13?~ on the 3lst ult., in Parkfstreet, (Grosvenor5u(roe, the 1 Richard Wildman, Esq., of a son, Grt C0 e 't On the 29th ult., Mra. Frederick Dover, of 6ret Irgl Li a son. elw1 Oa the Sl t ult., in Guildford-street, Irs. Thyars a daughter. baner, On the .10th ult,, the lady ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Wednesday last, at Walton-le-dale, by the Rev. H. W. M'Grath, M.A., Mr. Spencer, surgeon, of this town, to Sarah, eldest daughter of the late Thomas. Barton, Esq., of the former place. On Monday last, at Bispham, by the Rev. C. Hesketh, Mr. Robert.Gracie, draper, Lancaster, to Margaret;,young- est daughter of Mr. Cyrus As pden, of Blakpool.''-'' On Thursday last, Mr. Christopher Berkett' to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - flif l~tarria ' On Mhonday last, Mr. Henry Dickinson, to Miss Ann Johnson.* of Ulverston,. .On Tuesday last, Mr. William Lee, of Manchester, to Miss Ann Davidson, or this town - Same day, Mr. Thomas Marsden, of this town, to Miss Jane Fleming, of Longridge. On Monday last, Mr. Thomas Bibby, to Miss Hannah Pearson, bothofthistown. Same eday,..AM. Thomas Bownesa Wilson, to Miss Sarah ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... aiirt315- Oil the :ist octoher, at her 1,a dyshlip's resednce in Bdigrave Street, London, tho Right II iooneablo the Coun tessr;f Mliostitr, of a daughter. Oil the 2Cth tilt. the Lady of Mialjor Fotheringhiam, York Gate, Rngegitt' Park, London, of a soin. Onl the Mth tilt. at Paris, Lady Scott Donglas, of a daughter. Onl the 2k7h ult., at Acktotth l'arlt, Yorkshire, the lady of John Gully, ESq ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - _ BIRTFr . -Oct. 22, Mt ltlavkwaterto'lo, cominety of Armagh, the la.dy of Arthur Dloniells E'sq. of a dlaigihti'r. MARRIED.- In Ditrdonalil Church, DOt the 'Id itst. by the lies. Andrew, Cleland, 'iRunuel (elotitiut, if Storolilt t. in the euiltity of tinier, Fog. to l-hioUhetli, t.iteLnIn datghter It' te Ito:lte James Joyce, of Tht tiDli-I , I lI . Itn/itc 2.1th lilt. Ib Orhe liev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF EARL SpEARL- It is tithl sinecr rogre. *.e Otann..tcrw h0 p excellent and respmected noblbmran, wh.h the family seat of Althorp, in No`rth~ao the afetntod of Mondaiv. The vencrilb! b6tan long in a ielik nd liin' iHo thu sequence of age and inhirmitties, aid fwore surrin none, though we arc at~fled many. He was a good man, and an upri jr puialii character-the friend of itrtu ry, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ( 1 1 0 , il ltl of' Il .SakyEq 'Ofprilig ' lii d 3 ct'diirta) 1a4. hoI la'! r of' thle 11ev. E1. A ~ve, ei 'ralcnhad. 11 ?? d.~o it, s~u. vin theI lil I:II IEt 'Iit faitoil I clapeh by opeci al liceltoc I)5 t IItC ';itlh soill ?? the ~ ?? atI' ?? Ilre FE Crl'aIi'CC Ilti IIi '.lll~le 6A t ir i~11ehOI 3 ffiookc. ?? Pi'iory, vi thle 'oa crdittvt i'Ltri, th pir,is huc:' it.I, 1. i W ta C ? ...