Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... on mea,4st; ~ V~Jctytd.~ ofBIRTHS, ?? Saturday, the 29th uit, at St. Buryan, Mrs. J. DBase, of- twin eons. Tiie prolificematroii atbher twoprevious conflne. ry sneuts, gave birth to five eihildren,-three on one occasion, alsand two on the other. p by On Sunday, the 7th instant, at Kirkilington Rectory, the he lady of the Rev. P. Ewvart, of a son. ?? Saturday last, the lady of Wma. Smith, Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAfRRIED. Lately, at Publow, Somerset, Mr. W. S. Britton, professor ot music, of Ashley-hill, to Caroline, second daughter of the late Mr. Joseph Gell, maltster, of this cit. Nov. 13, at Redcliff church, Capt. rhomas Furlong, to Sophia, third daughter of Mr. Joseph Horler, of this city. Nov. 17. at St. Paul's church, Mr. Thomas llatkins, son of the late Iv: r. Elias Watkins, to Elizabeth Bou ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRT3.1 At Aston Lodge, in this county, on the 4th instant, the M Hon. Siro. Drury Holden, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. Thursdav last, at St. Peter's Church, by the Rev. James Dean, J. Stead, Esq. Gildersome Hall, Yorkshire, to Charlotte, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Smith, of this town. At Horsley, in this county, on Mlonday, by the Rev. R. H. Feizell, Mir. Isaac Potter, farmer and butcher, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... oil Monday last, Mr. William Jackson, of Woodpluray- ton, to M iss Mlary Copeland, of this town. On Saturday last, Mr. George Morris, to Miss Margaret Walmiley ; on Tuesday last, Mr. John Calvert, to Miss Ann Fisher; on Monday last, Mr. John BPinbridge, to Miss Margaret Lyon ; Mr. Benjamin Raby, to Miss I Ann Wilson; on Saturday last,. lr. Richard Yates,' to Miss Ann Pirker; Mr. Joseph Clare, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THOMAS PARK. ESQ., F.S.A. This amiable and excellent person died on the 26th ultimo, at his house in Church-row, Hamptead, aged seventy-lie years. Lie was originally all engraver in mezzotinto, but having a small patrimony, he soon relin- quisbol that laborious life for the cultivation of biblio- graphy and the Muses. He married a lady of great mu- sical talents, who taught the Duchess of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rVARRIAGEB. On the 2ed instant, at Leek, by the Rev. T. H. Heath. t cote, M.A. Allan Key Lucas, Esq. youngset son of the late b Samuel Lucas, Esq. to Elizabeth, second daughter of Air. P George Keates, all of Leek. 0 On the 20th instant, at Brompton, by the Rev. J. Towns. v end Bennett, W. C. Ayton, Esq. of Gray's Inn-square, I London, to Lucy, youngest daughter of the late Charles t Allen, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, Ji 7rldy last, at the Vicarage at Cheswardine, Salop, the j tbe Rev. C. Miller, of a son. ,a Wednesday, at Birlkenhead, the lady of Wm. Archibald, Z4. oi a son and heir. MARRIED. C Mlonday. the I0th ult. Mir. Robert Gracle, draper, &c. of ,arcaster, to Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. Aspden, of 0aihursday, the 20th ult, at Lytham, Mr. Wilding, mann. ,aicrer to Mary, daughter of Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIl RTHS. Dec. l7, at Britford Vicarage, near Salisbury, the wife of the Rev. It. A. lill, of a daughter. Dec. 2,% at Weston, Di rs. J. 1 . Morgan, of a daughter. Dec. 24, at No. 1, Alfred-street, lBath, the lady of William llale, Esq of .a soil. A R a1 snMA lRUI El). 1Lately, at St. Thomas church, Mr. John Mlonck, tailor, to Miss Elizabeth Hancock, both ol Lower Easton. Dec. IS, at Clotbrd, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXE rT E RI WEDNESD)AY, D)itCECIBElR 7, 1834. Dee. 16, at the house of her father, the R1ev. Edw. Chava, the 0 Lady ,f thL Rcv. t~sm. M Paige, of Slapto~n, of a daughter. (I Thursday the 11th, the Lady of (lal. Delamain, c. a., of c Dec. 70, at Filleigh House, near Chudleigh, the Lady of V J. R Flint, Lsq., of ason Dec. 4, atX Wiveliseombe, the Lady of Captain J. S. Keats, of a son. Dec. 10, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'O t'he 27th November, at Bladon Castle, in this countyl the Lady of Wm; Wildier, Esq. of a son. e t nAI AGES. s At Snstcr, -in this county, on the 1st instant, byhie 'i Rev. Walter Shirley, Mr. Richard Allsop, of Old Millgatq, f Manchester, grocer, to Ellen, youngest datighter of the late'- Mr. Qenry Bradley, of the Rock House, near Birchover. c O'n the 18th ult. at St. Mary's, Nottingham, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At St. Dunnatarn's, Stepney, George, flurtli son of Lhel aie John Harkness, Esq. of Rateliff, to Agncs Jane, youngest daughter of the late George Buchanan, Esq. of Sherborne, Dorset.-At St. Leonard's, London, Francis Hudson, Esq. 61st Regiment, to Louisa, second daughter of the late Jas. Esdaile Hamtnet, Esq.-At Edgbaston, Owen Owen, Esq. of Colesbill, Warwickshire, to Mary Anne, only daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 15i; Chnariotte:Sqttare; on thle 18th currazt, tile Lady of JTouH CUsytNGRstn; a.sq. of fluchrae, of at son and heir. - At Clurqmont Parl; Leith ontle 17th current, Mrs Atrx. ANDESR MlLE.eR. of a daughter. At29, Melville Street, on the 1ath current, the Lady of JAMES JatonDN, ESq. of a daughter. At Sulaterfleideld,'Leitht, oe! thme l4th current, the Lady, of Captain ByosR, royal actrlilery, ...